The Vampire, His Kith and Kin, by Montague Summers, [1928], at
Abhandlung des Dasenns der Gespenster Nebst einem Anhange vom Vampyrismus. Augsburg, 1768
Actenmässige und umständliche Relation von denen Vampyren. Leipzig, 1732
ALLACCI, Leone (LEO ALLATIUS). De Graecorum hodie quorundam opinationibus, Cologne, 1645
ANDREE, Richard. Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche. 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1878-89
ARNASON, J. Icelandic Legends. translated by G. Powell and E. Magnusson, London, 1864-66
BARTELS, M. and PLOSS, H. H. Das Weib. Berlin, 1913
BASIN, Bernardus. De artibus magicis. 1482; also Paris, 1506
BASTIAN, Adolf. Der Mensch in der Geschichte, II Band: Psychologie und Mythologie. Leipzig, 1860
BELL, H. J. Obeah. Witchcraft in the West Indies. London, 1893.
BEUCHAT, H. Manuel d' archéologie americaine (Amérique Pré-historique; Civilisations disparues). Paris, 1912
BEAUMONT, John. An Historical, Physiological, and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices. London, 1705
BENT, J. T. The Cyclades. London, 1885
BERNONI, Giuseppe Don. Leggende popolari Veneziane. Venezia, Antonelli, 1814
BOUREULLE, De. "La démonologie de Dom Calmet"--in the Bulletin de la Société Philomatique Vosgienne, 1887. Saint-Dié. Impr. Humbert.
BREENE, R. S. An Irish Vampire--in The Occult Review, October, 1925, pp. 242-5
BROWNE, W. A. F. "Necrophilism"--in Journal of Mental Science, January, 1875, pp. 551-560
CALMET, Augustin Dom (O.S.B.) Traité sur les Apparitons des Esprits, et sur les Vampires, ou les Revenans de Hongrie, de Moravie, etc. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, & augmentée par l'Auteur. 2 vols. Paris, 1751. (The first edition is Paris, 1746; and there was an edition Einsiedeln, Dane la princière abbaie par Jean Everhard Kälin, 2 vols., 1749)
CASTREN, M. A. Vorlesungen über die finnische Mythologie: deutsch von A. Schiefner. St. Petersburg, 1853
CEYNOWA, Flor. De terrae Pucensis incolarum superstitione in re medica. Berlin, 1851
Christliche Betrachtungen über die wunderbarliche Begebenheit mit den Blutsaugenden Todten in Servien. Leipzig, 1732
CODRINGTON, R. H. (D.D.). The Melanesians: studies in their Anthropology and Folk Lore. Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1891
COLLIN DE PLANCY, J. A. S. Dictionnaire Infernal. Editio princeps. 2 vols. Paris, 1818. (1 have used the sixth, and last, edition, 1 vol., 4to, 1863. The six editions differ widely from one another. This famous work is valuable, but uncritical and even erroneous)
--- Histoire des Vampires. Paris, 1820
(This work, which has been erroneously attributed to Dr Polidori, is now considered almost certainly to be by Collin de Plancy)
CROWE, Catherine. Light and Darkness. 3 vols. London, 1850.
CUISIN, J.P.R. Les ombres sanglantes, galerie funébre de prodiges, événemnents merveilleux, apparitions nocturnes, songes épouvantables, délits mysterieux,
phenomènes terribles, vengeances atroces, et combinaisons du crime, forfaits historiques, cadavres mobiles, têtes de la terreur. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1820
--- Spectriana, on recueil d'histories et d'aventures surprenantes, merveilleuses et remarquables, de spectres, revenans, esprits, fantômes, diables, ce démons. Manuscrit trouvé dans les catacombes. Paris, Lécrivain, 1817
--- Curieuse Relation von denen sich in Servien erzeigend habenden Blutsaugern. Leipzig, 1732
CURTIN, J. Tales of the Fairies and of the Ghost World. London, 1895
DAVANZATI, Gioseppe. Dissertazione sopra i Vampiri di Gioseppe Davanzati, Patrizio Fiorentino, e Tranese, Cavaliere Gerosolimitano, Arcivescovo di Trani e Patriarca d'Alessandria. Seconda edizione. Napoli. M.DCC.LXXXIX. Presso Filippo Raimondi. Con licenza de' Superiori. 8vo. pp. xxx, 230
DAVIES, T. Witton. Magic, Divination, and Demonology among the Hebrews and their Neighbours. London and Leipzig, s.d. (1898)
DAWKINS, R. M. Modern Greek in Asia Minor; with a chapter on folk-tales by W. R. Halliday. London, 1916
DE GUAITA, Stanislas. Essais de sciences maudites. I. Paris, Carré 1886; Carré, 1890; Chamuel, 1895; II, Paris Chamuel, 1891; III, Paris, Chamuel, 1897.
