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To Richard E. Lee, Esq. Mayor of the borough of Norfolk, Virginia , and all other the Citizens of the United States of America, who are influenced by the genuine principles of Anno 1775 & '76, -- and more particularly the citizens of Norfolk , Portsmouth , and its vicinity, who assembled in June, 1807, in order to take efficient measures of defence at this all important crisis.
Respected Friends & Fellow Citizens :--
A superficial genius, it appears to me must readily allow, that it is so ordered in Providence, that we live in a day, pregnant with the most interesting events; and that it will finally terminate in favour of the great family of makind, there has not been a shadow of a doubt in my mind for many years past. It is a well known maxim with the great bulk of the enlightened,--remove the cause, and the effect of course ceases.
The late outrageous attack of the British ship of war, the Leopard, on the United States ship of war, the Chesapeake, in which the dignity and sovereignty of the United States received for the moment a wound--in my humble apprehension, compleatly fulfills the prediction of MERLIN , a celebrated ancient Briton, who lived in the fifth century. After being in the full belief that every sentiment would in due time be fulfilled, in order to get the opinions of my then fellow-citizens, I got it inserted in the Oracle of the Day, edited by Mr Charles Peirce, Anno 1796,--Mr. Peirce, at the moment, seems to have been influenced by the purest of motives, in order to diffuse light; and of course the types then under his immediate direction, answered the purposes of Omnipotence in permitting their invention;--I heard of its being copied into some of the Southern papers, but no notice taken thereof that ever came to my knowledge. Soon after the elevation of our present illustrious Chief to the Presidential Chair, I had them inserted in the Newhampshire Gazette; at present under the direction of distinguished citizens in their line,-- but still had no notice . Far advanced in life as I am, I look back with a sensible pleasure, that the prime of life was in some degree devoted, to help to rear the independent flag of United America. Language fails me to depict to you how very sensibly it wounded my feelings, when I first heard of the recent indignity offered it,--and you may be assured, I shall be one of the last to desert,--if need be. Having for my own amusement, made my remarks on the different periods, wherein it struck my mind in the most forcible manner that this remarkable prediction was fulfilled, I shew it to some of my confidential friends, for their candid sentiments, and by whole advice it is now laid before the public tribunal, with this request, not to be over hasty to receive or condemn, until it is thoroughly investigated, each one for himself; and in order that you might form clear and just conceptions for my coming forward at the present moment,--You will permit me to notice, that I am by birth an Englishman, uninfluenced and unpensioned ;--a native of Dunster, in the country of Somersett; as my parents were, in the strictness of speech nonconformists, there was early implanted in the mind, when tender, the most elevated ideas respecting religious and civil liberty, and of course a rooted emnity against all usurped power either in church or state. When young I was sent over to Neath in Glamorganshire in south Wales, for the purpose of an education, and put under the tuition of a Mr. Llewelen , a noted schoolmaster, a gentlemen well versed in the languages, and was in union with my parents, respecting the right of conscience and citizenship; where I became acquainted with the works of MERLIN, and can well remember of the honorable mention made of him by Mr. Llewelen and others. Early in life I was sent over by my parents to this country, to a noted merchant of this town, a school-fellow and an intimate friend of my father's,--he was a warm zealous friend to the liberties of mankind; so that, when the fatal moment for my native country took place, in the commencement of hostilities, Anno 1775--I was not at a loss to determine how to conduct at that eventful period. During the revolutionary war, I rendered this country all the services within the compass of my enfeebled abilities; at the final issue, the then supreme executive did me that justice, as to cause the public seal of this State to be put on my public character.
