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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                        GREAT RITE
                                 by Vivienne West
           (For J.M., commemorating Full Moon 30/1/91)
            Still is the night, and the clock silent.
                 Water from somewhere drips,
              A breeze moves amongst your hairs.
              The Bird, her beak poised, watches
                   As I caress you, child,
             With an absent movement of my hands,
                     My mind elsewhere.
                   She of the Silver Wheel
            Wheeling in darkness her silver overhead
                 Watches more than passively
            As in Her name I take you and bless you;
                    And the Dark Hunter,
                     Jewels in His belt,
                   Takes you for His own,
                   Takes me in your flesh
               His magical scabbard at His side,
             Sword outraised, unutterably distant
                 Yet manifest here in you...
             And I, primal woman and primal queen,
              Feel Her powerful darkness stirring
          And shouldering me aside within my own flesh
           As I call Her forth, She of the sky-castle
             Spinning dizzily overhead seen unseen;
      And I stand by and watch as the Hunter fills your body
            (you, no doubt, standing by and watching)
      As the Dark Lady fills my body and clothed in our flesh
                         They mate
           (...but I did not tell you, nor did you ask
        that this is the time of my greatest fertility...)

Next: Ishtar, Inanna, & Ancient Astrology (Valkyrie)