DEMELIUS, Christoph Friedrichs. Philosophischer Versuch, ob nicht die merkwurdige Begebenheit der Blutsauger oder Vampyren aus den principiis naturae hergeleitet werden konne. Vienna, 1732
DITETERICH, Albrech. Nekyia. Leipzig, 1893
--- Dissertatio physica de cadaueribus sanguisugis, sub praesidio Jon. Christ. Stockii. Jena, 1732
DOZON, A. Contes albanais. Paris, 1881
EAVES, A. Osborne. Modern Vampirism. Talisman Publishing Company, Harrogate, England. 1904
ENNEMOSER, Joseph. The History of Magic: translated from the German by William Howitt. 2 vols. London, Bohn, 1854
ERAH, J. Onurb. Key to Vampyrology, Witchcrafte & Dæmonologie for Guidance of ye Slayers. The Watchers' Society, Cambridge, 1751.
FAURIEL. Chansons populaires de la Grèce Moderne. Paris, 1824-5
FRITCH, John Christian. Eines Weimarischen muthmassliche Gedancken von den Vampyren oder Blutsaugenden Todten, Leipzig, 1732
GARMANNUS, Christ. Frider. De Miraculis mortuorum. Lipsiae, 1670
GILES, H. A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, London, 1909
GIRALDO (O.P.) le R. P. Mathias de. Histoire curieuse et pittoresque des sorciers devins, magiciens, astrologues, voyants, revenants, âmes en peine, vampires, spectres, esprits, malins, sorts jetés, excorcismes, etc., depuis l'antiquite jusqu'à nos jours. Revue et augmentie par Fornari. Paris, Renault, 8vo, 1846. There were other editions, 1849 and 1854, of this popular work. Fra Giraldo is described as "dominicain, ancien exorciste de l' Inquisition," but his actual existence is something more than suspect. Fornari writes himself "Professeur de Philosophie hermétique à Milan," and this is ornamental.
Globus: Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder-und Volkerkunde
GORRES, Johann Joseph. Die Christliche Mystik. 4 vols. 1836-42. French translation: La Mystique Divine, Naturelle, et Diabolique . . . 5 vols. Paris, 1861
GRANT, James. The Mysteries of all Nations: Rise and Progress of Superstition. Leith, Edinburgh, and London. n.d. 2nd ed. (Preface signed, January, 1880)
GROOT, J. J. M. De. The Religious System of China. Leyden, 1892-1910
--- The Religion of the Chinese. New York, 1910
GRUNDTVIG, N. F. S. Danske Kœmpeviser. No. 90. Copenhagen, 1847
HAHN, J. G. von. Albanesische Studien. Jena, 1854
--- Griechische und Albaneeische Märchen. Leipzig, 1864
HANUSH, S. Slavische mythologie.
