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The Amish
by Ammon Monroe Aurand, Jr.
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This is a short pamphlet about the Amish written in the 1930s by
A.M. Aurand, Jr., a local Pennsylvania writer who self-published
a number of similar booklets.
Written in a conversational style, this outsider account is sympathetic
and provides a surprising amount of detail about
Amish and Mennonite religious beliefs and practices.
Because Amish life is deeply conservative, this treatment remains
useful for understanding their culture, even though it was written decades ago.
Title Page
An Amishman Writes
These Odd Folk Called ''Amish''
Quaintness of Hair Styles and Dress Attract Attention
Amish In Mifflin County Accounted Leading Conservatives
Amish and Mennonites Are World-Famed Agriculturalists
Religious Services Are Held In Their Houses and Barns
Bundling and Marriage Customs Are Interesting and Unique
Funerals and Superstitions Attract Outside Interest
Temperance and Frugality Are Two Outstanding Attributes
Woman's Place Is In the Home and In the Harvest Fields
The German Language and ''Dutch'' Dialect Familiar To All
Historical Account of the Amish and the Mennonites
Amish-Mennonite Statistics
The True ''faith and Practice'' of the Brethren, or ''Dunkers''
Books About the Amish and the Mennonites