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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                                       A PAGAN AWAKENING 
             A new life is there, 
             You hear Her now, 
             She was always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So listen to Diana, and accept Her love. 
                   Hoard not Her gifts : feeling, renewal, music. 
             A new life is there, 
             You see Him now, 
             He was always there, 
             and you're forever changed. 
                   So look to Apollo, and receive His light. 
                   Hoard not His gifts : healing, growth, joy. 
             A new life is there, 
             Your hands reach it now, 
             It was always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So touch the earth, and partake of it's sustenance. 
                   Hoard not it's gifts : body, green, silence. 
             A new life is there, 
             You soar with it now, 
             It was always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So breathe in the air and gather the wind. 
                   Hoard not it's gifts : mind, dreams, empathy. 
             A new life is there, 
             You're warmed by it now, 
             It was always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So build the flame and brave it's heat. 
                   Hoard not it's gifts : spirit, will, energy. 
             A new life is there, 
             You flow with it now, 
             It was always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So study the ocean and follow it's tides. 
                   Hoard not it's gifts : self, courage, sorrow. 
             A new life is there, 
             You're one with them now, 
             They were always there, 
             and You're forever changed. 
                   So take Their gifts and return them threefold. 
                   Share this magic : friendship, love, trust. 
                               .... Jeff A. Bordeaux  4 Jan 89 
             InterVisioN "The ParaNormal Connection" 603-547-6485 HST 

Next: A Call To Lord And Lady (Jeff Bordeaux)