HARE, Augustus. Story of my Life, 6 vols. 1896-1900
HARENBERG, John Christian. Vernünfftige und christliche Gedanken über die Vampyrs oder Blutsaugenden Todten. Wolfenbüttel, 1732
HAUTTECOEUR, Henry. Le Folklore de l'Ile de Kythnos. Bruxelles, 1898
HAUXTHAUSEN, Baron August von. Transcaucasia: Sketches of the Nations and Races between the Black Sea and the Caspian. London, 1854
HEINECCIUS, J. M. De absolutione, mortuorum excommunicatorum, seu tympanicorum in ecclesia Graeca. Helmstad, 1709
HELLWALD, F. von. Die Welt der Slaven. Berlin, 1890
HELM, K. Altgermanische Religioneschichte. Heidelberg, 1913
HERTZ, Wilhelm. Der Werwolf. Stuttgart, 1862
HOCK S. Die Vampyrsagen und ihre Verwertung in der deutschen Litteratur. Berlin, 1900
HORST, Georg Conrad. Zauber-bibliothek; oder von Zauberei, Theurgie, und Mantik, Zauberern, Hexen, und Hexenprocessen, Dämonen, Gesperstern, und Geistererschein ungen. 6 vols., Mainz, 1821
--- Histoire prodigieuse d'un gentilhomme auquel le Diable s'est apparu et avec lequel il a conversé sous le corps d'une, femme morte, aduenue à Paris le premier de janvier mil six cens treize. Paris, 8vo, 1613. Reprinted by Lenglett-Dufresny, Recueil de dissertations. Tome I, Part 2 (pp. 69-71).
HOSE, C. and MEDOUGALL, W. The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. London, 1912
HOVORKA, O. von, and KRONFIELD, A. Vergleichende Volksmedizin. 2 vols. Berlin, 1009-9
HUDSON, Thomson Jay. The Law of Psychic Phenomena. Putnam, 1905. (c. xxi: "Suspended Animation")
HUNT, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. London, 1865
Ion Greanga. Edited by Tudor Pamfile (Roumanian periodical of peasant art and literature)
IVES, George. A History of Penal Methods. London, 1914
JOYCE, Thomas Athol. Mexican Archæology: an introduction to the Archæology of the Mexican and Mayan Civilizations of pre-Spanish America. London, 1914
KARL, O. F. (Karl Otto). Danziger Sagen gesammelt von O. F. Karl. Danzig, 1843
KEANE, A. H. Man, Past and Present. London, 1920
KORNMANN. De miraculis mortuorum. 1610
KRAUSS, F. S. "Vampyre im südslavischen Volksglauben"--in Globus, lxi (1892)
LAISTNER, Ludwig. Das Räthsel der Sphynx: Grundzüge einer Mythengeschichte. Berlin, 1889
LANCELIER, Charles. Historie mystique de Shatan. Daragon, Paris, 1905. (3me partie: Le Vampire)
LAWSON, John Cuthbert. Modern Greek Folk Lore and Ancient Greek Religion. Cambridge, 1910
LEAKE, W. M. Travels in Northern Greece, 4 vols. London, 1835
LEE, Frederick George. The Vampyre. In Reynold's Miscellany. Vol. I, No. 28. (New Series.) Saturday, 20th January, 1849 (pp. 444-445)
LIEBRECHT, F. Zur Volkskunde. Heilbronn, 1879
LUCAS, Paul. Voyage da Sieur Paul Lucas au Levant. 2 vols. A La Haye. 1705
Lycanthropist (The). In Reynolds' Miscellany, Vol. V, No. 125. (New Series.) Saturday, 30th November, 1850 (pp. 293-295)
MACCULLOCH, J. X. "Vampire"--article in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, edited by James Hastings. Vol. XII., pp. 589-591. Edinburgh, 1921
MACHAL, J. Slavic Mythology, Boston, 1918
MALLEUS MALEFICARUM--v. Sprenger and Kramer
MANNHARDT, W. Über Vampyrismus--in Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde. Vol. iv, pp. 259-82. Göttingen, 1858
MAP, Walter. De Nugis Curialium. Edited by M. R. James. (Anecdota Oxoniensia: Mediæval and Modern Series, Part XIV) Oxford, 1914
--- De Nugis Curalium (Courtiers' Trifles). Englished by Frederick Tupper and Marbury Bladen Ogle. London, 1924
