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Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, [1887], at


In preparing the manuscript of Solar Biology for the press we have in many instances embodied the author's idea in our own phraseology; and should diversity of style be observed, it may be accounted for on that ground: we have also frequently carried out his lines of thought to greater length, but strictly in conformity with the basic principles of the science, which admits of an almost unlimited expansion of details: we have also at times introduced collateral matter, to the end of more fully illustrating the subject by what seemed to us useful suggestions. The most extended additions of this kind will be found on page 30, commencing with the third paragraph and extending to the first paragraph of page 33. Again, on page 83 will be found a chapter entitled "Courage and Consolation to All," which, though not strictly essential to the work, we trust may be found to contain interesting and profitable suggestions relative thereto.

We have also supplied an Appendix (see page 279) wherein we follow out a line of deductive thought suggested by the subject-matter of page 41, and therein endeavor to throw light, from the focus of this science, on some of the most momentous themes that have occupied and perplexed the ablest minds for centuries, and we trust the suggestions in this department will prove of service to all earnest thinkers.

In addition to the above explanation we wish to submit a few thoughts regarding the work itself. It is an admitted scientific axiom that man is a world in miniature; yea, more, an epitome and

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image of the universe itself! This being so, man necessarily holds a definite relation to all its parts, both near and remote. His immediate dependence on the elements of this globe—earth, air, fire, and water—is too obvious and familiar to require more than mention; but this planet, earth, is but a single function of the solar system, which, in turn, stands intimately related and dependent on other systems: thus the material universe is bound together, and its various parts are interdependent as virtually as the vital functions of the human system, no one of which can be affected without reacting and influencing the whole body. Man, therefore, is not a citizen of this world merely, but of the solar system and the universe in all its parts, both visible and invisible; consequently there is not a star that shines or a sun that burns but what has expression in his being, either active or latent.

The philosophical truthfulness of this proposition we think must be admitted by every reasoning mind; but the question arises, Can we trace this relation, can we demonstrate this influence? To this, so far as the immediate planets are concerned, Solar Biology answers, Yes!

The relations that the various elements of earth sustain to each other have been ascertained only by careful and persistent observation and experiment. The elaborate and exact results of science, chemistry, etc., have been reached by processes of investigation, until a vast amount of experimental and useful knowledge has been acquired; nor is this line of research, observation, and experiment limited to visible substance. We cannot see electricity, but we know of its existence through its manifestations, and have found means to utilize its force, not only for the transmission of intelligence, but for the production of light, heat, and power, and also as a remedial and chemical agent. But human observation extends beyond the confines of the earth, and defines the positions and movements of the heavenly bodies, even analyzing their chemical and other constituents; also demonstrating

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that they exert a decided influence over each other, the knowledge of which has led to the discovery of additional planets.

In 1846 it was observed that Uranus (then recently discovered) when in certain positions deviated from its course, which implied the existence of a then unknown planet. Several astronomers brought their telescopes to bear upon the indicated portion of the heavens, and Neptune was discovered, and thus the cause of the eccentricity explained. The attractive influence of the sun and moon in heaping up the waters and causing the phenomena of the ocean tides is also well understood.

We can trace how the alchemy of the Middle Ages has been transformed into the exact, elaborate, and useful science of chemistry, and a corresponding progress has also been made in astronomy and other branches; but have all lines of research been exhausted? is there nothing more to learn? Far from it; our present knowledge is relatively but as a drop in a bucket, and Solar Biology introduces a field of research which, through observation and experiment, will come in time to be recognized and appreciated as being as demonstrable as chemistry or astronomy.

If the sun, moon, and planets exert an influence on the earth as a whole, they must necessarily affect each thing in particular, and their relation to man, and the nature he derives by virtue of their positions is what Solar Biology undertakes to demonstrate. Conceding that they exert an influence in a general way, is it not presumptuous to attempt to draw the line, and say their relation to the nature and character of man cannot be traced? We might as fittingly say that it is enough to know that the sun gives light and heat; but it is found that the ray of light can be analyzed, can be separated into its different colors, its various vibrations ascertained, chemical action determined, and many other wonderful and useful things demonstrated. Solar Biology, so to speak, turns the spectrum of planetary influence upon the phenomena of human life, and analyzes its significance.

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We are constantly discovering in life and nature volumes of interior meaning. The external senses merely perceive the surface facts: we place an insect, a leaf, a drop of water beneath the microscope, and endless wonders are revealed of organization within organization, cell within cell, life within life. We bring the lens of the telescope to bear upon the heavens: nebula is resolved into stars, and millions of shining orbs stand out in the depths beyond the sphere of natural vision. In whatever direction the human mind is turned, revelations await it deeper than the surface sense perception; and this is true from centre to circumference, from atoms to worlds.

For instance, we are in the habit of regarding the revolutions of the earth around the sun as a mere arrangement for giving the changing seasons of the year; but Solar Biology reveals another and highly important use; viz., that the varying positions not only produce different seasons and stages of fruitfulness, but different human types and qualities, and that we are as dependent on its revolutions for one as for the other, and that corresponding effects on character also result from the changing positions of the planets.

The sun is in reciprocal relations with the shining orbs of space, and is constantly receiving and imparting different magnetic and electric qualities from and to the different quarters of the heavens, and the earth and planets are correspondently affected while passing through each of these four grand or twelve minor divisions or currents of the zodiac, and are therefore for the time being immersed in a specific vital or heavenly quality.

The fact of the heavens being possessed of twelve distinct natures or functions was well understood by the ancients, who accordingly divided the zodiac into twelve corresponding divisions or signs.

Intuitive perception almost invariably precedes scientific demonstration or experimental proof, and there has evidently been

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a period in the past when intuition was highly unfolded. Thus there comes down to us as an heirloom from the early ages, the idea that the zodiac of our solar system embraced in orderly arrangement the functions of a Grand Man, and modern almanacs still preserve the figure of a man with the twelve departments of the body each related to a distinct sign of the zodiac; and thus we are led to realize that the symbol of the universe from the least to the greatest is that of a MAN, and that individual existence is evolved from the heavens by an orderly, exact, and even mathematical process. Plato tells us that the Creator of the earth and heavens "geometrizes" even to the minutest particle of matter. He works by method and law; and man, being in his image and likeness, is capable of perceiving and understanding his works and ways.

It is claimed that character is expressed in the countenance, embodied in the cranium, even written in the hand; but Solar Biology introduces the student into the grand workshop of the solar system, not only defining character and function, but supplying the key to self-knowledge and harmonious human relatedness; and, further, it opens up a knowledge and understanding of the principles and laws by which human evolution is being carried forward, and the infinite variety of forms and natures brought into being on the planet earth.

We see that twelve embodies the fulness of the signs of the zodiac, and consequently of the universal heavens. Is it not then significant that in laying the biblical foundations for the regeneration of humanity, the work should proceed with the twelve sons of Jacob, and twelve tribes of Israel? Again, Christ surrounds himself with twelve apostles. Revelation states that twelve thousand of each of the twelve tribes or natures are to be sealed, thus signifying that the order and fulness of the heavens is to be restored to earth and humanity.


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