Abel, the relation of, to Christ, 299. See Cain.
Abraham, the era in the life of, from which a new succession begins, 318; time of the migration of, 319, etc.; the order and nature of God's promises to, 320, etc.; the three great kingdoms existing at the time of the birth of, 321; the repeated promises of the land of Canaan made to, and to his seed, 321; his denial of his wife in Egypt, 322; the parting of Lot and, 322; the third promise of the land to, 322; his victory over the kings, 323; the promise made to, of a large posterity, 323; the sacrifices offered by, when the covenant was renewed with, 324; the seed of, to be in bondage 400 years, 325; Sarah gives Hagar to, 325; the promise of a son given to,—receives the seal of circumcision, 326; change of the name of, 327; visit of three angels to, 327; his denial of his wife in Gerar, 328; birth of his son Isaac, 328; his offering up of Isaac, 329; death of his wife Sarah, 330; what is meant by marrying Keturah after Sarah's death? 330; the time of the fulfillment of the promise made to, respecting Canaan, 337.
Abyss, casting Satan into the, 427.
Achior, his answer to Holofernes' inquiry respecting the Jews, 319.
Adam forsook God before God forsook him, 251; in Paradise; his temptation and fall, 271, etc.; nature of his first sin, 272; an evil will preceded his evil act, 273; the pride involved in the sin of, 274; the justice of the punishment of, 274, etc.; the nakedness of, seen after his base sin, 276; the fearful consequences of the sin of, 241, 245, 260.
Æneas, 45; time of the arrival of, in Italy, 371.
Æsculapius, sent for to Epidaurus by the Romans, 54; a deified man, 104.
Affections of the soul, right or wrong according to their direction, 266, 267, 268.
Africa, a fearful visitation of, by locusts, 62.
Albans, the wickedness of the war waged by the Romans against, 49.
Alexander the Great, the apt reply of a pirate to, 66; and Leo, an Egyptian priest,—a letter of, to his mother Olympias, 147, 165; invades Judea, 388.
Alexandra, queen of the Jews, 388.
Alms-deeds, of those who think that they will free evil-doers from damnation in the day of judgment, 468, 475.
Amor and dilectio, how used in Scripture, 266.
Amulius and Numitor, 371, 372.
"Ancient compassions, Thine," sworn unto David, 351, etc.
Anebo, Porphyry's letter to, 187, etc.
Angels, the holy things common to men and, 163, etc.; not mediators, 174; the difference between the knowledge of, and that of demons, 177; the love of, which prompts them to desire that we should worship God alone, 184; miracles wrought by the ministry of, for the confirmation of the faith, 185, etc., 188, etc.; the ministry of, to fulfill the providence of God, 190; those who seek worship for themselves, and those who seek honor for God which to be trusted about life eternal, 190; rather to be imitated than invoked, 196; the creation of, 209, etc.; whether those who fell partook of the blessedness of the unfallen, 211; were those who fell aware that they would fall? 212; were the unfallen assured of their own perseverance? 212; the separation of the unfallen from the fallen, meant by the separation of the light from the darkness, 215; approbation of the good, signified by the words, " God saw the light that it was good," 215; the knowledge by which they know God in His essence, and perceive the causes of His works, 222; of the opinion that they were created before the world, 223; the two different and dissimilar communities of, 224,etc.; the idea that angels are meant by the separation of the waters by the firmament, 225; the nature of good and bad, one and the same, 226; the cause of the blessedness of the good, and of the misery of the bad, .229; did they receive their good-will as well as their nature from God? 230; whether they can be said to be creators of any creatures, 242; the opinion of the Platonists that man's body was created by, 243;the wickedness of those who sinned did not disturb the order of God's providence, 282; the " sons of God " of the 6th chapter of Genesis not, 303, etc.; what we are to understand by God's speaking to, 313; the three, which appeared to Abraham, 327; Lot delivered by, 328; the creation of, 479.
Anger of God, the, 306, etc., 471.
Animals, the dispersion of those preserved in the ark, after the deluge, 314, etc.
Animals, rational, are they part of God? 71.
Antediluvians the long life and great stature of, 291, etc.; the different computation of the ages of, given by the Hebrew and other MSS. of the Old Testament, 291, etc.; the opinion of those who believe they did not live so long as is stated, considered, 292; was the age of puberty later among, than it is now? 296, etc.
Antichrist, the time of the last persecution by, hidden, 394, etc.: whether the time of the persecution by, is included in the thousand years, 433; the manifestation of, preceding the day of the Lord, 437, etc.; Daniel's predictions respecting the persecution caused by, 443, etc.
Antipodes, the idea of, absurd, 315.
Antiquities, Varro's book respecting human and divine, 111.
Antiquity of the world, the alleged, 232, etc.
Apis, and Serapis, the alleged change of name, worshipped, 363.
Apollo, the weeping statue of, 47.
Apostles, the, whence chosen, 391.
Apuleius, referred to, or quoted, 26, 65, 152; his book concerning the God of Socrates, 153; his definition of man, 155; what he attributes to demons, to whom he ascribes no virtue, 166, 167; on the passions which agitate demons, 169; maintains that the poets wrong the gods, 169; his definition of gods and men, 170; the error of, in respect to demons, 197, etc.
Aquila, the translator, 304, and note.
Argos, the kings of, 363, 364; the fall of the kingdom of, 368.
Ark, the, of Noah, a figure of Christ and of His Church, 306, etc.; and the deluge, the literal and allegorical interpretation of, 307; the capacity of, 307; what sort of creatures entered, 307; how the creatures entered, 308; the food required by the creatures in, 308; whether the remotest islands received their fauna from the animals preserved in, 314, etc.
Ark of the covenant, the, 191.
Art of making gods, the invention of the, 161.
Assyrian empire, the, 362; close of, 371•
Athens, the founding of, and reason of the name, 365.
Atys, the interpretation of the mutilation of, 137.
Augury, the influence of, 77, 79, 80.
Aulus Gellius, the story he relates in the Noctes Atticæ of the Stoic philosopher in a storm at sea, 167, 168.
Aventinus, king of Latium, deified, 371. 372.
Babylon, the founding of, 312, etc.; meaning of the word, 313, 385.
Baptism, the confession of Christ has the same efficacy as, 248, 255; of those who think that Catholic, will free from damnation, 467, etc., 472, etc.; other references to, 487.
Barbarians, the, in the sack of Rome, spared those who had taken refuge in Christian churches, 2.
" Barren, the, hath born seven," 341.
Bassus, the daughter of, restored to life by a dress from the shrine of St. Stephen, 489.
Bathanarius, count of Africa, and his magnet, 455.
Beast, the, and his image, 431.
Beatific vision, the nature of, considered, 507–509.
Beauty of the universe, the, 214.
Birds, the, offered by Abraham, not to be divided, —import of this, 324.
Birds, the, of Diomede, 369, 370.
Blessed life, the, not to be obtained by the intercession of demons, but of Christ alone, 175.
Blessedness, the, of the righteous in this life compared with that of our first parents in Paradise, 212; of good angels, —its cause, 229, etc.; the true, 281; eternal, the promise of, 480.
Blessings, the, with which the Creator has filled this life, although it is obnoxious to the curse, 502–504.
Boasting, Christians ought to be free from, 99.
Bodies, earthly, refutation of those who affirm that they cannot be made incorruptible and eternal, 253; refutation of those who hold that they cannot be in heavenly places, 254, etc.; of the saints, after the resurrection, in what sense spiritual, 255; the animal and spiritual, 257, 258; can they last forever in burning fire? 452–454; against the wise men who deny that they can be transferred to heavenly habitations, 481; the Platonists refuted, who argue that they cannot inhabit heaven, 492; all blemishes shall be removed from the resurrection bodies, the substance of, remaining, 493; the substance of, however they may have been disintegrated, shall in the resurrection be reunited, 498; the opinion of Porphyry, that souls must be wholly released from, in order to be happy, exploded by Plato, 505.
Body, the, sanctity of, not polluted by the violence done to it by another's lust, 12, 13; the Platonic and Manichæan idea of, 265, etc.; the new spiritual, 499; obviously meant to be the habitation of a reasonable soul, 503.
Body, the, of Christ, against those who think that the participation of, will save from damnation, 467, 468.
Body of Christ, the Church the, 496
Bread, they that were full of, —who? 341.
Breathing, the, of God, when man was made a living soul, distinguished from the breathing of Christ on His disciples, 259.
Brutus, Junius, his unjust treatment of Tarquinius Collatinus, 32, 52, 53; kills his own son, 99.
Bull, the sacred, of Egypt, 364.
Burial, the denial of, to Christians, no hurt to them, 9; the reason of, in the case of Christians, 10, etc.
