Utterance 534.
1264a. To say by Horus: May Geb make an offering.
1264b. Be gone, flee (thou) whom Horus guards, whom Set protects;
1264c. be gone, flee, (thou) whom Osiris guards, whom Hrti protects;
1265a. be gone, flee, (thou) whom Isis guards, whom Nephthys protects;
1265b. flee, chief, (thou) whom Mḫnti-’irti guards, whom Thot protects;
1265c. be gone, flee (thou) whom the ḫȝ.tiw guard, whom the ’imi.w-’iȝw.w protect.
1266a. I have come; I have dedicated this house to N.;
1266b. purer is this broad-hall than ḳbḥ.w;
12 66c. at its door (or, entrance) is an obelisk; the door is double (i.e. with two leaves), and is sealed with two evil eyes.
1267a. Let not Osiris come in this his evil coming;
1267b. do not open to him thine arms.
1267c. Let him be gone; let (him) go to Ndi.t; at once; let him be gone to ‘dȝ.
1268a. Let not Horus come in this his evil coming;
1268b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of Šp-’iri--šȝȝ.w.
1268c. Let him go to ‘np.t; at once; let him go to Ntr.
1269a. Let not Set come in this his evil coming;
1269b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of śš‘.
1269c. Let him go to dw.t; at once; let him go to Ḥn.t.
1270a. If Mḫnti-’irti comes in this his evil coming;
1270b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of nš (driveller).
1270c. Let him go to Ddnw-(him whom) they found in (the condition of) quaking;
1270d. at once; let him go to Ḫm.
1271a. If Thot comes in this his evil coming;
1271b. do not open to him thine arms; that which is said to him is his name of "thou hast no mother."
1271c. Let him go; let him be gone to his (?) two ’int.wi; let him go to Buto, to Hri-Dḥwti.
1272a. If Isis comes in this her evil coming;
1272b. do not open to her thine arms; that which is said to her is her name (of) "wide of ḥwȝ-t (evil-smelling)."
1272c. Let her (lit. him) be gone; let her go to the houses of Mȝnw;
1272d. at once; let her go to Ḥdb.t, to the place where thou hast (she has) been struck.
1273a. If Nephthys comes in this her evil coming;
1273b. that which. is said to her is this her name of "substitute without vulva."
1273c. Go thou to the house of Śerḳet, to the place where thou didst strike thy two ‘nn.twi (thighs?).
1274a. If enemies come with those who are among the elders
1274b. that which is said to them (lit. her) is this their (lit. her) name of Šp-šȝ.w.
1274c. Go to ---- tw.t.
1275a. If N. comes with his ka;
1275b. the mouth of his gods opens: "(If) he desires to descend to the [underworld, let him descend]
1275c. to the place where there are gods."
1276a. If N. comes with his ka, open thou thine arms to him;
1276b. the mouth of his gods opens: "(If) he desires to ascend to heaven, let him ascend."
1277a. I am come as judge; may Geb make offerings, and Atum.
1277b. I consecrate this pyramid, this temple, to N. and to his ka;
1277c. that which this pyramid, this temple, contains is for N. and for his ka;
1277d. pure is this eye (pyramid enclosure) of Horus,
1278a. O may it be pleasing to thee. He who puts his finger against this pyramid, this temple of N. and of his ka;
1278b. he who will put his finger against the house of Horus in ḳbḥ.w,
1278c. may Nephthys and Isis go against him -------- Geb.
1279a. His case will be heard by the Ennead,
1279b. he will be without support, his house will be without support;
1279c. he is accursed; he is one who eats his (own) body.