Alms, 35; what is meant by the "left hand," 36.
Augustin, as an exegete, vii; authority of, in the Middle Ages, vii; knowledge of Hebrew, viii; knowledge of Punic, 49; and the Vulgate, ix; examples of critical notation, ix; many interpretations of Scripture, x; and a Bible Dictionary, x; use of allegory, xi.
Christ, second coming of, 40; traditional saying of, 52 (note); the rock, 63.
Daily bread, what it is, 42, 46.
Devil, the, 14; speaking with God, 44.
Divorce, 17-22; Woolsey on, 22 (note).
Earth, meaning of, 4, 5 (note), 39.
Elijah inflicting punishments, 28.
Enemies to be loved, 18, 29, 30.
Farrar on Augustin as an exegete, vii.
Farthing, the uttermost, 13, 43.
God, omnipresence of, 15, 40; Fatherhood of, 39; name of, 40; kingdom of, 40; speaking with Satan, 44; agency in temptation, 45; providential care of, 50.
Heart, purpose of, 48; a pure, 5, 34.
Heaven, 8, 18, 23, 39, 40, 41.
Holy Spirit, sevenfold operation of, 6, 63; sin against, 31; fruits of, 61.
Imprecation used for predicting future events, 30.
Injuries, treatment of, 14, 25, 28 sq.
Law, keeping the, 10; sum of the, 59; sueing at the, 26.
Left hand, meaning of, 35, 36.
Love, for enemies, 18, 30; for neighbour, 29.
Luther quoted, 36 (note), 38 (note).
Manichæans refuted, vii, 28, 60.
Mount, meaning of, 4; on which Sermon was delivered, 4 (note); the Sermon on, as a standard of life, 3; purpose of, 3 (note).
Natures, not two original, 60.
Paul reviling the high priest, 25.
Prayer, secret, 37; standing posture in, 37 (note), 39; efficacy of, 38; facing the east in, 39; Mahometan's, 43; the Lord's, 38 sqq.
Preaching, aim of, not a livelihood, 51.
Punishment, for sin, 13; degrees of, 27; inflicted by mortals, 28; corporeal, 28.
Renan, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, 3 (note); on slavery, 25 (note).
Reuss on Augustin as an exegete, vii.
Righteousness, 10; of the Pharisees, 11.
Sanctification, perfect, 33 (note).
Septuagint, Augustin' s reverence for, viii.
Sermon on the Mount. See Mount.
Simon, Père, on Augustin as an exegete, vii.
Sin, degrees of, 12; three stages in, 15, 16; forgiveness of, 43.
South, Robert, quoted, 16 (note), 48 (note).
Temptation, 43; agent in, 44, 45.
Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, 4 (note), 38 (note), 42 (note), 47 (note), 59 (note).
Trench on Augustin as an exegete, vii.
Webster, Daniel, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, 3 (note).