MAYO, Herbert. On the Truths contained in Popular Superstitions. Second Edition. London, 1951. (These papers were first published in Blackwoods' Edinburgh Magazine, 1847-8)
MIGNE, M. L'abbé. Enyclopédie Théologique, Tome Quarante--Nuvième: Dictionnaire des Sciences Occultes. Paris, 1860. Vampires, 783-798. See also: Paul, Arnold, 263; Plogojouits, Pierre, 323-324; Polyinte, 325-326. And in Tome Quarante-Huitcime, Harppe, 803; Katha hanes, 918-919
MORE, Henry. An Antidote against Atheism; or An Appeal to the Natural Faculties of the Mind of Man, whether there be not a God. 1653. Second Edition with Appendix, 1655
MORETON, Andrew. The Secrets of the Invisible World Disclosed; or, an Universal History of Apparitions Sacred and Prophane. The third edition, London, 1738
MURGOCI, Agnes. "The Vampire in Roumania".--in Folk-Lore, vol. xxxvii, No. 4, 31 December, 1926: pp. 320-49
NEWTON. Travels and Discoveries in the Levant. 2 vols., London, 1866
NINO, de A. Usi e Costumi Abruzzesi. G. Barbera, Florence, 1891
NODIER, Charles. Infernaliana. Paris, Sansom et Nadau, 12mo, 1882
--- Occult Review (The)
--- Ocean of Story (The)--v. Somadeva
OTESCU, I. Credintele Táranului Român despre Cer si Stele. (Roumanian Academy pamphlet)
Ottonis Graben zum Stein unverlornes Licht und Recht derer Todten unter den Lebendigen. Wittenberg, 1732
P[ABAN], Madame Gabrielle de. Histoire des Fantômes et des Démons qui se sent montrés parmi les hommes, ou choix d'anecdotes et de contes, de faits merveilleux, de traits bizarres, d'aventures extraordinaires sur les revenans, les fantômes, les lutins, les demons, les spectres, les vampires et les apparitions diverses, etc. Paris, 12mo, 1819. (Quérard tells us that Collin de Plancy who was a cousin of the writer, collaborated in this work)
--- Démoniana, ou Nouveau choix d'anecdotes surprenantes, de nouvelles prodigieuses, d'aventures bizarres, sur les revenans, les spectres, les fantômes; les démons, les loups garous, les visions, etc.; ouvrage propre a rassurer les imaginations timorees contre les frayeurs superstitieuses. Paris, 18mo, 1820. (Graesse mistakenly attributes this work to Collin de Plancy: Bibliotheca Magica, p. 88)
PASHLEY, ROBERT. Travels in Crete. 2 vols. Cambridge and London, 1837.
PETRONIUS. Satiræ, tertium edidit Franciscus Buecheler. Berolini, 1895
PHILOSTRATUS. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, translated by F. C. Conybeare, 2 vols. (Loeb Classical Library), London, 1926
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PLUMMER, Charles. Uitae Sanctorum Hiberniae. 2 vols. Oxford, 1900
POHLIUS, M. John Christopher. Dissertatio de hominibus post mortem sanguisugis. Leipzig, 1742
POLITES, N. P. Παραδόσεις τοῦ ἑλληνικοῦ λαοῦ. Athens, 2 vols., 1904
PUTONEUS. Besondere Nachrichten von denen Vampyrs. Leipzig, 1732
RALSTON, W. R. S. Russian Folk Tales. London, 1873
RANFT, Michael. De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis Liber. Leipzig, 1728
--- Tractat von dem Kauen und Schamtzen der Todten in Gräbern. Leipzig, 1734
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Réalité de la magie et des Apparitions, ou Contre-poison du Dictionnaire Infernal. Paris, 1819
Revue d'Assyriologie, 1909, 61
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ROBERT, Cyprien. Les Slaves de Turquie, 2 vols. Paris, 1844
RODD, Sir Rennell. The Customs and Lore of Modern Greece. London, 1892
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SCHMIDT, Bernhard. Griechische Märchen, Sagen, und Volkslieder. Leipzig, 1877
