The Texts of the White Yajurveda, tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1899], at
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New and Full Moon sacrifices | |
Removal of the calves | |
The milking | |
Purification of the milk | |
The Vow of Abstinence | |
Preparation of the rice | |
Rice-cake offered to Agni | |
Rice-cake to Agni-Soma | |
Bringing forward the sacrificial waters | |
Purification of the waters | |
Spreading the black-antelope's skin | |
Pounding the rice | |
Putting potsherds on the fire | |
Placing the nether press-stone on the skin | |
Division of the dough: one lump for Agni and one for Agni-Soma | |
Exorcism of the fiend Araru | |
Drawing of lines on three sides of the altar | |
Exorcism of evil spirits | |
Girding the Sacrificer's wife as his associate | |
Sprinkling of fuel, altar, and sacred grass | |
Placing of the Prastara or Grass-bunch on the covering grass | |
Laying the enclosing-sticks round the sacrificial fire | |
Kindling the fire | |
Exorcism of fiends | |
Spreading of the Prastara | |
Laying down the three offering-spoons | |
Election of Agni as Hotar | |
Prayers for the protection of the sacrifice |
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Anointing the enclosing-sticks | |
Throwing the sticks into the fire | |
The Sacrificer's wife unties the Veda or sacred Grass-bunch | |
Holy water poured on the altar | |
Portion of oblation allotted to Râkshasas | |
The three Vishnu-strides | |
Completion of the Vow of Abstinence | |
Pindapitriyajña or Obsequial Offerings to Ancestral Manes | |
Line drawn to keep off evil spirits | |
Threads, wool, or hair as raiment for the Manes | |
Formula recited by the Sacrificer's wife to obtain a son | |
Water poured on the obsequial cakes | |
Agnyâdhâna or Establishment of Sacrificial Fires | |
The Âhavanîya Fire | |
The Dakshinâgni or Southern Fire | |
Agnihotra, morning and evening milk-oblations | |
The Gârhapatya Fire | |
Worship of Agni | |
Address to the Cows | |
The Sâvitrî | |
Worship of the Gârhapatya and Âhavanîya Fires | |
Worship of Agni Purîshya | |
Four-monthly Sacrifices | |
Purificatory Baptism of the Sacrificer and his Wife | |
The Sâkamedha Offerings | |
Worship, with oblation, of Rudra Tryambaka | |
Ceremonial Shaving of the Sacrificer's head | |
Soma Sacrifice | |
Apsu-Dîkshâ, Consecration by Water, Baptism | |
Andgrabhana or Uplifting Ceremonies | |
Putting on the Sacrificial Girdle | |
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Tying on a black-buck's horn | |
Preparation of Vow-food | |
Hiranyavatî-âhuti, Offering with Gold | |
Reverence to the Soma purchasing Cow | |
Purchase of Soma plants | |
Introduction of Soma | |
Âtithya, or Ceremonial Reception of Soma | |
Tânûnaptra, or Invocation of Agni Tanûnapât | |
Minor Consecration | |
Âpyâyana, Sprinkling of the Soma plants | |
Upasads, Reverential Services | |
Marking out the lines of the Soma altar | |
Providing earth for the High Altar | |
Anointing of the four corners of the Altar place | |
Construction of Havirdhânas or Soma cart sheds | |
Construction of the Priests’ Shed, the Pressing-place, and Dhishnyas | |
Preparation of the Uparavas or sound-holes | |
Erection of the Udumbara Poet in the Priests’ Shed | |
Enclosing of the Priests’ Shed with mats | |
Consecration of the Dhishnyas | |
Laying fire on the Âgnîdhra hearth | |
Deposition of Pressing-stones, Soma trough, and Soma vessels | |
Deposition of the Soma plant on a black-antelope's skin | |
Animal Sacrifice | |
Preparation of the Yûpa or Sacrificial Stake | |
Erection of the Stake | |
Binding and Slaughtering of the Victim | |
Roasting and offering of the omentum and flesh | |
Symbolical re-uniting of the separated portions | |
Dismissal of the re-united Victim to Heaven | |
Soma Sacrifice | |
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The Vasatîvarî water, to be used in the Soma-pressing | |