At the present order of things taking place, I thought my services in the prime , entitled me to be noticed in the decline of life; I therefore made application to some influential characters in this town, to no effect ,--owing I presume, to make provision for their favorite dependants . But I am so far happy to be possessed of a mind superior to pelf , for I do not envy them their princely fortunes, or their favorite dependants of their competency. I am well aware that this my present developement of this enigma of Merlin's may stagger for a moment the minds of some, in consequence of a confined idea, that the spirit of prophecy has long since ceased with the Apostles; but probably not being acquainted with that science of sciences, the science of Correspondance, might still avail,--yet admitting I am singular, I hold that the one and indivisible great Supreme, for reasons unfathomable to our finite understandings, has, in all ages of the world, selected instruments and endowed them with the spirit of prophecy, in order to be communicated for the benefit of mankind,--as well likewise do I make an essential difference between the spirit of prophecy, and miracles,--the latter I readily allow, have ceased. It is as firmly fixt in my mind as the Apalacian mountains are to the centre, that in all ages, instruments have been selected at the hands of Omnipotence, to bring about his purposes in this sublunary world. It is in this point of light that I consider the assembling of that illustrious band of patriots, who assembled at Norfolk , respecting the late transactions, between the Leopard and the Chesapeake, and the spirited letter of the Mayor of the borough of Norfolk to the British commodore;--which is the sole motive that induces and emboldens me to prefix his name to this my present publication, without previously obtaining his consent; and I indulge a hope it will be considered by him a sufficient apology therefor. Devoutly hoping that the rulers of my native country for once, will be disposed to take measures to prevent an open rupture between the two countries, and fix matters in future on a durable basis;--undoubtedly you will join in sentiments with me; and after committing each one to the all protecting arm of that BEING that is able to protect, with permission I beg leave to subscribe myself,
Your open and Inflexible friend ,
Portsmouth, August 13, 1807.
The LION , is an emblem of GREAT BRITAIN; and it is well known how much she values herself on the prowess of the master beast of the forest.--The COCK , is an emblem of FRANCE; we frequently read of the Gallic Cock.--The DOVE , is an emblem of AMERICA, as is well known amongst the learned, for these cogent reasons; Christopher Columbus was the first discoverer of this vast Western Continent, and Colombia is significant of the DOVE, and the Dove is well known to be an emblem of innocence.
"When the Savage is meek and mild,
"The frantic mother shall stab her child."
Well might the royal Psalmist with an uplifted mind exclaim, Lord what is man, that thou art mindful of him. And in other of his productions, when under the influence of the spirit of truth, he very readily and justly acknowledges that the ways of the Almighty are past finding out, or in other words, unfathomable to us the muck-worms of the earth, when compared to the Deity.--I thus introduce the subject with these observations to notice that soon after the christian era, that truly interesting epoch--that the superior light, with which it was ushered in, soon began to dwindle, and alas! man, fallible and pliant man, soon felt the fatal effects thereof:--It is a very interesting adage to go to the fountain head for the pure water;--And as long as the priests of the altar acted up to their original institutions in the promulgation of the Gospel of Peace, and princes did not forget they were men, responsible for their actions to the author of all good,--every thing went well. But when the infernal marriage between Church and State took place under Constantine the great--mark the consequence,--the summoning the counsel of NICE, wherein the one and indivisible great Supreme was split in pieces.--As it is foreign to my intention to give too lengthy a detail, suffice when I say, that it was so permitted that the union of Church and State, sunk man, the nobler part of the creation, into the most abject state of slavery, as the history of Europe will clearly evince:--But in the fulness of time it was so ordered, that the invention of types took place, and it was worthy of notice, about the time the reformation under Luther , and the spirit of discovery by the Portuguise round the Cape of Good Hope, and the unexplored regions of the West under Christopher Columbus.