SCHOTT, Arthur and Albert. Walachische Mährchen. Stuttgart and Tübingen 1845
Schreiben eines-guten Freundes an einen anderen guten Freund, die Vampyren betreffend. Frankfort, 1732
SIMON, jun., Friedrich Alexander. Der Vampirismus im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Hamburg, 1831. (A medical pamphlet dealing with the abuse of excessive letting of blood by physicians)
SIMON, Paul Max. Crimes et délits dans la folie. 1886
SIMROCK, C.J. Handbuch der deutschen Mythologien. Bonn, 1874
SINISTRARI, O. F. M., Ludovico Maria. Demoniality. Translated from the Latin by the Rev. Montague Summers with an Introduction and Notes. The Fortune Press, London, 1927
SKEAT, W. W. Malay Magic, being an Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula. London. 1900
SOMADERA. The Ocean of Story, translated by C. H. Tawney; edited with Introduction by N. M. Penzer, 10 vols. London, Sawyer, 1924
SOMMIÈRES, M. Le Colonel L. C. Vialla de. Voyage Historique et Politique au Montenegro. 2 vols., Paris, 1820
SPENCE, Lewis. An Encyclopedia of Occultism. London, Routledge, 1920
--- The Gods of Mexico. London, Unwin, 1923
--- The Myths of Mexico and Peru. London, Harrap, 1913
SPRENGER (O.P.), James and KRAMER (Institor), Heinrich. Malleus Maleficarum: translated from the Latin by the Rev. Montague Summers, with an Introduction and Notes. John Rodker, London, 1928
STEPHEN, H. J. Commentaries on the Laws of England. London, 1868
STOCK, John Christian. Dissertatio de Cadaueribus Sarguisugis. Jena, 1732
STOLL, Otto. Suggestion und Hypnotismus in der Völkerpsychologie. Leipzig, 1894
STRACK, Hermann, L. The Jew and Human Sacrifice. Translated from the 8th Edition by Henry Blanchamp. First published in England, May, 1909
SWETTENHAM, Frank A. Malay Sketches. London, 1895
TEBB, W. and VOLLUM, M.D. (Colonel). Premature Burial and How It May Be Prevented. 2nd edition by W. R. Hadwen, M.D., London, 1905
TERTULLIAN. De Anima--apud Migne, Patres Latini, II, 687-798
THOMPSON, R. Campbell. The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia. 2 vols. London, 1903-1904
--- Semitic Magic: its Origins and Development. London, 1908
THURSTON (S. J.), H. Broucolaccas: A Study in Mediaeval Ghost Lore. In The Month. November, 1897. Vol. XC. (pp. 502-520)
TOURNEFORT, M. Pitton de. Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, 2 vols. Paris, 1717
TOZER, Rev. Henry Fanshawe. Researches in the High lands of Turkey . . . with Notes on the Ballads, Tales, and Classical Superstitions of the Modem Greeks. 2 vols., London, 1869
Travels of Three English Gentlemen from Venice to Hamburgh being the grand Tour of Germany in the Year (1734). Harleian Miscellany, vol. IV sqq., 1745
Uisus et repertus über die so genannten Vampyren. Nuremberg, 1732
VALVASOR, Iohannes Weichardus. Gloria Carniolae Explicata. 4to. 1689
VILLEMARQUÉ, T. Hersart de la. Barzaz-Breiz: Chants populaires de la Bretagne, 4th edition, 2 vols. Paris, 1846
VOIGTS, Gottlieb Heinrich. Kurtzes Bedencken von den Relationen wegen der Vampyren. Leipzig, 1732
WACHSMUTH, C. Das alte Griechenland im neuem. Bonn, 1864
WILLELMI PARUI DE NEWBURGH. Historia Rerum, Anglicarum: recensuit Hans Claude Hamilton. 2 vols. Londini, 1856
WILLOUGHBY-MEADE, G. Chinese Ghouls and Goblins. London, 1928
WINSTEDT, R. O. Shaman, Saiva, and Sufi: a Study of Malay Magic. London, 1928
WRIGHT, Dudley. Vampires and Vampirism. 1914. Second Edition, enlarged, 1924
