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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                           Quarter Calls for The Dragon Tradition 
           Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the East.  Your tongue is
           a sharp sword, cutting with the knowledge of the arcane.  Your spirit
           flows as graceful as a swift in flight.  Purify us with truth.
           Blessed Be.
           Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the South, your breath is
           aflame with the  fires of  inspiration and  passion.   Your spirit  is
           searing and fervent.  Purify us with Love.  Blessed Be.
           Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the West, your coils are the
           cleansing  healing waves that nurture  the soul.   Your spirit lunges,
           leaps  and splashes  like a Talbot  at play.   Purify  us with pulsing
           tides. Blessed Be.
           Mighty Dragon, Guardian of the realms of the North, your talons run
           like roots into the earth, giving you  infinite strength.  Your spirit
           is substantial,  hard and pure like  a clear crystal.   Purify us with
           persistant wisdom.  Blessed Be
           Each of  these Dragons has a  secret name that they  are also invoked-
           with.  A suggestion is that anyone using these invocations meditate to
           find an  appropriate name for each  Guardian and use it  along with or
           instead of the words "Mighty Dragon".
           Blessed Be.
           ... Copyright 1992 - DragonHart Coven - All Rights Reserved  

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