The English, ever active, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, first established a colony in that favored spot of heaven VIRGINIA;--which name it retains in consequence of her virgin state. Her successor James the first of England, and sixth of Scotland, a haughty, imperious and weak prince, in whose reign the unfounded doctrine of non-resistance and passive obedience against the Lord's anointed, was carried to a high pitch by the then haughty and imperious prelates of the established church, and the inferior order of the clergy under their controul;--however, a chosen few bore an honorable testimony, and by way of derision, was first honored with the dignified name of Puritans. His successor Charles the first, with a laud in the church to co-operate, so far from relaxing, carried the nefarious doctrine to the highest pitch;--so that the stigmatized Puritans were under the necessity to emigrate to this then howling wilderness, and first settled at Plymouth ; which by the way of eminence, I consider to be the mother of New-England;--and I would wish to indulge a hope at this eventful moment, that the sons of the first founders of Plymouth would walk steadily in the path set before them by their worthy predecessors.--It is worthy of notice, that, with the exception of Pennsylvania, whose proprietor, the great Wm. Penn, the first founder, not considering the right of discovery on the part of the Europeans to be a sufficient ground for him to settle the lands of the Aborigines without their leave first obtained, took the honest and peaceable mode of making purchases of them as the colony extended; by which judicious procedure the colony of Pennsylvania enjoyed the greatest of all blessings, Peace ;--while her sister colonies were (with some exceptions) generally engaged in wars,--In many of which, the greatest of barbarities were exercised on the unhappy victims who were so unfortunate as to be taken, too shocking to relate! and for more particulars must refer the reader to the history of the times.--As the colonies increased, it had a tendency to raise the mother country, England , into importance in the eyes of Europe. It is a well known fact, that the French had here to the northward extensive colonies, and it is well known, the French and English have for centuries past, been rival nations.--The incroachment of the French on the colonies, after the peace of Aix Lachaple in 1748, laid the foundation of the war of 1756,--The unparralled success of the English, in every quarter of the world, and more particularly in America, where the lives and fortunes of the then colonists were devoted to their then mother country, whose councils were under the direction of spirited and upright statesmen, which terminated in the peace of 1762, in which the British became sole mistress of this vast Northern Continent;--By that means an universal peace with the Indians or Savages , (so called) took place, and which in my opinion fully compleats the enigma, contained in the first line of MERLIN'S prediction.--And now with painful sensations I proceed in order to develope the second. The present ill-fated Monarch of Britain, when he mounted the throne of his grandfather, was dreaded abroad and beloved at home; and in his first speech to his parliament, boasted of his being born a Britton, and gloried in the name;--how long he kept his word, let the impartial world judge. Having for his preceptor a haughty imperious Jacobite, who was soon noticed with an important birth in the administration. The nation soon felt the fatal effects thereof in the resignation of that great and upright statesman, the Hon. William Pitt, and others in whose administration the arms of the British nation were carried to the highest pitch of human glory. Soon after the peace of 1762, fatal for my native country, their councils were then in the hands of men inimical to the liberties of their fellow subjects. The consequence was the adoption of measures that infringed on the liberties of Englishmen; which threw the British nation into disorder--and with the assistance of a venal parliament, enacted laws for a permanent revenue, to be disposed of at the pleasure of the crown, independent of the colonial legislatures; and as was natural to expect, ran like wild fire from one end to the other of this vast Northern Continent, and roused the peaceable, loyal, but spirited Americans, who as one man , felt indignant on this open violation of their liberties. If my memory does not fail me, the omnipotence of the British parliament was first called in question in the house of Burgeses in that highly favored spot of heaven, Virginia --But as I would not wish to descend too far into particulars, on a presumption that the history of the times are in the hands of most of the citizens; let it suffice when I say that previous to the repeal of that detestable Stamp Act, that in full parliament they had declared that they had, and ever had a right to tax the unrepresented colonies of America, in all cases whatever.--I appeal to your candor and good judgment to determine whether it was not in the supreme sense of the word, a fatal stab into the very vitals of our then liberties; as for my own individual part, I construe this memorable epoch to be a fulfillment of the second line in the first section.
" When the Cock shall woo the Dove,
"The Mother the Child shall cease to love ."