Cæsar, Julius, the statement of, respecting an enemy when sacking a city, 4, etc.; claims to be descended from Venus, 44; assassination of, 62.
Cain, and Abel, belonged respectively to the two cities, the earthly and the heavenly, 285; the fratricidal act of the former corresponding with the crime of the founder of Rome, 286, etc.; cause of the crime. of, —God's expostulation with,—exposition of the viciousness of his offering, 288, 289; his reason for building a city so early in the history of the human race, 289, etc.; and Seth, the heads of the two cities, the earthly and heavenly, 298; why the line of, terminates in the eighth generation from Adam, 299‑302; why the genealogy of, is continued to the deluge, while after the mention of Enos the narrative returns to the creation, 302, etc.
Cakus (κακδς), the giant, 408.
Camillus, Furius, the vile treatment of, by the Romans, 32, 54, 99.
Canaan, the land of, the time of the fulfillment of God's promise of, to Abraham, 338.
Candelabrum, a particular, in a temple of Venus, 456, 457.
Canon, the ecclesiastical, has excluded certain writings, on account of their great antiquity, 383.
Canonical Scriptures, the, 206, 382; the concord of, in contrast with the discordance of philosophical opinion, 384, 385.
Cappadocia, the mares of, 456.
Captivity of the Jews, the, the end of, 374.
Captivity, the, of the saints, consolation in, 10.
Carthaginians, the, their treatment of Regulus, 11.
Catholic truth, the, confirmed by the dissensions of heretics, 392.
Cato, what are we to think of his conduct in committing suicide? 16; excelled by Regulus, 16; his virtue, 95; was his suicide fortitude or weakness? 402.
Ceres, 131, 133; the rites of, 131.
Chæremon, cited by Porphyry in relation to the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, 188.
Chaldæan, a certain, quoted by Porphyry as complaining of the obstacles experienced from another man's influence with the gods to his efforts at self-purification, 186.
Charcoal, the peculiar properties, of, 454.
Charity, the efficacy of, 476.
Chickens, the sacred, and the treaty of Numantia, 58.
Children of the flesh, and children of promise, 285.
Christ, the preserving power of the name of, in the sack of Rome, 1, etc., 5, etc.; the mystery of the redemption of, at no past time awanting, but declared in various forms, 140, etc.; the incarnation of, 195: faith in the incarnation of, alone justifies, 195; the true Wisdom, but Porphyry fails to recognize, 198; the Platonists blush to acknowledge the incarnation of, 199, etc.; the grace of, opens a way for the soul's deliverance, 202, etc.; the knowledge of God, attained only through, 205, etc.; possessed true human emotions, 269, etc.; the passion of, typified by Noah's nakedness, 310; described in the 45th Psalm, 353. 354;the priesthood and passion of, described in the 110th and 22d Psalms, 355; the resurrection of, predicted in the Psalms, 355; the passion of, foretold in the Book of Wisdom, 356; the birth of, 389; the birth and death of, 394. 395; Porphyry's account of the responses of the oracles respecting, 415, etc.; the world to be judged by, 449, etc.; the one Son of God by nature, 465; the Foundation, 473; the world's belief in, the result of divine power, 484; the measure of the stature of, 495; the Perfect Man, and His Body, 496; the body of, after His resurrection, 498; the grace of, alone delivers us from the misery caused by the first sin, 500, 501.
Christian faith, the certainty of, 413.
Christian religion, the, health-giving, 41; alone, revealed the malignity of evil spirits, 141; the length it is to last foolishly and lyingly fixed by the heathen, 394–396.
Christianity, the calamities of Rome attributed to, by the heathen, 11, 24; the effrontery of such an imputation to, 62.
Christians, why they are permitted to suffer evils from their enemies, 18; the reply of, to those who reproach them with suffering, 19; ought to be far from boasting, 99; the God whom they serve, the true God, to whom alone sacrifice ought to be offered, 415, etc.
Chronology, the enormously long, of heathen writers, 232, 233; the discrepancy in that of the Hebrew and other MSS. in relation to the lives of the antediluvians, 291, etc.
Church, the sons of the, often hidden among the wicked, and false Christians within the, 21; the indiscriminate increase of, 391, the endless glory of, 436, etc.; the body of Christ, 397, etc.
Cicero, his opinion of the Roman republic, 35; on the miseries of this life, 401; his definition of a republic, —was there ever a Roman republic answering to it? 155, 156; variously quoted, 27, 29, 30, 41, 51, 55, 60, 61, 78, 80, 81, 96, 121, 239, 483.
Circumcision, instituted, 326; the punishment of the male who had not received, 327.
City of God, the, 196; the origin of, and of the opposing city, 205; nature of, and of the earthly, 284; Abel the founder of, and Cain of the earthly, 285; the citizens of, and of the earthly, 285; the weakness of the citizens of, during their earthly pilgrimage, 287, and the earthly compared and contrasted, 396; what produces peace, and what discord, between, and the earthly, 412, etc.; the eternal felicity of, 509–511.
Claudian, the poet, quoted, 106.
Cœlestis, 25 and note; the mysteries of, 40.
Collatinus, Tarquinius, the vile treatment of, by Junius Brutus, 32, 52, etc.
Concord, the temple of, erected, 59: the wars which followed the building of, 60, etc.
Confession of Christ, the efficacy of, for the remission of sins, 248.
Conflagration of the world, the, 435; where shall the saints be during? 437.
Confusion of tongues, the, 312, etc.; God's coming down to cause, 313, etc.
Conjugal union, the, as instituted and blessed by God, 278.
Constantine, 103, etc.; the prosperity granted to, by God, 105, etc.
Consuls, the first Roman, their fate, 52, etc.
Corn, the gods which were supposed to preside over, at the various stages of its growth, gathering in, etc., 68.
Creation, 206, 208; the reason and cause of, 216, 217; the beauty and goodness of, 380.
Creation, the, of angels, 209; of the human race in time, 234; of both angels and men, 479, etc.
Creator, the, is distinguished from His works by piety, 140, etc.; sin had not its origin in, 214.
Creatures, the, to be estimated by their utility, 214.
Curiatii and Horatii, the, 50.
Curtius leaps into the gulf in the Forum, 99.
Curubis, a comedian, miraculously healed, 487.
Cybele, 25; the priests of, 26.
Cycles of time maintained by some, 234, 237, etc., 240, 241.
Cynics, the foolish beastliness of the, 277; further referred to, 399.
Damned, the punishment of the,
Darkness, the, when the Lord was crucified, 51.
David, the promise made to, in his Son, 348, etc.; Nathan's message to, 349, etc.‑, God's "ancient compassions" sworn to, 351,etc., 352; his concern in writing the Psalms, 352; his reign and merit, 357.
Day, the seventh, the meaning of God's resting on, 209.
Days, lucky and unlucky, 88, 89.
"Days of the tree of life," the, 447.
Dead, the, given up to judgment by the sea, death, and hell, 434.
Dead men, the religion of the pagans has reference to, 163.
Death, caused by the fall of man 245; that which can affect an immortal soul, and that to which the body is subject, 245; is it the punishment of sin, even in case of the good? 246; why, if it is the punishment of sin, is it not withheld from the regenerate? 246; although an evil, yet made a good to the good, 247; the evil of, as the separation of soul and body, 247; that which the unbaptized suffer for the confession of Christ, 248, etc.; the saints, by suffering the first, are freed from the second, 248; the moment of, when it actually occurs, 248, 249; the life, which mortals claim may be fitly called, 249; whether one can be living and yet in the state of, at the same time, 250; what kind of, involved in the threatenings addressed to our first parents, 250; concerning those philosophers who think it is not penal, 252; the second, 420, etc.
Death, when it may be inflicted without committing murder, 15.
"Debts, forgive us our," 476, 477.
Deliverance, the way of the soul's, which grace throws open, 202.
Demon of Socrates, the, Apuleius on, 153, 154.
Demonolatry, illicit acts connected with, 185.