Taking the Soma plants from the cart and laying them on the pressing-stones | |
The Morning Pressing | |
The Upâmsu Press stone | |
The Nigrâbhyâ Water | |
Beating the Soma | |
Grahagrahana, Drawing Cups of Soma | |
Upâmsu Graha | |
Antaryâma Graha | |
Aindra-Vâyava Graha | |
Maitrâ-Varuna Graha | |
Âsvina Graha | |
Sukra Graha | |
Manthin Graha | |
Âgrayana Graha | |
Ukthya Graha | |
Dhruvâ Graha | |
Viprud-Homa, or Drop Oblation | |
Avakâsa Formulas | |
Ritu Grahas, Libations to the Seasons | |
Aindrâgna Cup | |
Vaisvadeva Cup | |
The Midday Pressing | |
Marutvatîya Cups | |
Mâhendra Graha, Cup for Mahendra | |
Dâkshina-Homa, Oblation in the Southern Fire | |
Address to the Guerdon-Cows | |
The Third or Evening Pressing | |
Âditya Graha or Libation to the Âdityas | |
Sâvitra Graha, or Libation to Savitar | |
Mahâvaisvadeva Cup, or Libation to the Great All-Gods | |
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Pâtnîvata Cup, or Libation to Soma | |
Pâtnîvata Cup, or Libation to Agni | |
Hâriyojana Cup, a Libation to Indra | |
Splinters of the Sacrificial Stake thrown on the fire | |
Samishtayajus Ceremonies | |
Avabhritha, or Purifying Bath | |
Offering of the Vasâ, or Sacrificial Cow | |
Offering of the Embryo Calf | |
Additional Soma Sacrifices | |
Shodasî | |
Dvâdasâha | |
Atigrâhyas | |
Gavâmayana | |
Gargatrirâtra | |
Mahâvratîya Graha | |
Adâbhya Graha | |
Sattrotthâna, or Rising from a Sacrificial Session | |
Rectifying and Expiatory Formulas | |
The Vâjapeya, or Draught of Strength | |
Cups of Soma | |
Cup of Surâ | |
Chariot-race | |
Sprinkling and harnessing the horses | |
Beating the Drum | |
Address to the Horses | |
Twelve Oblations, one for each Month | |
Six Oblations, one for each Season | |
Enthronement of the Sacrificer | |
Vâjaprasavanîya, or Strength furthering, Oblations | |
Ujjitis, or Victory Formulas | |
The Râjasûya, or King's Inauguration | |
Preliminary Oblations | |
Apâmârga, or Exorcising, Oblation | |
Oblations to the Eight Devasûs or Furthering Gods | |
Presentation of the King to the People | |
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The Abhisheka, Aspersion, or Consecration | |
Collection of the Consecrating Waters | |
Spreading the Tiger-skin | |
Robing with the Consecration Garments | |
Presentation of the Three Arrows | |
Formulas announcing and introducing the King | |
Ascending the Quarters | |
Sprinkling with Holy Water | |
The Capture of the Cows | |
Rathavimochanîya, or Car-unharnessing, Oblations | |
The Throwing of the Dice | |
The Dasapeya Libations | |
Samsrip, or,Creeping, Oblation | |
The Sautrâmanî | |
Agnichayana, Building of the Fire Altar | |
Taking up the Spade | |
Address to the Victims | |
The Clay Lump, representing Agni | |
Digging round the Clay Lump | |
The Lotus-leaf | |
Forming the Fire-pan | |
Address to the Fire-pan | |
Placing the Fire-pan on the Âhavanîya Fire | |
Address to Agni Purîshya | |
Raising the Ukhya, or Fire-pan, Agni, and setting it on a seat | |
The Sling in which the Ukhya Agni is to be carried about | |
The Vishnu-strides | |
The Vâtsapra Rite | |
Vanîvâ hanam, or Driving Hither and Thither of Agni | |
Construction of the Gârhapatya Hearth | |
Preparation of the Ground | |
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Laying the Bricks | |
Throwing the Ukhya Agni on the Hearth | |
The Altar of Nirriti | |
Preparation of the Site of the Fire Altar | |
Ploughing the Ground | |
Watering and Sowing | |
Address to the Plants | |
The first Layer of Bricks | |
Spreading Sand on the Altar | |
Address to the Fires | |
The Lotus Leaf | |
The Piece of Gold | |
The Golden Man | |
The Porous Brick | |
The Dûrvâ Grass | |
The Dviyajus Bricks | |
The Retahsich Bricks | |
The Ritavyâ Bricks | |
The Ashâdhâ or Invincible Brick | |
The Tortoise | |
The Pestle and Mortar | |
The Fire-pan | |
The Victims’ Heads | |
The Gold Splinters | |
