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pure Air and Oyl: others eid more gros on the Foyon or ubtance of Corns and Liquors, or Corne it elfe that grows on the Surface of the Earth, which thee Fairies teall away, partly inviible, partly preying on the Grain, as do Crowes and Mice; wherefore in this ame Age, they are ome times heard to bake Bread, trike Hammers, and do uch lyke Services within the little Hillocks they mot haunt: ome whereof of old, before the Gopell dipelled Paganim, and in ome barbarous Places as yet, enter Houes after all are at ret, and et the Kitchens in order, cleaning all the Veels. Such Drags goe under the name of Brownies. When we have plenty, they have Scarcity at their Homes; and on the contrarie (for they are empowred to catch as much Prey everywhere as they pleae,) there Robberies notwithtanding oft tymes occaion great Rickes of Corne not to bleed o weill, (as they call it,) or prove o copious by verie farr as wes expected by the Owner.
THERE Bodies of congealled Air are ome tymes caried aloft, other whiles grovell in different Schapes, and enter into any Cranie or Clift
of the Earth where Air enters, to their ordinary Dwellings; the Earth being full of Cavities and Cells, and there being no Place nor Creature but is uppoed to have other Animals (greater or leer) living in or upon it as Inhabitants; and no uch thing as a pure Wildernes in the whole Univere.