Demons, the vicissitudes of life, not dependent on, 37; look after their own ends only, 38; incite to crime by the pretence of divine authority, 39; give certain obscure instructions in morals, while their own solemnities publicly inculcate wickedness, 40, etc.; what they are, 153; not better than men because of their having aerial bodies, 154, etc.; what Apuleius thought concerning the manners and actions of, 155, etc.; is it proper to worship? 156, etc.; ought the advocacy of, with the gods, to be employed? 156, 157; are the good gods more willing to have intercourse with, than with men? 157; do the gods use them as messengers, or interpreters, or are they deceived by? 158, etc.; we must reject the worship of, 159; are there any good, to whom the guardianship of the soul may be committed? 166; what Apuleius attributes to, 167; the passions which agitate, 169; does the intercession of, obtain for men the favor of the celestial gods? 171; men, according to Plotinus, less wretched than, 171; the opinion of the Platonists that the souls of men become, 172; the three opposite qualities by which the Platonists distinguish between the nature of man, and that of, 172; how can they mediate between gods and men, having nothing in common with either? 172; the Platonist idea of the necessity of the mediation of, 174; mean by their intercession, to turn man from the path of truth, 176; the name has never a good signification, 176; the kind of knowledge which puffs up the, 176; to what extent the Lord was pleased to make Himself known to, 177; the difference between the knowledge possessed by, and that of the holy angels, 177; the power delegated to, for the trial of the saints, 193; where the saints obtain power against, 194; seek to be worshipped, 196; error of Apuleius in regard to, 197, etc.; strange transformations of men, said to have been wrought by, 369, 371; the friendship of good angels in this life, rendered insecure by the deception of, 406, etc.; various other references to, 82, 104, 105, 132, 135, 141, 142 143, 147, 153, 154, 162, 174, 193, 197 364, 394, 422.
"Desired One, the," of all nations, 388.
Devil, the, how he abode not in the truth, 213; how is it said that he sinned from the beginning? 214; the reason of the fall of (the wicked angel), 282; stirs up persecution, 392; the nature of, as nature, not evil, 409, 410; the binding of, 426; cast into the abyss, 427; seducing the nations, 427; the binding and loosing of, 428, etc.; stirs up Gog and Magog against the Church,432,, etc.; the damnation of, 434; of those who deny the eternal punishment of, 468.
Devil, a young man freed from a, at the monument of Protasius and Gervasius, 487; a young woman freed from a, by anointing, 488.
Devils, marvels wrought by, 457.
Diamond, the, the peculiar properties of, 455.
Diomede and his companions, who were changed into birds, 369, 370.
Discord, why not a goddess as well as Concord? 59.
Doctor, a gouty, of Carthage, miraculously healed, 487.
Duration and space, infinite, not to be comprehended, 207.
Earth, the, affirmed by Varro to be a goddess, —reason of his opinion 134.
"Earth, in the midst of the," 342, 343.
Earth, holy, from Jerusalem, the efficacy of, 487.
Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom, the Books of, 357.
Education, the divine, of mankind, 189.
Egeria, the nymph, and Numa, 142.
Egypt, a fig-tree of, a peculiar kind found in, 456.
Egyptians, the mendacity of, in ascribing an extravagant antiquity to their science, 384.
Eleusinian rites of Ceres, the, 133.
Eleven, the significance of the number, 301.
Eli, the message of the man of God to, 343–345.
Elias, the coming of, before the judgment, 448.
Emotions, mental, opinions of the Peripatetics and Stoics respecting, 167, 168.
Emotions and affections, good and bad, 266, 267, 268.
Emperors, the Christian, the happiness of, 104, etc.
Empire, a great, acquired by war, —is it to be reckoned among good things? 65; should good men wish to rule an extensive? 72, 73.
Empire, the Roman. See Roman Empire.
Enemies of God, the, are not so by nature, but by will, 227.
Enlightenment from above, Plotinus respecting, 181.
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, the significance of the translation of, 39; left some divine writings, 45.
Enos, the son of Seth, 298; a type of Christ, 299.
Entity, none contrary to the divine, 227.
Epictetus, quoted on mental emotions, 168.
Errors, the, of the human judgment, when the truth is hidden, 357.
Erythræan Sibyl, the, her predictions of Christ, 372.
Esau and Jacob, the dissimilarity of the character and actions of, 86; the things mystically prefigured by, 331, etc.
Esdras and Maccabees, the Books of, 382.
Eternal life, the gift of God, 121; the promise of, uttered before eternal times, 236.
Eternal punishment, 461. See Punishment.
Eucharius, a Spanish bishop, cured of stone by the relics of St. Stephen, 488.
Evil will, a, no efficient cause of, 230.
Existence, and knowledge of it, and love of both, 220, etc., 221, etc.
Eye, the, of the resurrection body, the power of, 508.
Fables invented by the heathen in the times of the judges of Israel, 367.
Faith, justification by, 195, etc.
Faith and Virtue, honored by the Romans with temples, 73, 74.
Fall of Man, the, and its results, foreknown by God, 241; mortality contracted by, 245; the second death results from, 262; the nature of, 271, etc., 272, etc.
Fate, 82; the name misapplied by some when they use it of the divine will, 89.
Fathers, the two, of the two cities, sprung from one progenitor, 298.
Fear and Dread, made gods,, 76.
Felicity, the gift of God, 121; the eternal, of the city of God, 509, 511.
Felicity, the goddess of, 73; the Romans ought to have been content with Virtue and, 74, 75; for a long time not worshipped by the Romans; her deserts, 76, 77.
Fever, worshipped as a deity, 31 and note, 48.
Fig-tree, a singular, of Egypt, 456.
Fimbria, the destruction of Ilium by, 45. 46.
Fire, the peculiar properties of, 454.
Fire, the, whirlwind, and the sword, 441.
Fire, the, which comes down from heaven to consume the enemies of the holy city, 432.
Fire, the, and the worm that dieth not, 461; of hell, —is it material? and if it be so, can it burn wicked spirits? 462, etc.
First man (our first parents), the, the plentitude of the human race contained in, 243; the fall of, 245; what was the first punishment of? 251; the state in which he was made, and that into which he fell, 251; forsook God, before God forsook him, 251; effects of the sin of, —the second death, 262, etc.; was he, before the fall, free from perturbations of soul? 271; the temptation and fall of, 271, 272; nature of the first sin of, 273; the pride of the sin of, 274; justice of the punishment of, 274, 275; the nakedness of, 276; the transgression of, did not abolish the blessing of fecundity, 278; begat offspring in Paradise without blushing, 281, 282.
First parents, our. See First Man.
First principles of all things, the, according to the ancient philosophy, 148.
First sin, the nature of the, 273.
Flesh, the, of believers, the resurrection of, 255; the world at large believes in the resurrection of [see Resurrection], 481; of a dead man, which has become the flesh of a living man, whose shall it be in the resurrection? 498.
Flesh, living after the, 263, etc., 264, etc.; children of the, and of the promise, 285.
Florentius, the tailor, how he prayed for a coat, and got it, 488.
Foreknowledge, the, of God, and the free-will of man, 90, etc.
Forgiveness of debts, prayed for, 476, 477.
Fortune, the goddess of, 73, 124.
Foundation, the, the opinion of those who think that even depraved Catholics will be saved from damnation on account of, considered, 467, etc., 473, etc.; who has Christ for? 473, 474.
Fountain, the singular, of the Garamantæ, 456.
Free-will of man, the, and the foreknowledge of God, 90, etc.
Free-will, in the state of perfect felicity, 510.
Friendship, the, of good men, anxieties connected with, 405; of good angels, rendered insecure by the deceit of demons, 406, etc.
Furnace, a smoking, and a lamp of fire passing between the pieces of Abraham's sacrifice, the import of, 325.
Galli, the, 26, and note, 136.
Games, restored in Rome during the first Punic war, 55.
Garamantæ, the singular fountain of the, 368.
Gauls, the, Rome invaded by, 54.
Generation, would there have been, in Paradise if man had not sinned? 279, etc., 280, etc.
Genius, and Saturn, both shown to be really Jupiter, 129, etc.
Giants, the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men, —and other, 304, etc., 305.
Glory, the difference between, and the desire of dominion, 101; shameful to make the virtues serve human, 102; the, of the latter house, 390; the endless, of the Church, 436, etc.
God, the vicissitudes of life dependent on the will of, 37, etc.; not the soul of the world, 71; rational animals not parts of, 71; THE ONE, to be worshipped, although His name is unknown, the giver of felicity, 77, 78; the times of kings and kingdoms ordered by, 82; the kingdom of the Jews founded by, 82; the foreknowledge of, and the free-will of man, 90, etc.; the providence of, 93, etc., 190; all the glory of the righteous is in, 96; what He gives to the followers of truth to .enjoy above His general bounties, 140, the worship of, 180, 181, 182; the sacrifices due to Him only, 182, etc.; the sacrifices not required, but enjoined by, for the exhibition of truth, 183; the true and perfect sacrifice due to, 183, etc.; invisible, yet has often made Himself visible, 189, etc.; our dependence for temporal good, 189; angels fulfill the providence of, 190; sin had not its origin in, 214; the eternal knowledge, will, and design of, 216, etc.; has He been always sovereign Lord, and has He always had creatures over whom He exercised His sovereignty? 235, etc.; His promise of eternal life uttered before eternal times, 236; the unchangeable counsel and will of, defended against objections, 237; refutation of the opinion that His knowledge cannot comprehend things infinite, 238; the fall of man foreknown by, 241; the Creator of every kind of creature, 242; the providence of, not disturbed by the wickedness of angels or of men, 282; the anger of, 306, etc., 470; the coming down of, to confound the language of the builders of Babel, 313, etc.; whether the, of the Christians is the true, to whom alone sacrifice ought to be paid, 415, etc.; the will of, unchangeable and eternal, 480.