After passing of the declaratory act, in consequence of the universal abhorrence with which the stampt Act was held at the hands of the then colonists--and at the hands of the majesty of the people, the stampt agents were not permitted to act. It was vainly imagined by some, the British administration would have let the matter have rested there, as the injuries and grievances of the colonists were warmly espoused by the genuine friends of colonial and English Liberties, with a Pitt and Burke at their head in Europe; whilst the then American patriots exhausted language to substantiate the justness and reasonableness of their claims:--but alas, to none effect; intoxicated with their self omnipotence under the idea of the regulation of commerce, an indirect tax was laid on the Americans for the purposes of a permanent revenue, at the disposal of the crown, who in order to strengthen the arm of government, made the high offices of government independent of the grants heretofore made them by the colonial houses of Assembly,--which had a tendency to expand the sacred flame of liberty, through this vast northern continent. In this very interesting period the French had their emissaries incog , in order to sound the disposition of the Americans; viewing I conclude, that the British colonies were to Britain as the hair was to Sampson of old.--I am thus induced to conclude this was the case, as I well remember the then Continental Congress in some of their addresses, held out this general idea, that foreign aid was not unattainable, if imperious necessity should eventually drive them to arms, to defend their liberties and every thing dear unto them. Hence in my opinion this section alludes to that interesting period.
" When men like moles work under ground,
"The Lion a Virgin true shall wound ."
I presume it is a well known fact, that the British secret service money granted by parliament, is the privy purse of the premier; through which means I humbly conceive on the great scale to be the corrupt fountain from whence proceed a great part of the human miseries, with which the great family of mankind has for many years past been afflicted. It was an observation of that arch traitor to English liberties, Sir Robert Walpole, that every man had his price; it was verified at this time when the disputes were warpt up to an alarming pitch between the then mother country and their then colonies; one asserted the right of taxation, the other denied it, in consequence of their being unrepresented; and that representation and taxation went hand in hand together. It is well known that the administration of Britain frequently carry their infernal purposes into effect by bribery and corruption; and at that eventful moment they selected as instruments in Massachusetts, a Hutchinson and an Oliver, of infamous memory;--These inbred, hypocritical ingrates, kept up a secret correspondence with their friends in England, who were hostile to British as well as American liberties. These infuriated sons of an evil genii, adhering to their advice, strengthened the arm of violence by sending mercenary troops in order to enforce their unjust and imperious edicts. But mark with attention, with grateful acknowledgments the kind interposition of the Deity in favor of an injured innocence, in the selection of a Hancock, an Adams, and a Warren, with a goodly number of distinguished patriots at Boston, (which at the moment was considered by the then venal British ministry and their satellites this side of the Atlantic, to be the hot bed of sedition) through whose instrumentality were obtained the letters above alluded to, which were laid before the then Massachusetts assembly; and shocking to relate, they strongly recommended an abridgement of what was then called English liberties. In order to avoid prolexity, I must beg leave to refer you to the history of the day for particulars;--Suffice then, when I say it finally terminated in the battle at Lexington, Anno, 1775, and which in my opinion compleats the fulfillment of the prediction in the third section.
" When the Cock and Dove the Lion shall fight,
"The Lion shall crouch beneath their might ."
Previous to the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, Anno 1775, the then general congress, used every exertion within the limits of human wisdom to prescribe (unless they had laid prostrate at the shrine of despotism every thing that could endear life,) in order to prevent a disunion between the two countries, they in the most submissive manner implored the interposition of their then Sovereign, but to no effect,--they remonstrated to their then fellow subjects the fatal effects that would accrue to both countries, but all to no purpose. In the interim they were not idle to act fully up to the first law of nature in order to prepare for the worst,--so that, soon after the attempting to destroy the public stores at Concord, the British were cooped up in Boston; by whom, not by mercenary troops, but the Lords of the soil; and being desirous of getting a little more elbow room, they made an attempt to obtain it; but the reception they met with at Bunker's Hill, made them more circumspect, as by sad experience they then found, that they had to combat with a People that were not to be trifled with. As it is not my intention to give you too lengthy a detail, on a presumption the history of the times is not scarce,--suffice it then when I say, that after having to encounter with numerous foes without, consisting of British, Hessian, Waldeckers and British savage allies, &c likewise , hoards of secret enemies within, and repeatedly receiving a specimen of British clemency , in their wantonly firing whole towns at times over our heads. In spite of all opposition the avenger of wrongs so ordered it, as to enable us to capture a whole British army under blustering Burgoyne, Anno, 1777. This truly interesting event in my weak apprehension had a tendency to raise the Americans into importance in the eyes of Europe, for it is worthy of notice that the next year, France acknowledged American Independence, and became the ally of United America; whose united efforts in conjunction of other friendly powers, compelled the British to make necessity a virtue, in dissolving the political union, in the peace of 1783, in which the 13 Atlantic States were acknowledged as Free, Sovereign and Independent , and in my opinion developes the enigma of the 4th section;--and here for a moment the first act of this dramatic tragedy must end.