Worship of the Unfinished Altar | |
Apasyâ Bricks | |
Chhandasyâ Bricks | |
Prânabhrit Bricks | |
The Second Layer | |
Âsvinî Bricks | |
Ritavyâs | |
Vaisvadevis | |
Prânabhritas | |
Vayasyâs | |
The Third Layer | |
| |
Central Porous Brick | |
Disyâs | |
Visvajyotis | |
Ritavyâs (Nabhas and Nabhasya) | |
Ritavyâs (Isha and Ûrja) | |
Prânabhritas | |
Chhandasyâs | |
Vâlakhilyâs | |
The Fourth Layer | |
Stomas | |
Spritas | |
Ritavyâs | |
Srishtis | |
The Fifth Layer | |
Asapatnâs | |
Virâjas | |
Stoma-bhâgâs | |
Nâkasadas | |
Pañchachûdâs | |
Chhandasyâs | |
Gârhapatya Hearth | |
Punaschiti | |
Ritavyâs | |
Visvajyotis | |
Lokamprinâs | |
Vikarnî | |
Porous Brick | |
Scattering Bits of Gold on the Altar | |
The Satarudriya | |
Taking Possession of the Altar | |
Frog, Avakâ, and Bamboo-shoot | |
Mounting the Altar | |
Oblation to Agni on the chief Porous Brick | |
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Sprinkling the Altar with curds, honey and butter | |
Oblations in the Hall Door Fire | |
Prayer to Indra as. God of Battles | |
Erection of the Variegated Stone | |
Mounting the Altar | |
Oblation of Milk from a Black Cow with a White Calf | |
Laying three Logs on the Fire | |
Oblations to Agni | |
Offering of Seven Rice Cakes to the Mutate | |
Eulogy of Ghrita | |
Consecration Service for Agni as King | |
Vasordhârâ, or Stream of Riches | |
Ardhendra, or Half-Indra, Oblations | |
Three sets of Grahas | |
Yajñakratus, or Sacrificial Rites | |
Enumeration of Stomas or Hymns of Praise | |
Age Libations | |
Name Libation | |
Kalpa, or Success, Libation | |
Vâjaprasavîya, or Strength-furthering, Libations | |
Râshtrabhrit, or Kingdom supporting, Libation | |
Oblations on the Head of the War-chariot | |
Wind Oblations | |
Lustrous Oblations | |
Arkâsvamedha-santati Oblations | |
Agniyojana, or Equipment of Agni | |
Samishtayajus, or Final Sacrificial, Oblations | |
Homage to the completed Fire Altar | |
Symbolical Meaning of the Construction of the Fire Altar | |
The Sautrâmanî | |
Milk Libations to the Asvins, Sarasvatî, and Indra | |
Purification of the Sacrificer | |
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The Identification of the Sautrâmanî with Soma Sacrifice | |
Transubstantiation of the Surâ or Wine | |
Libations of Surâ in the Southern Fire | |
Oblation and Prayer to the Fathers | |
The Hundred-holed Jar of Surâ | |
Oblations to the Fathers | |
Residue drunk by the Sacrificer | |
Formulas addressed to the Somavat Fathers | |
Formulas addressed to the Barhishads | |
Formulas addressed to the Agnishvâttas | |
Prayer to Fathers of all Classes | |
Address to Agni | |
Address to Indra | |
Verses illustrative of Separation and Rejection | |
Thirty-two Oblations of Fat or Marrow | |
Re-creation of Indra | |
The Âsandî or Sacrificer's Seat | |
Sprinkling of the Sacrificer with Libation-fat | |
The Sacrificer's Benediction on all Parts of his Body | |
Further Self-benedictory Formulas | |
The Avabhritha or Purificatory Ceremony | |
Prayers for Remission of Sin | |
Laying Fuel on the Âhavanîya Fire | |
Mixing Surâ with Soma | |
Offering of a Rice Cake to Indra | |
The Thirty-third Oblation of Fat or Marrow | |
Inhaling the Odour of the Remains of the Oblation | |
Âprî Hymn | |
Invitation of Indra to the Sacrifice | |
Further Address to Indra | |
Praise of the Asvins and Sarasvatî | |
Prayer to Agni | |
Praise of Sarasvatî | |
Invitation to Indra and the Asvins | |
| |
Offering of a Rice Cake and prayer to Varuna | |
Prayer to Agni as Mediator | |
Prayer and Oblation to Aditi | |
Oblations to Mitra and Varuna as Rain-Gods | |
A Propitiatory Hymn in honour of Indra | |
Benedictions on Indra | |
Directions to the Hotar to worship various Deities and Sacred Objects | |
Benedictions on Indra | |
Conclusion of the Santrâmanî Ceremony | |
The Asvamedha or Horse-Sacrifice | |
Investing the Sacrificer with the Gold Ornament | |
Address to the Ornament | |