Gods, the, cities never spared on account of, 2, etc.; folly of the Romans in trusting, 3, etc.; the worshippers of, never received healthy precepts from, —the impurity of the worship of, 24; obscenities practised in honor of the Mother of the, 25; never inculcated holiness of life, 26; the shameful actions of, as displayed in theatrical exhibitions, 27; the reason why they suffered false or real crimes to be attributed to them, 28; the Romans showed a more delicate regard for themselves than for the, 29; the Romans should have considered those who desired to be worshipped in a licentious manner as unworthy of being honored as, 29; Plato better than, 30; if they had any regard for Rome, the Romans should have received good laws from them, 31; took no means to prevent the republic from being ruined by immorality, 36; etc.; the vicissitudes of life not dependent on, 37, etc.; incite to evil actions, 39, etc.; give secret and obscure instructions in morals, while their solemnities publicly incite to wickedness, 40; the obscenities of the plays consecrated to, contributed to overthrow the republic, 41;the evils which alone the pagans feared, not averted by, 43, etc.; were they justified in permitting the destruction of Troy? 43; could not be offended at the adultery of Paris, the crime being so common among themselves, 44; Varro's opinion of the utility of men feigning themselves to be the offspring of, 44; not likely they were offended at the adultery of Paris, as they were not at the adultery of the mother of Romulus, 45; exacted no penalty for the fratricidal conduct of Romulus, 45; is it credible that the peace of Numa's reign was owing to? 46; new, introduced by Numa, 48; the Romans added many to those of Numa, 48; Rome not defended by, 53, etc.; which of the, can the Romans suppose presided over the rise and welfare of the empire? 68, etc.; the silly and absurd multiplication of, for places and things, 68; divers set over divers parts of the world, 69; the many, who are asserted by pagan doctors to be the one Jove, 70, etc.; the knowledge and worship of the, which Varro glories in having conferred on the Romans, 75; the reasons by which the pagans defended their worshipping the divine gifts themselves among the, 77, etc.; the scenic plays which they have exacted from their worshippers, 77; the three kinds of, discovered by Scævola, 78, etc.; whether the worship of, has been of service to the Romans, 79; what their worshippers have owned they have thought about, 80; the opinions of Varro about, 81; of those who profess to worship them on account of eternal advantages, 108, etc.; Varro's thoughts about the, of the nations, 110, etc.; the worshippers of, regard human things more than divine, 111, etc.; Varro's distribution of, into fabulous, natural, and civil, 112, etc.; the mythical and civil, 113; natural explanations of, 116, etc.; the special officers of, 117; those presiding over the marriage chamber, 117, 118; the popular worship of, vehemently censured by Seneca, 119, 120; unable to bestow eternal life, 121; the select, 122; no reason can be assigned for forming the select class of, 123; those which preside over births, 123; the inferior and the select compared, 171; the secret doctrine of the pagans concerning the physical interpretation of, 125; Varro pronounces his own opinions concerning uncertain, 132; Varro's doctrine concerning, not self-consistent, 139, etc.; distinguished from men and demons, 153; do they use the demons as messengers? 158; Hermes laments the error of his forefathers in inventing the art of making, 161; scarcely any of, who were not dead men, 163; the Platonists maintain that the poets wrong the, 169; Apuleius' definition of, 170; does the intercession of demons secure the favor of, for men? 171; according to the Platonists, they decline intercourse with men,, 174, etc.; the name falsely given to those of the nations, yet given in Scripture to angels and men, 178, etc.; threats employed towards, 188; philosophers assigned to each of, different functions, 412.
Gods, the multitudes of, for every place and thing, 68, etc., 74, 75, 117, 118, 122, 123.
Gods, the invention of the art of making, 161.
Good, no nature in which there is not some, 409.
Good, the chief, 347; various opinions of the philosophers respecting, 397; the three leading views of, which to be chosen, 400, etc.; the Christian view of, 401, etc.
Good men, and wicked, the advantages and disadvantages indiscriminately occurring to, 5; reasons for administering correction to both together, 6, etc.; what Solomon says of things happening alike to both, 163.
Goods, the loss of, no loss to the saints, 7, etc.
Gospel, the, made more famous by the sufferings of its preachers, 391.
Gracchi, the civil dissensions occasioned by, 59.
Grace of God, the, the operation of, in relation to believers, 464; pertains to every epoch of life, 465; delivers from the miseries occasioned by the first sin, 500, 501.
Great Mother, the, the abominable sacred rites of, 137, 138.
Greeks, the conduct of the, on the sack of Troy, 3, 4.
Habakkuk, the prophecy and prayer of, 377.
Hagar, the relation of, to Sarah and Abraham, 325.
Haggai's prophecy respecting the glory of the latter house, 390.
Hadrian yields up portions of the Roman empire, 70, 80.
Ham, the conduct of, towards his father, 309; the sons of, 311.
Hannah's prophetic song, an exposition of, 339–343.
Hannibal, his invasion of Italy, and victories over the Romans, 56; his destruction of Saguntum, 56, 57.
Happiness, the gift of God, 121; of the saints in the future life, 406, 407.
Happiness, the, desired by those who reject the Christian religion, 34, etc.
Happy man, the, described by contrast, 66.
Heaven, God shall call to, 445.
Hebrew Bible, the, and the Septuagint, —which to be followed in computing the years of the antediluvians, 293, etc.
Hebrew language, the original, 317, etc.; written character of, 383.
Hebrews, the Epistle to the, 323.
Hecate, the reply of, when questioned respecting Christ, 416.
Heifer, goat, and ram, three years old, in Abraham's sacrifice, —the import of, 324.
Hell, 460; is the fire of, material? and if so, can it burn wicked spirits? 461.
Hercules, 365, 367; the story of the sacristan of, 115.
Heretics, the Catholic faith confirmed by the dissensions of, 133, 134.
Hermes Trismegistus, respecting idolatry and the abolition of the superstitions of the Egyptians, 159, etc.; openly confesses the error of his forefathers, the destruction of which he yet deplores, 161, etc.
Herod, 393; a persecutor, 388, 389.
Heroes of the Church, the, 451.
Hesperius, miraculously delivered from evil spirits, 487.
Hippocrates quoted in relation to twins, 85.
Holofernes, his inquiry respecting the Israelites, and Achior's answer, 319.
Hope, the influence of, 403; the saints now blessed in, 414.
Horatii and Curiatii, the, 49, 50.
Hortensius, the first dictator, 54.
Hosea, his prophecies respecting the things of the gospel, 375, 376.
Human race, the, the creation of, in time, 234; created at first in one individual, 241; the plenitude of, contained in the first man, 243.
Ilium, modern, destroyed by Fimbria, 45, 46.
Image of God, the human soul created in the, 241.
Images of the gods, not used by the ancient Romans, 81.
Immortality, the portion of man, had he not sinned, 245, 254.
Incarnation of Christ, the, 195, 389; faith in, alone justifies, 453, etc.; the Platonists, in their impiety, blush to acknowledge, 199, etc.
Innocentia, of Carthage, miraculously cured of cancer, 486.
Innocentius, of Carthage, miraculously cured of fistula, 485, 486.
Intercession of the saints, —Of those who think that, on account of, no man shall be damned in the last judgment, 466, etc., 469, etc.
Ionic school of philosophy, the founder of the, 145.
Irenæus, a tax-gatherer, the son of, restored to life by means of the oil of St. Stephen, 489.
Isaac, and Ishmael, 285; a type, 286; the birth of, and import of his name, 328, 329; the offering up of, 329; Rebecca, the wife of, 330; the oracle and blessing received by, just as his father died, 331.
Isaiah, the predictions of, respecting Christ, 376.
Isis and Osiris, 164, 165, 186, 363, 364, 383, 384.
Israel, the name given to Jacob, —the import of, 333.
Israel, the nation of, its increase in, and deliverance from Egypt, 335, 336; were there any outside of, before Christ, who belonged to the fellowship of the holy city? 390, etc.
Italic school of philosophy, the, 145.
Jacob, and Esau, the things mysteriously prefigured by, 331, etc.; his mission to Mesopotamia, 332; his dream, 333; his wives, 333; why called Israel, 333; how said to have gone into Egypt with seventy-five souls, 334; his blessing on Judah, 334; his blessing the sons of Joseph, 335; the times of, and of Joseph, 363, etc.