" When the cock shall guard the eagle's nest,
"The stars shall all rise in the west ."
During the American Revolutionary War--their potent ally the French Monarch sent over to the assistance of the Americans a powerful fleet, and a body of land forces; in which united, they weakened the power of Britain much, particularly the capture of Lord Cornwallis, in Virginia, with his whole army. I have heard gentlemen of acute and deep penetration, make their observations, that the advantages the officers and soldiers in the land as well as the marine service, gave them a fair chance to investigate the nature of the dispute between the Americans and the English;--and it ever appeared unto me they sucked as the babe at the breast, from the Americans, their ideas of civil and religious liberty.--For it is worthy of remark, that soon after their return to Europe from America, after the peace of 1783, the seeds of the Revolution began to sprout, and for a time flourished, until it was endeavoured to be cut in the bud, by the coalesced powers, enemies to civil and religious liberty--and which compelled the asserters of the rights of human nature to have recourse to arms.--The Austrian Flanders was early in the contest the theatre of war; and it is well worthy of remark, that the famous Charles the fifth, emperor of Germany, &c. was the sole heir of the ancient house of Burgundy, in the right of his mother, who brought with her the sovereignty of Flanders into the family--He added it as an appendage to the German Imperial Eagle. The importance of the country is very great, and France in consequence of her being in possession, could extend her maritime influence so as to anoy the commerce of Britain, and prevent Austria from being a maritime power. These weighty considerations on the opposite sides, was the cause of the very many bloody battles fought in that country, which must be fresh in the memory of no inconsiderable number:--But as I must be brief, in order to avoid prolixity--Suffice when I say that the wholesome nourishment of the mind, they were furnished with, under the American stars. These faithful pupils, like robust soldiers, they went on to conquer, and are to this day in possession of Austrian Flanders--the nest of the Imperial Austrian Eagle. So that I am clearly of opinion that the data and spot fairly developes the prediction, as contained in the fifth section.
" When ships above the clouds shall sail,
"The lion's strength shall surely fail ."
A ship is well known to be a large hollow building with decks, made to pass over the sea with sails--by which means a communication is kept up between the most distant regions; and through the means of an open justifiable system of commerce the most solid advantages are derived to society in the rapid diffusion of light, and by the exchange of the productions and manufactories of the most distant climes, gives employ to millions of the industrious part of the community. But these cannot be the ships alluded to, as it is not possible in the nature of things to make use of them out of their natural element;--and here I think it might with propriety deserve your particular notice, that nearly about the time of the commencement of the French Revolution, that such was the sovereign will and pleasure of Heaven, as to permit the invention of baloons to take place;--and admitting I am not misinformed, a celebrated gentleman of the faculty now living in Boston, took a trip across the streights of Dover, and was landed in safety in France; and which I presume must be the ships alluded to--And now let us notice the use the French made of them; admitting my information is correct, early in the contest which was carried on between the French Republic and the coalesced powers, they had men in the cars underneath the baloons, who gave the signal from above, of the enemies movements, and by which means I ever understood that the French obtained many signal victories in Flanders, and notwithstanding the immense treasures expended by Britain in order to keep the flames of war alive--such was the sovereign pleasure of that BEING that cannot in the nature of things do wrong, so to order, that the Austrians were under the imperious necessity to cede in full sovereignty the whole of Austrian Flanders to the French. Ever since that eventful period, the power of Britain has been rapidly on the decline on the Continent of Europe;--and of course compleats the prediction contained in the sixth section.
