Chapter IX.—Simon Attacks Peter.
No sooner had he reached Beyrout than an earthquake took place; and the multitude, running to Peter, said, “Help us, for we are afraid we shall all utterly perish.” Then Simon ventured, along with Appion and Anubion and Athenodorus, and the rest of his companions, to cry out to the people against Peter in public: “Flee, friends, from this man! he is a magician; trust us, he it was who caused this earthquake: he sent us these diseases to terrify us, as if he were God Himself.” And many such false charges did Simon and his friends bring against Peter, as one who could do things above human power. But as soon as the people gave him a moment’s quiet, Peter with surprising boldness gave a little laugh, and said, “Friends, I admit that I can do, God willing, what these men say; and more than that, I am ready, if you do not believe what I say, to overturn your city from top to bottom.”