Janus, the temple of, 46; the relation of, to births, 123; nothing infamous related of, 125; is it reasonable to separate Terminus and? 126; why two faces, and sometimes four, given to the image of? 127; compared with Jupiter, 127; why he has received no star, 131.
Jerome, his labors as a translator of Scripture, 386; his commentary on Daniel referred to, 443.
Jerusalem, the new, coming down from heaven, 435, etc.
Jews, the, the kingdom of, founded by God, 82; what Seneca thought of, 120, 121; their unbelief, foretold in the Psalms, 356; end of the captivity of, —their prophets, 374, etc.; the many adversities endured by, 388, etc.; the dispersion of, predicted, 389; whether, before Christ, there were any outside of, who belonged to the heavenly city, 389.
Joseph, the sons of, blessed by Jacob, 335; the times of, 363; the elevation of, to be ruler of Egypt, 363; who were kings at the period of the death of? 364.
Joshua, 77; who were kings at the time of the death of? 366; the sun stayed in its course by, 459; the Jordan divided by, 459.
Jove, are the many gods of the pagans one and the same Jove? 70; the enlargement of kingdoms improperly ascribed to, 72; Mars, Terminus, and Juventas, refuse to yield to, 76, 80. See Jupiter.
Judah, Jacob's blessing on, 334, etc.
Judgment, ever going on, —the last, 421; ever present, although it cannot be discerned, 422; proofs of the last, from the New Testament and the Old, 423, etc.; words of Jesus respecting, 423, 424. 425, 426; what Peter says of, 437; predictions respecting, 441, etc., 443, etc., 445, etc.; separation of the good and bad in the, 447; to be effected in the person of Christ, 449, etc.
Julian, the apostate, 103; a persecutor, 393.
Jupiter, the power of, compared with Janus, 127, etc.; is the distinction made between, and Janus, a proper one? 128; the surnames of, 129; called "Pecunia," —why? 130; scandalous amours of, 368.
Justinus, the historian, quoted respecting Ninus's lust of empire, 67.
Keturah, what is meant by Abraham's marrying, after the death of Sarah? 330.
"Killeth and maketh alive, the Lord," 341.
Kingdom, the, of Israel, under Saul, a shadow, 346; the description of 343; promises of God respecting, 348, etc., 350, etc.; varying character of, till the captivity, and finally, till the people passed under the power of the Romans, 359. 360.
Kingdoms, without justice, 66; have any been aided or deserted by the gods? 67; the enlargement of, unsuitably attributed to Jove, 72; the times of, ordained by the true God, 82; not fortuitous, nor influenced by the stars, 84, 85; the three great, when Abraham was born, 321.
Kings, of Israel, the times of the, 336; after Solomon, 358; after the judges, 371; of the earthly city which synchronize with the times of the saints, reckoning from Abraham, 362, etc.; of Argos, 364; of Latium, 371.
Knowledge, the eternal and unchangeable, of God, 206, etc.; of our own existence, 220, etc.; by which the holy angels know God, 221, etc.
Labeo, cited, 31, 59, 153, 506.
Lactantius, quotations made by, from a certain Sibyl, 373.
Language, the origin of the diversity of, 312, etc.; the original, 317, etc.; diversities of, how they operate to prevent human intercourse, 405
Latinius, Titus, the trick of, to secure the re-enactment of the games, 78.
Λατρεία and Δουλεία, 181, 182.
Laurentum, the kingdom of, 368.
Laver of regeneration, the, 464.
Law, the, confirmed by miraculous signs, 191, etc.; of Moses must be spiritually understood, to cut off the murmurs of carnal interpreters, 447, 448.
Liber, the god, 109; and Libera, 11I7, 123, 124, 368.
Liberty, the, which is proper to man's nature, 411, etc.
Life, the end of, whether it is material that it be long delayed, 9; the vicissitudes of, not dependent on the favor of the gods; but on the will of the true God, 37.
Life, eternal, the gift of God, 121; the promise of, uttered before the eternal times, 236.
Light, the, the division of, from the darkness, —the significance of this 215; pronounced “good”—meaning of this, 216.
Lime, the peculiar properties of, 454, 455.
Locusts, a fearful invasion of Africa by, 62.
Lot, the parting of Abraham and, 322; the deliverance of, from captivity, by Abraham, 323.
Love and regard used in Scripture indifferently of good and evil affections, 266.
Lucan's Pharsalia, quoted, 10, 48, 60.
Lucillus, bishop of Sinita, cured of a fistula by the relics of St. Stephen, 488.
Lucretia, her chastity and suicide, 13.
Lust, the evil of, 275; and anger, to be bridled, 277, etc.; the bondage of, worse than bondage to men, 134.
Lying-in woman, the, her god-protectors, 117.
Madness, the strange, which once seized upon all the domestic animals of the Romans, 59.
Magic art, the impiety of, 15; the marvels wrought by, 457.
Magnets, two, an image suspended between, in mid air, 457.
“Mammon of unrighteousness,” 477, 478.
Man, though mortal, can enjoy true happiness, 173; recentness of the creation of, 233, etc.; the first, 243, etc.; the fall of the first, 245; the death with which he first was threatened, 250; in what state made, and into what state he fell, 251; forsook God before God forsook him, 251; effects of the sin of the first, 262, etc.; what it is to live according to, 264, etc. See First Man.
Manichæans, the, references to, 217; their view of the body, 265, etc.
Manturnæ, the goddess, 117, 118.
Marcellus, Marcus, destroys Syracuse, and bewails its ruin, 4.
Mares, the, of Cappadocia, 456.
Marica, the Minturnian goddess, 38.
Marius, 37. 38; the war between, and Sylla, 60, 61.
Marriage, as originally instituted by God, 278; among blood relations in primitive times, 297; between blood relations, now abhorred, 298.
Marriage bed-chamber, the, the gods which preside over, 117, 118.
Mars, Terminus, and Juventas, refuse to yield to Jove, 77, 80; and Mercury, the offices of, 130.
Martial, a nobleman, converted by means of flowers brought from the shrine of St. Stephen, 488.
Martyrs, the honor paid to, by Christians, 164, etc.; the heroes of the Church, 193; miracles wrought by, 491, 492.
Marvels related in history, 454, 455. 458; wrought by magic, 457.
Mathematicians, the, convicted of professing a vain science, 87.
Mediator, Christ the, between God and man, 173; the necessity of having Christ as, to obtain the blessed life, 176; the sacrifice effected by, 193, etc.
Melchizedek, blesses Abraham, 323.
Men, the primitive, immortal, had they never sinned, 254; the creation of, and of angels, 479, 480.
Mercury, and Mars, 130; the fame of, 365.
Metellus, rescues the sacred things from the fire in the temple of Vesta, 56.
Methuselah, the great age of, 292.
Millennium, the, and note, 426.
Mind, the capacity and powers of, 502.
Minerva, 69, 124, 131, 139, 365.
Miracles, wrought by the ministry of angels, 185, etc., 188, etc., 190; the, ascribed to the gods, 191; the, by which God authenticated the law, 191, etc.; against such as deny the, recorded in Scripture, 192, etc.; the ultimate reason for believing, 200, 201; wrought in more recent times, 227–234; wrought by the martyrs in the name of Christ, 234, etc.
Miseries, the, of this life, Cicero on, 401; of the human race through the first sin, 499–501; deliverance from, through the grace of Christ, 501; which attach peculiarly to the toil of good men, 501, etc.
Mithridates, the edict of, enjoining the slaughter of all Roman citizens found in Asia, 58.
Monstrous races, —are they derived from the stock of Adam, or from Noah's sons? 54. 55.
Moses, miracles wrought by, 185; the time of, 335, 336. who were kings at the period of the birth of? 364; the time he led Israel out of Egypt, 366; the antiquity of the writings of, 383.
Mother of the gods, the obscenities of the worship of, 25, etc.; whence she came, 48.
Mucius, and king Porsenna, 99.
Mysteries, the Eleusinian, 125; the Samothracian, 133.
Mystery, the, of Christ's redemption often made known by signs, etc., 140.
Mystery of iniquity, the, 437, 438.
Nakedness of our first parents, the, 276.
Nathan, his message to David, 348;: the resemblance of Psalm lxxxix. to the prophecy of, 349, etc.
Natural history, curious facts in: —the salamander, 454; the flesh of the peacock, 454; fire, 454; charcoal, 454; lime, 454 the diamond, 455; the loadstone, 455; the salt of Agrigentum, 456; the fountain of the Garamantæ, and of Epirus, 456; asbestos, 456; the wood of the Egyptian fig-tree, 456; the apples of Sodom, 456; the stone pyrites, 456; the stone selenite, 456; the Cappadocian mares, 456; the island Tilon, 456; the star Venus, 459.