" When Neptunes back with Stripes is red,
"The sickly Lion shall hide his head ."
Neptune and the Lion I conceive to be synonimous terms by alluding to one and the same thing; for it is well known that the Lion is an emblem of Britain, and Neptune was considered as the Titular God of the ancients of the sea; and it is too well known that Britain has arrogated to herself the sovereignty of the Ocean, and has carried her unjust and usurped power to intolerable lengths, particularly of late. In noticing this subject, I would wish to be understood that it is in consequence of what I have seen in the public prints and what has been related to me by gentlemen that have suffered in their property, as well as many representations made by them who have been so fortunate as to escape from what they considered to be a floating hell , a British ship of War ; in robbing them of their liberties and compelling them to help to carry into effect their sanguinary and knavish plans, to murder and plunder friends as well as the nations with which they are at open war. The American commerce is well known to have suffered severely in the present contest between England and the belligerent powers, which are now at war on the most frivolus pretence. Our ships while in pursuit of lawful commerce, have been seized by this lawless banditti and sent into their ports for what they call adjudication; and admitting we are so lucky as to get liberated, the long detention, and the heavy expences attending these sham trials, have destroyed the fairest prospects, to the great injury and undoubtedly the utter ruin of many an honest and industrious citizen: so that admitting every crime to be a stripe in Neptune's back, it of course is well filled. However, their accumulated crimes have warp'd up the public indignation, and to be or not to be, will soon be the question.--I shall now notice the precarious situation to which Britain has plunged herself into, by interfering with her neighbor's immediate concerns: At the time the French began a reform in their government, the English commercial flag was seen flying in every part of the habitual globe, their ships freighted with their manufactories, and in return were freighted back with raw materials, which undoubtedly gave bread to thousands and perhaps millions of their industrious poor. But alas, the contrast! look over the map of the world and you will find from the mouth of the Elbe to the north of Portugal, every port hostile to the introduction of the articles of their manufactories; from the south of Portugal up the Mediterranean, round the boot of Italy into the Adriatic sea, much in the same situation; their trade in the Levant to appearance ruined, and their trade in the Baltic Sea, in a critical situation, which leads me to conclude that the day we now live in, the 7th section of this singular prediction is alluded to.
" When seven and six shall make but one,
"The Lion's might shall be undone ."
We very well remember, that after our struggles in the revolutionary war, that the thirteen Atlantic States, were, in the peace of 1783, acknowledged on the part of Britain, as free, sovereign and independent;--as particularly mentioned in the articles of the treaty, with an extent of territory scarcely to be equalled by any nation on the face of the globe. The want of a federal head, in order more effectually to unite as one, was early felt to be essential for the preservation of the whole; otherways it was to be feared we should have become a pray to our ambitious and restless neighbors; and which laid the foundation of our present General Government: If its first and leading principles had been strictly adhered to, in my humble opinion the citizens of the United States would have been the happiest people that exist on the face of the globe. As every resource within itself (if rightly improved,) is a state of independency, and the rapid and unprecedented population of our country, convinces me that we have nothing to dread from any power that may be disposed to try the length of swords on the land; and probably if put to our trumps, another musquetoe fleet might be fixed out and be equally successful as the one at Louisburgh, Anno, 1745. But to return--soon after the Federal Government was organized and began to operate, unfortunately for this country, there were two powerful parties in opposition; and here you will permit me to remind you, that previous to the commencement of hostilities, Anno, 1775, through the channel of resolutions, they pledged to each other their sacred honor to support the common cause with their lives and fortunes. The General Congress on this bottom issued paper bills of credit, which for a while answered a good purpose: but the British at New York emitted immense sums of counterfeit paper money, and with the assistance of their friends, (the secret enemies of our country) got it into circulation, which embarrassed much the general congress; and self interest having expelled the profession of public virtue from the minds of so many native Americans, who were lavish at the first onset, had nearly ruined the cause. The general congress were not wanting in their duty to remind their constituents of the fatal precipice to which they were hastening; but their