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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                                     MAY DAY CHANT  ONE 
                Here we come apiping, 
                In Springtime and in May; 
                Green fruit aripening, 
                And Winter fled away. 
                The Queen she sits upon the strand, 
                Fair as lily, white as wand; 
                Seven billows on the sea, 
                Horses riding fast and free, 
                And bells beyond the sand. 
           Valiente, Doreen; "Witchcraft for Tomorrow"; Phoenix Publishing 1985 
                                     MAY DAY CHANT  Two 
           The  High  Priestess and  High Priest  lead  a ring  dance  around the
           bonfire. Start out with "A Tree Song" from Rudyard Kipling's "Weland's
           Sword" story in "Puck of Pook's Hill".   
                "Oh, do not tell the Priest of our Art, 
                Or he would call it sin; 
                But we shall be out in the woods all night, 
                A conjuring summer in! 
                And we bring you news by word of mouth 
                For women, cattle and corn 
                Now is the dun come up from the South 
                With Oak, and Ash and Thorn!" 
           Farrar, Janet and Stewart; "Eight Sabbats For Witches"; Robert   Hale
                               STAG CALL also MAYCHANT THREE 
           The  men gather around the fire, next  to their partners, and they say
           in unison: 
                "I am the stag of seven tines; 
                I am a wide flood on the plain; 
                I am a wind on the deep waters; 
                I am a shining tear of the sun; 
                I am a hawk on a cliff; 
                I am fair among flowers; 
                I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke." 
           Graves, Robert; "The White Goddess"; Farrar 1970 
           Transcribed to computer files by Seastrider 

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