Girding and Sprinkling of the Horse | |
Symbolical Slaughter of a Dog | |
Offering of Oblations to Ten Deities | |
Homage to the Horse | |
Prayers and Oblations to Savitar | |
Inviting Verses to Agni | |
Eulogy of the Horse | |
Protection invoked for the Horse | |
Oblations and Homage to Prajâpati and Other Deities | |
The King's Prayer for Blessings on his Kingdom | |
Homage and Oblations to Gods and deified Objects | |
Homage to the Genii of Numbers | |
Ceremonies after return of the Horse | |
Offering of two Mahiman Libations | |
Harnessing the Horse | |
Bathing the Horse | |
Anointing and Decking the Horse | |
A Brahmodyam | |
Binding the Horse to the Stake | |
Slaughter of the Horse | |
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Circumambulation of the Horse | |
Ceremony performed by the Chief Queen | |
Marking the lines of dissection | |
A Brahmodyam | |
Mahiman Libation to Prajâpati | |
Enumeration of Animals to be tied up | |
Continuation of the Horse Sacrifice | |
Oblations of the roasted flesh | |
Inviting and Offering Verses to Prajâpati | |
Inviting and Offering Verses to the All-Gods | |
The Eulogy of the Horse | |
Conclusion of the Sacrifice | |
Supplementary Texts and Formulas connected with various sacrifices | |
Supplementary Texts and Formulas continued | |
Texts and Formulas of the Sautrâmanî Ceremony, supplementary to Books XIX-XXI. | |
An Âprî hymn | |
Supplementary Texts and Formulas of the Asvamedha or Horse-Sacrifice | |
Praise of the Home as identified with the Sun | |
An Âprî hymn | |
Eulogy of the Bow and Implements of War | |
Supplement to the List of Victims in Book XXIV | |
The Purushamedha or Human Sacrifice | |
Enumeration of Victims. men and women, to be dedicated to various Deities and Abstractions | |
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The Purushamedha continued | |
The Purushasûkta | |
Glorification of the First Performer of the Purushamedha | |
Texts and Formulas of the Sarvamedha or Sacrifice for Universal Success and Prosperity | |
Eulogy of the Sacrificer | |
Prayer for Wisdom and Glory | |
Continuation of the Sarvamedha Formulas | |
A Litany addressed to Agni | |
Glorification of Indra | |
Glorification, with Libations, of Sûrya | |
Unconnected verses in praise of various Deities | |
The Sivasankalpa Upanishad | |
Miscellaneous Texts suitable for the General Sacrifice | |
Prayer to Bhaga | |
Praise of Pûshan | |
Investiture with a Golden Ornament | |
Prayer to Brahmanaspati | |
Formulas, connected with the Pitriyajña or Sacrifice to the Fathers or Ancestral Manes, to be used at funeral ceremonies | |
Purificatory and benedictive Formulas | |
Preliminary Formulas of the Pravargya Ceremony | |
Formulas to be used at the performance of the Pravargya | |
Fumigation of, and addresses to, the three Caldrons | |
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Circumambulation of the Mahâvîra | |
The Rauhina Oblation | |
Continuation of the Pravargya Formulas | |
Calling and milking of the Cow | |
Anointing of the Mahâvîra | |
Address to Agni represented by the Mahâvîra | |
Remains of the contents drunk by Sacrificer and Priests | |
Expiatory Formulas to remedy any defect in the performance of the Pravargya Ceremony | |
Various Deities represented by the Mahâvîra | |
Names of seven Maruts or Storm-Gods | |
Propitiation of various Deities | |
The Object of the Pravargya | |
The Îsâvâsyam or Îsopanishad | |
Îs, Lord, Soul of All, the only Absolute Reality | |
Renunciation and Religious Works or Karma | |
The Âtmâ or Self | |
Sambhûti and Asambhûti | |
Sambhava and Asambhava | |
Sambhûti and Vinâsa | |
Nescience and Science | |
The Prayer of the dying Devotee | |
Excursus on the Îsopanishad | |
I. Index of Hymns and Verses reproduced from the Rigveda and the Atharva-veda | |
II. Index of Names, Etc. |
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III. Corrigenda |