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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

      .     This following is  an excerpt from "Psi  Notes", prepared by  William
      Braud, Ph.D., of the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas.
      Question:   What percentage of a person's dreams are precognitive (foretell
      the future) and how  can we recognize the difference between a precognitive
      dream and an ordinary dream?
      Answer:    A large  proportion  of  precognitive  experiences occur  during
      dreams.   One survey indicates that  as many as 65  percent of precognitive
      experiences  occurred  during sleep.    Precognitive  dreams also  seem  to
      provide  more complete and more accurate information than do waking psychic
      .   There's no way to know with certainty what percentage of our dreams are
      precognitive.  The content of the majority of our dreams is probably quite
      mundane, involving replays of experiences of the day, perhaps some wish
      fulfillment, and maybe  even "random" content.  But now  and then, dreamers
      do have accurate glimpses of the future as they sleep.
      .    The only way to know  with certainty which dreams are precognitive and
      which are not is to keep a dream diary of all dreams and check to see which
      come true  and which  don't.   Some persons are  able to  associate certain
      feelings of confidence  in connection with psychic  dreams - but these  are
      very subtle  feelings which are difficult  to put into words  and which may
      differ from person to person.
      .    Let me describe  a program of  research in which  we are more  certain
      about what's going on.  This research program was initiated by a New York
      psychiatrist, Dr. Montague Ullman, as  a result of his observation that  he
      and  his  patients  were  sharing  telepathic  dreams  in  the  context  of
      psychotherapy.   A dream laboratory was set up at Maimonides Medical Center
      in  Brooklyn.   Ullman,  along with  his  associates Stanley  Krippner  and
      Charles  Honorton, designed experiments in which persons spent the night in
      the dream lab.   They  were monitored electro-physiologically  in order  to
      detect physiological  indications of dreaming -  these indications include:
      an activated EEG, rapid  eye movements, and  reduced muscle tension.   When
      these  indications of dreaming occurred, the sleeper was awakened and asked
      to describe his  dream.   These descriptions were  tape-recorded and  later
      transcribed.  The  next day, a target experience was  randomly selected and
      the  subject then went  through some waking  sensory experience.   What was
      discovered  was that  the sleeper was  able to  have accurate  dreams about
      events of which no one was as yet aware at the time of the dream, but which
      were randomly selected the next day.

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