unremitted efforts to save their sinking country were crowned with success, in effecting loans of the solid coin and other articles, essential to their very existence as a nation; which under providence, I attribute to be the means of our political salvation. But notwithstanding, imperious necessity at the final issue of the revolutionary war, compelled our government to make payment to the hardy and trusty soldiery in the final certificates of their agent, who was authorized to liquidate the public accounts;--the want of power in the general congress to make and enforce taxes for their payment, bore hard on the public creditor and which opened a door for a host of hawker sharpers, and swindlers, to become speculators in the public securities; many of whom undoubtedly were from the dregs of society, who were so modest as to purchase in about one eighth of the value; the discerning and influential amongst this medley group of devotees at the shrine of mammon, were active to get themselves and friends elected as our servants; and how far they were faithful, let the impartial judge for themselves,--suffice when I say that they eventually saddled on you, that national curse, a national debt--in the assumption and funding the above alluded to securities, (in preference to their being extinguished by the sale of the public lands at a fair price) which alarmed I presume many of the virtuous Republicans; but when this self created new order of statesmen, the paper nabobs , had got a permanent footing as they vainly imagined, under the mask of an efficient government, the cloven foot of despotism soon began to shew itself; which brought forward the invulnerable pen of the Old South in the Independent Chronicle, and some able writers in the Salem Register and other Republican papers, in defence of your tottering liberties; and here you will permit me to remark, that Etna, in the Island of Sicily, was considered by the ancients as the mouth of Hell, in consequence of the destructive lava it occasionally emitted; but the high seasoned scribblers in many of the anti-republican papers, very far exceeded Mount Etna, for they were incessantly emitting every species of scurrelity against our friends who were honest and bold enough to stem the torrent, and they were not backward to fabricate and propagate false and idle stories, in order to choke the deadly plan of the introduction of a large standing army; and even some of the Priests of the altar, were not backward to help to fetter you with the iron chains of despotism, as a certain well known Rev'd Don, was assiduous to promulgate his bug bear essays on the illuminati, wherein a truly respectable order were implicated--but I shall forbear to recapitulate the many innovations on your liberties, and the tyrannical acts passed in the late administration, as I presume they must be fresh in your memories: Suffice then, when I say that ever since the present mild and judicious order of things took place, the servile editors of the opposition papers have been teeming with violent invectives against those, who I cannot but think, their greatest glory would be to render you every possible good; which undoubtedly must make such infamous scribblers appear ridiculous in the estimation of foreigners, while that it has a tendency to innervate the arm of government, when in pursuit of our real interest;--on the other hand, every act of the opposers of our lawful commerce has been by these anti-republicans (with few exceptions) extoled to the skies. The fullness of time has arrived, and the scales have fallen from the heretofore deluded but honest citizens. The late violent attack of the British ship of war the Leopard, on the United States ship of war the Chesapeake, has had the happy tendency to unite as one man, the friends of American liberty, in openly and manfully bearing an honorable testimony against the recent indignity offered our national flag; which in my opinion compleats the first line of the eighth and last section of this remarkable prediction of Merlin's.--A few remarks on the second line and then I have done. Admitting any confidence can be placed in the public prints, a lively representation of the wrongs done by the British ships of war, has been made by the Executive of the Union to the British government, and undoubtedly an unequivocal explanation on this head, as well as satisfaction for the injuries done, is expected, which it is to be devoutly hoped on the part of the British, will be acceded to in order to prevent an open rupture, which would be destructive to both countries;--But admitting for a moment that war must be the order of the day--I think the chances must be much against Britain, for the following reasons; a ruinous national debt, their commerce curtailed in Europe, and embarrassed in America, the powerful enemies she has already got to contend with, that if imperious necessity should compel the Americans to join the powerful coalition, I must confess I see nothing to prevent the sinking of Britain as a nation--so that in either case, I conceive the Lion's power to be at an end; which compleats the second and last act of this dramatic tragedy.
Next: Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale, by Charlotte Miner Lewis [1903]