WRIGHT, Thomas. Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. London, 1846
W.S.G.E. Curieuse and sehr wunderbarliche Relation von denen sich neuer Dinge in Servien erzeigenden Blutsaugern oder Vampyrs, arts authentischen Nachrichten mitgetheilet und mit historischen and philosophischen Reflexionen begleitet. Leipzig, 1732
ZEILER, Martin. Trauergeschicten. 3 vols., 1625
ZOPFT, John Heinrich. Dissertatio de Uampiris Seruiensibus. Halle, 1733
ARNOLD, Theodor Ferdinand Kajetan. Der Vampir. Schneeburg, 1801
BENSON, E. F. The Face, and No Bird Sings. Both in Spook Stories, 1928 The Room in the Tower--in The Room in the Tower and other Stories, 1912 Mrs. Amworth--in Visible and Invisible, 1923
BÉRARD, Cyprien. Lord Ruthven on les Vampires. Roman de G. B. Publié par l'auteur de Jean Sbogar et de Thérèse Aubut. Paris, 1820. (February, 1820. Second Edition with Notes on Vampirism, July, 1820)
BLACKWOOD, Algernon. The Transfer--in Pan's Garden, 1912.
--- The Strange Adventures of a Private Secretary in New York--in The Empty House, 1906
--- Blutsauger (Die) Roman. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, 1821
BOUCICAULT, Dion. The Phantom: a Drama in Two Acts. New York. Samuel French, 1856. No. CLXV Frerich's Standard Drama. Also Dick's Standard Plays, No. 697
BRADDON, Miss [Mary Elizabeth]. Good Lady Ducayne--in The Strand Magazine. February, 1896, vol. X1, pp. 185-199
BRAZIER, GABRIEL, et ARMAND. Les Trois Vampires, ou le clair de la lure. Folie vaudeville en un acte. Paris, Barba, 1820 (Produced at the Variétés)
BURTON, Sir Richard. Vikram and the Vampire or Tales of Hindu Devilry (Adapted by Richard F. Burton, F.R.G.S. etc.). London, 1870 [1869]
BYRON, Lord. The Giaour. "A Fragment of a Turkish Tale." London Murray, 1813. "A New Edition, with Some Additions," (71 lines at the beginning of the poem, the amended dedication and the advertisement). London, Murray, 1813
Cadet Buteux Vampire; ou Relation véridique du prologue et des trois actes de cet épouvantable mélodrama écrite sous la dictée di ce passeux du Gros-Caillou par son sécretaire Désaugeirs. Paris, 1820 (A parody on Nodier)
COSMAR and KRAUSE. Der Vampyr: Trauerspiel in 5 Abteilungen; nach einen Spindlerschen Erzählung bearbeitet. Berlin, 1828
CRAWFORD, F. Marion. For the Blood is the Life--in Uncanny Tales, 1911
DAHN, F. Der Vampyr. (Werke, vol. XVII, 1898, p. 233)
Der Vampyr, oder die blutige Hochzeit mit der schönin Kroatin: eine sonderbare Gerchichte von böhmischen Wissenpater. Erfurt. 1812
Der Vampyr, oder die todten Brant: Romantisches Schauspiel in drei Acten. Brunswick, 1822
DORSET, St. John [Rev. Hugo John Belfour]. The Vampire: a Tragedy in Five Acts. First [Second] Edition. London, MDCCCXXI. C. and J. Ollier.
DOYLE, Sir A. Conan. The Parasite. 1891
DUMAS (Pére), Alexandre. Le Vampire: Drama fantastique en 5 actes et, 10 tableaux par Alexandre Dumas et Auguste Maquet, répresenté le 20 décembre, 1851 Sur le théâtre de l'Amtigu-Comique, Théâtre Complet de Alexandre Dumas. Onziéme Série. Paris, Michel Lévy, 1865
DUNN, Gertrude. The Mark of the Bat. London, 1928
ELLMENREICH, Friederike. Der Vampyr. Mainz, 1827 (A translation from Scribe)
FABER, H. Le Vampire, nouvelle traduite de l'anglais de Lord Byron. Paris 1819
FAIRFIELD, Henry W. A. Only by Mortal Hands (as told to Harold Standish Corbin). "Ghost Stories," vol. III, No. 4. October, 1927. Construction Publishing Company. Washington and South Aves.