Nature, not contrary to God, but good, 227; of irrational and lifeless creatures, 228; none in which there is not good, 409, 410.
Natures, God glorified in all, 228.
Necessity, is the will of man ruled by? 92.
Neptune, 131, 139, and Salacia, and Venilia, 134.
Nero, the first to reach the citadel of vice, 101; curious opinions entertained of him after his death, 438.
New Academy, the uncertainty of, contrasted with the Christian faith, 413.
New heavens, and new earth, the, 434, 435, etc.
Nigidius, cited in reference to the birth of twins, 86.
Nineveh, 311; curious discrepancy between the Hebrew and Septuagint as to the time fixed for the overthrow of, in Jonah's prophecy, 387; spared, 467; how the prediction against, was fulfilled, 471.
Noah, commanded by God to build an ark, 306; whether after, till Abraham, any family can be found who lived according to God, 309; what was prophetically signified by the sons of? 309; the nakedness of, revealed by Ham, but covered by Shem and Japheth, its typical significance, 310; the generation of the sons of, 311, etc.
Noctes Atticæ, the, of Aulus Gellius, quoted, 167, 168.
Numa Pompilius, the peace that existed during the reign of, is it attributable to the gods? 46; introduces new gods, 47, etc.; the Romans add new gods to' those introduced by, 48; the story of finding the books of, respecting the gods, and the burning of the same by the senate, 141, etc.; befooled by hydromancy, 142.
Numitor and Amulius, 371, 372.
Old Testament Scriptures, caused by Ptolemy Philadelphus to be translated out of Hebrew into Greek, 385, 386.
Opimius, Lucius, and the Gracchi, 59.
Oracles of the gods, responses of, respecting Christ, as related by Porphyry, 415, etc.
Order and law, the, which obtain in heaven, and on earth, 410.
Origen, the errors of, 217, 218.
Pagan error, the probable cause of the rise of, 132, 133, 163.
Paradise, man in, 272; would there have been generation in, had man not sinned? 279–281; Malachi's reference to man's state in, 446.
Paris, the gods had no reason to be offended with, 44.
Passions, the, which assail Christian souls, 169, etc.; which agitate demons, 169.
Patricians and Plebs, the dissensions between, 32, 33, 53.
Paulus and Palladia, members of a household cursed by a mother-in-law, miraculously healed at the shrine of St. Stephen, 490, 491.
Peace, the eternal, of the saints, 406, 407; the fierceness of war, and the disquietude of men make towards, 407–409; the universal, which the law of nature. preserves, 409, etc.; the, between the heavenly and earthly cities, 412, etc.; the, of those alienated from God, and the use made of it by God's people, 419; of those who serve God in this mortal life, cannot be apprehended in its perfection, 419; of God, which passeth all understanding, 507.
Peacock, the antiseptic properties of the flesh of, 454.
Pecunia, 125; Jupiter so named, 129.
Peripatetics, and Stoics, the opinion of, about mental emotions, —an illustrative story, 167, 168.
"Perish," or, "Vanquish," 385.
Persecution, all Christians must suffer, 392; the benefits derived from, 392; the " ten persecutions," 393; the time of the final, hidden, 394.
Perturbations, the three, of the souls of the wise, as admitted by the Stoics, 267; in the souls of the righteous, 268, etc.; were our first parents before the fall free from? 371.
Peter, ridiculously feigned by the heathen to have brought about by enchantment the worship of Christ, 394; heals the cripple at the temple gate, 395.
Petronia, a woman of rank, miraculously cured, 489.
Philosopher, origin of the name, 145.
Philosophers, the secret of the weakness of the moral precepts of, 26; the Italic and Ionic schools of, 145, etc.; of some who think the separation of soul and body not penal, 252; the discord of the opinions of, contrasted with the concord of the canonical Scriptures, 384, 385.
Philosophy, Varro's enumeration of the multitudinous sects of, 397–399.
Pirate, the apt reply of a, to Alexander the Great, 66.
Plato, would exclude the poets from his ideal republic, 30, etc.; his threefold division of philosophy, 146, etc.; how he was able to approach so near Christian knowledge, 151, etc.; his definition of the gods, 152; the opinion of, as to the transmigration of souls, 200; the opinion of, that almost all animals were created by. inferior gods, 243; declared that the gods made by the Supreme have immortal bodies, 252, 505; the apparently conflicting views of, and of Porphyry, if united, might have led to the truth, 506.
Platonists, the opinions of, preferable to those of other philosophers, 147, etc.; their views of physical philosophy, 148, etc.; how far they excel other philosophers in logic, or rational philosophy, 149; hold the first rank in moral philosophy, 149; their philosophy has come nearest to the Christian faith, 150; the Christian religion above all their science, 150; thought that sacred rites were to be performed to many gods, 152; the opinion of, that the souls of men become demons, 171; the three qualities by which they distinguish between the nature of men and of demons, 172, etc.; their idea of the non-intercourse of celestial gods with men, and the need of the intercourse of demons, 174, etc.; hold that God alone can bestow happiness, 180; have misunderstood the true worship of God, 182; the principles which, according to, regulate the purification of the soul, 194; blush to acknowledge the incarnation of Christ, 199; refutation of the notion of, that the soul is co-eternal with God, 201, 202; opinion of, that angels created man's body, 243; refutation of the opinion of, that earthly bodies cannot inherit heaven, 492, etc.
Players, excluded by the Romans from offices of state, 28, 29.
Plays, scenic, which the gods have exacted from their worshippers, 78.
Pleasure, bodily, graphically described, 102.
Plebs, the dissensions between, and the Patricians, 32, 33, 52; the secession of, 53.
Plotinus, men, according to, less wretched than demons, 171; regarding enlightenment from above, 181.
Plutarch, his Life of Cato quoted, 16; his Life of Numa, 81.
Poetical license, allowed by the Greeks, restrained by the Romans, 27, 29.
Poets, the, Plato would exclude from his ideal republic, 30, etc., 153; the theological, 368.
Pontius, Lucius, announces Sylla's victory; 38.
"Poor, He raiseth the, out of the dunghill," 341.
Porphyry, his views of theurgy, 185, etc., 186, etc.; epistle of, to Anebo, 187, etc.; as to how the soul is purified, 194; refused to recognize Christ, 195; vacillation of, between the confession of the true God and the worship of demons 196; the impiety of, 197; so blind as not to recognize the true wisdom, 198; his emendations of Platonism, 200, etc; his ignorance of the universal way of the soul's deliverance, 202, etc.; abjured the opinion that souls constantly pass away and return in cycles, 240; his notion that the soul must be separated from the body in order to be happy, demolished by Plato, 249, etc.; the conflicting opinions of Plato and, if united, might have led to the truth, 250; his account of the responses of the oracles of the gods concerning Christ, 415–418.
Portents, strange, 62; meaning of the word, 459.
Postumius, the augur, and Sylla, 38, 39.
Præstantius, the strange story related by, respecting his father, 370.
Praise, the love of, why reckoned a virtue? 96; of the eradication of the love of human, 97.
Predictions of Scripture, 203.
Priesthood; the, the promise to establish it for ever, how to be understood, 345; of Christ, described in the Psalms, 355.
Projectus, Bishop, and the miraculous cure of blind women, 488.
Promises, the, made to Abraham, 320, –322.
Prophecies, the threefold meaning of the, 338, 339; respecting Christ and His gospel, 375, 376. 377, 379, 380.
Prophets, the later, 360; of the time when the Roman kingdom began. 375.
Proscription, the, of Sylla, 61.
Protasius and Gervasius, martyrs, a blind man healed by the bodies of, at Milan, 485; a young man freed from a devil by, 487.
Providence of God, the, 93, 447; not disturbed by the wickedness of angels or men, 282.
Psalms, the, David's concern in writing, 352.
Ptolemy, Philadelphus, causes the Hebrew Scriptures to be translated into Greek, 385. 386.
Puberty, was it later among the antediluvians than it is now? 296, etc.
Punic wars; the; the disasters suffered by the Romans in, 55; the second of these, its deplorable effects, 56, etc.
Punishment, eternal, 452; whether it is possible for bodies to last forever in burning fire, 452; whether bodily sufferings necessarily terminate in the destruction of the flesh, 452, 453; examples from nature to show that bodies may remain unconsumed and alive in fire, 454; the nature of, 460, etc.; is it just that it should last longer than the sins themselves lasted? 462, etc.; the greatness of the first transgression on account of which it is due to all not within the pale of the Saviour's grace, 463, etc.; of the wicked after death, not purgatorial, 463, 464; proportioned to the deserts of the wicked, 465; of certain persons, who deny, 466; of those who think that the intercession of saints will deliver from, 466, and note; of those who think that participation of the body of Christ will save from, 467; of those who think that Catholic baptism will deliver from, 467; of the opinion that building on the "Foundation" will save from, 468; of the opinion ,that alms-giving will deliver from, 468; of those who think that the devil will not suffer, 468; replies to all those who deny, 469, 472, etc., 473.