FÉVAL, Paul H. C. La Ville Vampire. Paris, Dentu, 1875. (This is ingenuously stated to be a romance by Mrs. Radcliffe, who recounted it to the writer's aunt from whom he heard the tale)
FOSSE, Pierre de Ia. Le Vampire; Mélodrama en 3 actes. Paroles de M. Pierre de la Fosse de la rue des Morts. (Pseudonym). 1820
GAUTIER, Théophile. La Morte Amoreuse. Originally appeared in the Chronique: de Paris, 23rd and 26th June, 1836
--- The Beautiful Vampire. London, 1927. (A translation of La Morte Amoreuse, by Paul Hookham. There is also a translation by G. Burnham Ives as The Dead Leman, Putnam, New York and London, 1903. Other English versions have been published)
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Die Braut von Corinth
HAUSHOFER, Max. Die Verbannten. Leipzig, 1890
HEIGEL C. M. Der Vampyr: Romantische Oper in drei Aufzügen. Nach Byrons Dichtung von C. M. Heigel; Musik von p. V. Lindpaintner, 1829 (Produced at Stuttgart, 21 September, 1828)
HEROLD, A. Ferdinand. Les Contes du Vampire. Paris, Mercure de France, 1891. Second edition, 1902. (Indian tales)
HERON, E. and H. The Story of Baelbrow in Ghost Stories, London, Pearson, 1916. (Reprinted from Pearson's Magazine, April, 1898)
HILDEBRANDS, Theodor. Der Vampyr oder die Totenbraut: ein Roman nach neugriechischen Volkssagen. Leipzig, 1828
H.M.P. A Vampire of Souls. 1904 (A semi-apocalyptic novel)
HODDER, Reginald. The Vampire. London, 1913
HUGO, Victor. Han d'Islande. 4 vols., Paris, Persan, 1823
JAMES, M. R. Count Magnus in Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. London. Arnold, 1905. An Episode of Cathedral History--in A thin Ghost and Others. London, Arnold, 1919.
KEATS, John. Lamia. Published July, 1820
KÉRATY, M. de. Le Dernier du Beaumanoir. (1850?). [Founded on the following incident: Peu d'années avant le révolution de 1789 un prêtre fut convaincu d'avoir assouri sa passion brutale sur le cadavre encore chaud d'une femme auprés de laquelle il avait été placé pour reciter des prières)
KING, Frank. The Ghoul. London, 1928 (This is a mystery novel. The Ghoul is a nickname given to a master-criminal)
LE FANU, Sheridan. Carmilla--In a Glass Darkly. 3 vols., London, Bentley, 1872. Also in one volume, 1872. Reprinted in two parts by Newnes. Reprinted Eveleigh Nash, 1923
LIDDELL, Hon. Henry. "The Vampire Bride"--in The Wizard of the North: The Vampire Bride, and other Poems. Blackwood, Edinburgh; and Cadell, London, MDCCCXXXIII
MENGALS, Martin Joseph. Le Vampire: Comic Opera in one Act. 1826. (Produced 1st March, 1826)
MÉRIMÉE, Prosper. La Guzla, ou, Choix de Poésies Illyriques, 1827
NERUDA, Jan. The Vampire, pp. 847-849 of Great Short Stories of the World. London, New Impression. November, 1927
NODIER, Charles. Le Vampire (A melodrama in a Prologue and three Acts. Music by Alexandre Piccini. Produced at the Porte-Saint-Martin, Paris, 13th June, 1820). Paris, 1820
PALMA, Silvestro di. I Vampiri. (1800)
PLANCHÉ, James Robinson. The Vampire. or the Bride of the Isles. Produced at the English Opera House, 9th August, 1820. 8vo. 1820. Also Dicks' Standard Plays, No. 875
POLIDORI. The Vampyre. Originally published in the New Monthly Magazine, April, 1819. First separate edition, London, Sherwood, 1819
PREST, Thomas Preskett. Varney the Vampire, or The Feast of Blood. 1847. Reprinted in Penny Numbers, 1853
PRZYBYSZEWSKI. De profundis. Leipzig and Berlin, 1895
RACHILDE. La Tour d'Amour. Paris, 1891 (Necrophilia)
ROMAN, Victor. "Four Wooden Stakes"--in Not at Night, London, 1925
ROTTA. Il Vampiro: Ballet with music by Paolo Giorza. Milan. 1861 (Produced at Milan in 1861)
SCHUBIN, Ossip. Vollmondzauber. Stuttgart, 1899
SCOTT, G. A. Dawson. The Vampire: a Book of Cornish and other Stories. London, 1925. (The only Vampire in this book seems to be a metaphor)
SCRIBE, Eugène. Le Vampire: Comédie-Vaudeville en un acte de Scribe et Mélesville. Théâtre du Vaudeville. 15 June, 1820. Oeuvres complétes de Eugène Scribe. Comédies. Vaudevilles. 2me Série, VI. (Paris, Dentu, 1876)
Second Maiden's Tragedy (The). Licensed 31st October, 1611. MS. Lansdowne 807. British Museum. (This drama has been several times printed. It was first given to the press in Baldwin's The Old English Drama, Vol. I, 1825. Among the later reprints is that of the Malone Society, 1909, Edited by W. W. Greg. A scholarly recension of this play is a desideratum)
SELTZAM, Dr. Die Vampyre der Residenz: Wahre Skandalgeschichten und sensationelle Enthüllungen von Dr. Seltzam (pseudonym?). 2 Parts. Berlin, 1900. (A pornographic piece of no value)
SOUTHEY, Robert. Thalaba the Destroyer. 1801 (Finished July, 1800)
SPINDLER. Der Vampyr und seine Braut: Nachtstück aus der neuesten zeit--in Zwillinge. Zwei Erzählungen, nebst einem Anhange von Original briefen. Hanover, 1826
STENBOCK, Eric Stanislaus, Count. The True Story of a Vampire. In Studies of Death. London, Nutt, 1894.
STOKER, Bram. Dracula. A tale. pp. ix, 390. London, Constable, 1897. Tenth edition, Rider, 1913
--- Dracula's Guest and other Weird Stories. London, Routledge, 1914
STUCKEN, Edouard. Die Vampyrkatze--in Balladen, Berlin, 1899
TAGLIONI, Paul. Morgano: Comédie-ballet in four acts and seven tableaux; with music by J. Hatch. 1857. (Produced at Berlin, 25th May, 1857)
TOLSTOI, Alexei. Oupir (a short story)
TURGENIEV, I. S. Apparitions. tr. by p. Merimée. In Nouvelles Muscovites. 21 ed. Paris, 1868
UPTON, Smyth. The Last of the Vampires. Columbian Press, Weston-Super-Mare, 1845
VACANO, E. Schwarze Melancholie (A Short Story). 1865
Vampyre (The). By the Wife of a Medical Man. 1858. (A frantic teetotal tract, presented as fiction)
VAUDÈRE, J. de la. Le mystère de Karme. Paris, 1901
WACHENHUSEIN, Hans and May Karl. In den Schluchten des Balkan. Stuttgart and Leipzig. n.d.
WAKEFIELD, H. R. The Seventeenth Hole at Duncaster--in They Return at Evening, 1928
WELLS, H. G. The Flowering of the Strange Orchid--in The Stolen Bacillus, 1895
WOHLBRÜK, Wilhelm August. Der Vampyr: an opera. Music by Marschner. 1828. (Produced 28th March, 1828)
X.L. Aut Diabolus aur Nihil: "The Kiss of Judas." London, Methuen, 1894