Punishments, the temporary, of this life.; 464; the object of, 465.
Purgatorial punishments, 445, 446, 470.
Purification of heart, the, whence obtained by the saints, 194; the principles which, according to the Platonists, regulate, 194; the one true principle which alone can effect, 195.
Purifying punishment, the, spoken of by Malachi, 445.
Pyrites, the Persian stone so called, 456.
Pyrrhus, invades Italy, —response of the oracle of Apollo to, 54; cannot tempt Fabricius, 100.
Pythagoras, the founder of the Italic school of philosophy, 145.
Radagaisus, king of the Goths, the war with, 104.
Rape of the Sabine women, the, 48; 49.
Rebecca, wife of Isaac, 330; the divine answer respecting the twins in the womb of, 330.
Recentness of man's creation, an answer to those who complain of, 233.
Regeneration, the laver, or font of, 487.
Regulus. as an example, of heroism, and voluntary endurance for religion's sake, 10, etc:; the virtue of, far excelled that of Cato, 16.
Reign of the saints with Christ for a thousand .years, 382, etc.
Religion, 181; no true, without true virtues, 418.
Religions, false, kept up on policy, 341.
Republic, Cicero's definition of a, —was there ever a Roman, answering to? 414, 415; according to what definition could the Romans or others assume the title of a? 418.
Resting on the seventh day, God's, the meaning of, 209.
Restitutus, presbyter of the Calamensian Church, a curious account of, 280, 281.
Resurrection, the, of the flesh of believers, to a perfection not enjoyed by our first parent's, 255, 256; 257; the first and the second, 425, 426, 427; Paul’s testimony on, 439; utterances of Isaiah respecting, 440, etc.; some refuse to believe, while the world at large believes, 481; vindicated against ridicule thrown on it, 493; etc.; whether abortions shall have part in, 494; whether infants shall have that body in, which they would have had if they had grown up, 494; whether in the, the dead shall rise the same size as the Lord's body, 495; the saints shall be conformed to the image of Christ in the, 495; whether women shall retain their sex in, 496; all bodily blemishes shall be removed in, 497; the substance of our bodies, however disintegrated, shall be entirely reunited, 498; the new spiritual body of, 499; the obstinacy of those who impugn, while the world believes, 504, etc.
Resurrection of Christ; the, referred to in the Psalms; 255, 256.
Reward, the, of the saints, after the trials of this life, 406.
Rhea, or Ilia, mother of Romulus and Remus, 371.
Righteous, the glory of the, is in God, 97.
Righteous man, the, the sufferings of, described in the Book of Wisdom, 357, etc.
Rites, sacred, of the gods, 116.
Rituals of false gods, instituted by kings of Greece, from the exodus of Israel downward, 366, 367.
Roman empire, the, which of the gods presided over? 68; whether the great extent and duration of, should be attributed to Jove, 78; whether the worship of the gods has been of service in extending, 79; the cause of, not fortuitous, nor attributable to the position of the stars, 84, etc.; by what virtues the enlargement of, was merited, 93, etc.
Roman kings, what manner of life and death they had, 51, etc.
Roman republic, was there ever one answering to Cicero's definition? 156, 157, 159, 160.
Romans, the, the folly of, in trusting gods which could not defend Troy, 3, etc.; by what steps the passion of governing increased among, 20; the vices of, not corrected by the overthrow of their city, 21; the calamities suffered by, before Christ, 24, etc., 31, etc.; poetical license restrained by, 27, etc.; excluded players from offices of state and restrained the license of players, 28, 29; the gods never took any steps to prevent the republic of, from being ruined by immorality, 36, etc.; the obscenities of their plays consecrated to the service of their gods, contributed to overthrow their republic, 41, etc.; exhorted to forsake paganism, 41; was it desirable that the empire of, should be increased by a succession of furious wars? 47; by what right they obtained their first wives, 48; the wickedness of the wars waged by, against the Albans, 49, 50; the first consuls of, 52, etc.; the disasters which befell in the Punic wars, 55, 56, etc.; the ingratitude of to Scipio, the conqueror of Hannibal, 57; the internal disasters which vexed the republic, 58, etc.; multiplied gods for small and ignoble purposes, 68; to what profits they carried on war, and how far to the well-being of the conquered, 98; dominion granted to, by the providence of God, 102.
Rome, the sack of, by the Barbarians, 1; the evils inflicted on the Christians in the sack of, —why permitted, 18; the iniquities practised in the palmiest days of, 32, etc.; the corruption which has grown up in, before Christianity, 33, etc.; Cicero's opinion of the republic of, 35; frost and snow incredibly severe at, 55; calamities which befell, in the Punic wars, 55, etc., 56, etc.; Asiatic luxury introduced to, 57; when founded, 372; the founder of, made a god, 482.
Romulus, the alleged parentage of, 44, 45; no penalty exacted for his fratricidal act, 45, etc.; the death of, 51; suckled by a wolf, 372; made a god by Rome, 482.
Rulers serve the society which they rule, 410, 411.
Sabine women, the rape of the, 31, 48, 49.
Sack of Rome, the, by the Barbarians, 1, etc.; of Troy, 3, etc.
Sacrifice, that due to the true God only, 182; the true and perfect, 183; the reasonableness of offering a visible, to God, 192; the supreme and true, of the Mediator, 193; of Abraham, when he believed, —its meaning 324.
Sacrifices, those not required by God, but enjoined for the exhibition of the truth, 183.
Sacrifices of righteousness, 446.
Sacristan of Hercules, a, the story of, 115.
Saguntum, the destruction of, 56, 57.
Saints, the, lose nothing in losing their temporal goods, 7, etc.; their consolations in captivity, 10; cases in which the examples of, are not to be followed, 17; why the enemy was permitted to indulge his lust on the bodies of, 18; the reply of, to unbelievers, who taunted them with Christ's not having rescued them from the fury of their enemies, 19, etc.; the reward of, after the trials of this life, 406; the happiness of the eternal peace which constitutes the perfection of, 407; in this life, blessed in hope, 414.
Sallust, quoted, 4, 31, 32, 44, 47, 50, 53, 94, 95, 124, 362.
Salt, the, of Agrigentum, the peculiar qualities of, 455.
Samnites, the, defeated by the Romans, 53.
Samothracians, the mysteries of the, 139.
Samuel, the address of, to Saul on his disobedience, 346, etc.; sets up a stone of memorial, 347.
Saul, spared by David, 345, 346; forfeits the kingdom, 346, 347.
Sanctity, the, of the body, not violated by the violence of another's lust, 12, 13.
Sancus, or Sangus, a Sabine god, 371.
Sarah, and Hagar, and their sons, —the typical significance of, 285.
Sarah's barrenness, 286; preservation of the chastity of, in Egypt, and in Gerar, 276, 328; change of the name of, 327; the death of, 330.
Satan, transforms himself into an angel of light, 406. See Devil.
Saturn, 69, 123, 125; and Genius, thought to be really Jupiter, 129, 130, etc.; interpretations of the reasons for worshipping, 133; and Picus, 368.
Scævola, the pontiff, slain in the Marian wars, 60, 61; distinguishes three kinds of gods, 78, 79.
Scenic representations, the establishment of, opposed by Scipio Nasica, 20; the obscenities of, contributed to the overthrow of the republic, 39, etc.
Schools of philosophers, 145, etc.
Scipio Nasica, Rome's "best man," opposes the destruction of Carthage, 19, 20; opposes scenic representations, 68.
Scripture, the obscurity of, —its advantages, 215.
Scriptures, the canonical, the authority of, 206; of the Old Testament, translated into Greek, 385, 386.
Sea, the, gives up the dead which are in it, 434; no more, 436.
Sects of philosophy, the number of, according to Varro, 397–399.
Selenite, the stone so called, 456.
Seneca, Annæus, recognizes the guiding will of the Supreme, 89; censures the popular worship of the gods, and the popular theology, 119, 120; what he thought of the Jews, 120, 121.
Septuagint, —is it or the Hebrew text to be followed in computing years? 293, etc.; origin of the, 385, 386; authority of in relation to the Hebrew original, 386, 387; difference between, and the Hebrew text as to the days fixed by Jonah for the destruction of Nineveh, 387, 388.
Servitude introduced by sin, 411.
Servius Tullius, the foul murder of, 52.
Seth and Cain, heads of two lines of descendants, 298; relation of the former to Christ, 299.
Severus, bishop of Milevis, 455.
Sex, shall it be restored in the resurrection? 239.
Sexual intercourse, 276; in the antediluvian age, 296, etc.
Shem, 309; the sons of, 311; the genealogy of, 316, etc.
Sibyl, the Cumæan, 197; the Erythræan, 198, and note, 373.
Sybilline books, the, 55, and note, 372.
Sicyon, the kingdom and kings of, 362, 363, 371.
Simplicianus, bishop of Milan, his reminiscence of the saying of a certain Platonist, 200.
Sin, should not be sought to be obviated by sin, 17; should not be sought to be shunned by a voluntary death, 18; had not its origin in God, but in the will of the creature, 214; not caused by the flesh, but by the soul, 263; servitude introduced by, 411.
Six, the perfection of the number, 222.
Slave, when the word, first occurs in Scripture; its meaning, 411.
Social life, disturbed by many distresses, 403, etc.
Socrates, a sketch of, —his philosophy, 145, 146; the god or demon of, the book of Apuleius concerning, 153, 154.
Solomon, books written by, and the prophecies they contain, 357. etc.; the kings after, both of Israel and Judah, 358.
Son of God, but one by nature, 464.
Sons of God, the, and daughters of men, 302, etc.; not angels, 303, etc.
Soul, the immortal, 121; the way of its deliverance, 202; created in the image of God, 241; Porphyry's notion that its blessedness requires separation from the body, demolished by Plato, 249; the separation of, and the body, considered by some not to be penal, 252.
Soul of the world, God not the, 71; Varro's opinion of, examined, 126.
Souls, rational, the opinion that there are three kinds of, 153, 154; the, of men, according to the Platonists, become demons, 171; views of the transmigration of, 200, 201; not co-eternal with God, 201; do not return from blessedness to labor and misery, after certain periodic revolutions, 239.
Spiritual body, the, of the saints, in the resurrection, 499.
Stars, the supposed influence of, on kingdoms, births, etc., 84, 85, 86; some, called by the names of gods, 130, etc.
Stephen, St., miracles wrought by the relics of, and at the shrine of, 488, 489, 490.
Stoics, opinions of, about mental emotions, 167, etc.; the three perturbations admitted by, in the soul of the wise man, 267, etc.; the belief of, as to the gods, 384; suicide permitted by, 402, 403.
Substance, the, of the people of God, 350.
Suicide, committed through fear of dishonor or of punishment, 12; Christians have no authority for committing, under any circumstances, 14; can never be prompted to, by magnanimity, 15; the example of Cato in relation to, 16; should it be resorted to, to avoid sin? 18; permitted by the Stoics, 402, 403.
Sun, the, stayed in its course by Joshua, 459.
Sylla, the deeds of, 38, 39; and Marius, the war between, 60.
Tarquinius, Priscus, or Superbus, his barbarous murder of his father-in-law, 51; the expulsion of, from Rome, 52.
Tatius, Titus, introduces new gods, 76.
Tellus, 69; the surnames of, and their significance, 136.
Terah, the emigration of, from Ur of the Chaldees, 318; the years of, 319.
Terentius, a certain, finds the books of Numa Pompilius, 141.
Terminus, 77, 80; and Janus, 126.
Thales, the founder of the Ionic school of philosophy, 145.
Theatrical exhibitions, publish the shame of the gods, 27; the obscenities of, contributed to overthrow the republic, 41.
Theodorus, the Cyrenian philosopher, his reply to Lysimachus, 9, note.
Theodosius, the faith and piety of, 105, etc.
Theology, Varro's threefold division of, 112–115.
Thousand years, the, of the Book of Revelation, 426; the reign of the saints with Christ during, 429, etc.
Threats employed against the gods to compel their aid, 188.
Time, times, and a half time, 443.
Times and seasons, the hidden, 394.
Torquatus, slays his victorious son, 99.
Transformations, strange, of men, 369; what we should believe respecting, 370.
Transgression, the first, the greatness of, 422.
Transmigration of souls, the Platonic views of, emended by Porphyry, 200, 201.
"Tree of life, the, the days of," 447.
Trinity, the, 195; further explained, 210, 211; further statements of, —indications of, scattered everywhere among the works of God, 218; indications of, in philosophy, 219, 220; the image of, in human nature, 220.
Troy, the gods unable to afford an asylum during the sack of, 3; were the gods justified in permitting the destruction of? 44, etc.
Truth, the sad results where it is hidden, 404, etc.
Twenty Martyrs, the, how a tailor got a new coat by praying at the shrine of, 488.
Twins, on the difference of the health, etc., of, 85; of different sexes, 88.
Unbaptized, the, saved through the confession of Christ, 248.
Unbelief of the Jews, the, foretold, 356.
Unity, the, of the human race, 241, etc.
Universe, the beauty of the, 214.
Valentinian, protected by Theodosius, 105, a confessor, 393.
Varro, his opinion of the utility of men feigning themselves to be the offspring of gods, 44; boasts of having conferred the knowledge of the worship of the gods on the Romans, 75; what he thought of the gods of the nations, 110; his book concerning the antiquities of divine and human things, 111, etc.; his threefold division of theology into fabulous, natural, and civil, 112, etc.; the opinion of, that God is the soul of the world, 126, 128; pronounces his own opinions respecting the gods uncertain, 132; holds the earth to be a goddess, 134, etc.; his doctrine of the gods not self-consistent, 139; assigns the reason why Athens was so called, 365; the opinion of, about the name of Areopagus, 365, 366; what he relates of the strange transformations of men, 369, etc.; on the number of philosophical sects, 397–400, etc; in reference to a celestial portent, 459; his story of the Vestal virgin falsely accused, 493; his work on The Origin of the Roman People, quoted in relation to the Palingenesy, 506.
Venus, a peculiar candelabrum in a temple of, 456, 457.
Venus, the planet, a strange prodigy that occurred to, 459.
Vestal virgin, a, to prove her innocence, carries water in a seive from the Tiber, 493.
Vestal virgins, the punishment of those caught in adultery, 45.
Vice, not nature, contrary to God, and hurtful, 227.
Vicissitudes of life, the, on what dependent, 37, etc.
Victoria, the goddess, 72; ought she to be worshipped as well as Jove? 73.
Virgil, quoted, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 37, 42, 44, 48. 50, 94, 127, 128, 138, 156, 157, 181, 193, 198, 201, 264, 368, 444, 457, 463, 471.
Virgins, the violation of, by force, does not contaminate, 12.
Virtue and Faith, honored by the Romans with temples, 73, 74; the Romans ought to have been content with, and Felicity, 74; the war waged by, 354.
Virtues, as disgraceful to make them serve human glory as to serve bodily pleasure, 102; true, necessary to true religion, 418, 419.
Virtus, the goddess, 124, 125.
Vision, the beatific, 507–509.
Wars, against the Albans, 49; with Pyrrhus, 54; the Punic, 55, etc., 56, etc.; the civil, of the Gracchi, 59; the civil, between Marius and Sylla, 60, etc.; the Gothic and Gallic, 61; severe and frequent, before the advent of Christ, 61; the duration of various, 103; with Radagaisus, 104; the miseries of, 405.
Waters, the separation of the, 225.
Wicked, the, the ills which alone are feared by, 43; God makes a good use of, 392; going out to see the punishment of, 442; the end of, 420; and the good, one event befalls, 5, 422; the connection of, and the good together, 6.
Wickedness, not a flaw of nature, 471.
Will, the consent of, to an evil deed, makes the deed evil, 12; is it ruled by necessity? 92; the enemies of God are so by, 227, 229; no efficient cause of an evil, 230; the misdirected love by which it fell away from the immutable to the mutable good, 230; whether the angels received their good, from God, 231; the character of, makes the affections of the soul right or wrong, 266, etc.; free in the state of perfect felicity, 510.
Will of God, the eternal and unchangeable, 480.
Wisdom, described in the Book of Proverbs, 358.
Wisdom, the Book of, a prophecy of Christ in, 357.
Wives, how the Romans obtained their first, 48.
Woman, shall she retain her sex in the resurrection? 495; the formation of, from a rib of sleeping Adam, a type, 496.
World, the, not eternal, 206; the infinite ages before, not to be comprehended, 207; and time, had both one beginning 208; falseness of the history which ascribes many thousand years to the past existence of, 232; of those who hold a plurality of worlds, 233; predictions respecting the end of, 444, etc.
Worlds without end, or ages of ages, 238, etc.
Worm, the, that dieth not, 443, 461.
Worship of God, distinction between latria and dulia, 180, 181, 182, etc.
Years, in the time of the antediluvians, 292, etc., 295, etc.; in the words, "their days shall be an hundred and twenty years," 305, etc.; the thousand, of the Book of Revelation, 426; the three and a half, of the Book of Revelation, 443.