Sacred Texts
Legends and Sagas

The Canterbury Tales and Other Works of Chaucer (Middle English), by Geoffery Chaucer, [14th cent.], at sacred-texts.com
Book 3
By this sche hadde ended hir song, whan the
swetnesse of here dite hadde thurw-perced me,
that was desyrous of herknynge, and I astoned
hadde yit streyghte myn eres (that is to seyn, to
herkne the bet what sche wolde seye). So that
a litel herafter I seide thus: "O thow that art
sovereyne confort of angwyssous corages, so
thow hast remounted and norysshed me with
the weyghte of thi sentences and with delyt
10 of thy syngynge; so that I trowe nat
nowe that I be unparygal to the strokes of
Fortune (as who seith, I dar wel now suffren
alle the assautes of Fortune and wel defende
me fro hir). And tho remedies whiche that
thou seydest herbyforn that weren ryght
scharpe, nat oonly that I ne am nat agrisen of
hem now, but I, desiros of herynge, axe gretly
to heren tho remedies."
Thanne seyde sche thus: "That feeled I
20 ful wel," quod sche, "whan that thow ententyf
and stille ravysschedest my wordes,
and I abood til that thou haddest swich habite
of thi thought as thou hast now, or elles til that
I myself hadde maked to the the same habite,
whiche that is a more verray thyng. And certes
the remenant of thynges that ben yet to seie
ben swiche that first whan men tasten hem they
ben bytynge; but whan they ben resceyved
withynne a wyght, thanne ben thei swete.
30 But for thou seyst that thow art so desyrous
to herkne hem, with how greet brennynge
woldestow glowen, yif thow wistest whider I
wol leden the!"
"Whider is that?" quod I.
"To thilke verraye welefulnesse," quod sche,
"of whiche thyn herte dremeth. but forasmoche
as thi syghte is ocupyed and destourbed by
imagynacioun of erthly thynges, thow mayst
nat yit seen thilke selve welefulnesse."
40 "Do," quod I, "and schewe me what is
thilke verray welefulnesse, I preie the,
withoute taryinge."
"That wol I gladly do," quod sche, "for the
cause of the. But I wol first marken the by
woordes, and I wol enforcen me to enforme the,
thilke false cause of blisfulnesse that thou more
knowest; so that whanne thow hast fully byhoolden
thilke false goodes and torned thin
eighen to the tother syde, thow mowe
50 knowe the cleernesse of verray blisfulnesse.
"Whoso wole sowe a feld plentevous, let hym
first delyvren it of thornes, and kerve asondir
with his hook the bussches and the feern, so
that the corn may comen hevy of erys and of
greynes. Hony is the more swete, if mouthes
han first tasted savours that ben wykke. The
sterres schynen more aggreablely whan the
wynd Nothus leteth his plowngy blastes; and
aftir that Lucifer, the day-sterre, hath
10 chased awey the dirke nyght, the day the
fairere ledeth the rosene hors (of the
sonne). And ryght so thow, byhooldyng ferst the
false goodes, bygyn to withdrawe thy nekke
fro the yok (of erthely affeccions); and
afterward the verray goodes schullen entren into
thy corage."
Tho fastnede sche a litel the syghte of hir
eyen, and withdrowghe hir ryght as it were into
the streyte seete of here thought, and bygan to
speke ryght thus: "Alle the cures," quod sche,
"of mortel folk, whiche that travailen hem in
many manere studies, gon certes by diverse
weyes; but natheles thei enforcen hem alle to
comyn oonly to oon ende of blisfulnesse. And
blisfulnesse is swiche a good, that whoso
10 that hath geten it, he ne may over that
nothyng more desire. And this thyng forsothe
is the soverayn good that conteneth in
hymself alle maner goodes; to the whiche goode
if ther fayled any thyng, it myghte nat ben
sovereyn good, for thanne wer ther som good
out of thilke sovereyn good, that myghte ben
desired. Now is it cleer and certeyne thanne,
that blisfulnesse is a parfyt estat by the congregacioun
of alle goodes; the whiche blisfulnesse,
20 as I have seyd, alle mortel folk enforcen
hem to geten by diverse weyes.
Forwhy the covetise of verray good is naturely
iplauntyd in the hertes of men, but the myswandrynge
errour mysledeth hem into false
goodes. Of the whiche men, some of hem
wenen that sovereyn good be to lyven withoute
nede of any thyng, and travaylen hem to ben
habundaunt of rychesses. And some othere
men demen that sovereyn good be for to be
30 ryght digne of reverence, and enforcen
hem to ben reverenced among hir neyghbours
by the honours that thei han igeten. And
some folk ther ben that holden that ryght heye
power be sovereyn good, and enforcen hem for
to reignen or elles to joygnen hem to hem that
reignen. And it semeth to some other folk, that
noblesse of renoun be the sovereyn good, and
hasten hem to geten hem gloryouse name by the
artz of werre or of pees. And many folk
40 mesuren and gessen that the sovereyne
good be joye and gladnesse, and wenen
that it be ryght blisful thyng to plowngen hem
in voluptuous delyt. And ther ben folk that
entrechaungen the causes and the endes of
thyse forseyde goodes, as they that desiren
rychesses to han power and delitz, or elles they
desiren power for to have moneye or for cause
of renoun. In thise thynges and in swiche other
thynges is torned al the entencioun of desyrynges
50 and werkes of men; as thus:
noblesse and favour of peple, whiche that
yyveth to men, as it semeth hem, a maner
cleernesse of renoun; and wyf and children,
that men desiren for cause of delyt and myrynesse.
But forsothe freendes ne schulde nat ben
rekned among the goodes of fortune, but of
vertu, for it is a ful hooly maner thyng; alle
thise othere thinges forsothe ben taken for
cause of power or elles for cause of delyt.
60 Certes now am I redy to referren the
goodes of the body to thise forseide thynges
aboven; for it semeth that strengthe and gretnesse
of body yyven power and worthynesse,
and that beaute and swyftnesse yyven noblesse
and glorie of renoun; and heele of body semeth
yyven delyt. In alle thise thynges it semeth
oonly that blisfulnesse is desyred; forwhy thilk
thing that every man desireth moost over alle
thynges he demeth that it be the sovereyn
70 good; but I have diffyned that blisfulnesse
is the sovereyn good; for whiche every
wyght demeth that thilke estat that he desireth
over alle thynges, that it be blisfulnesse.
"Now hastow thanne byforn thyne eien almest
al the purposede forme of the welefulnesse
of mankynde: that is to seyn rychesses,
honours, power, glorie, and delitz. The whiche
delit oonly considered Epicurus, and juggid
and establissyde that delyt is the soverayn
80 good, for as moche as alle othere thynges,
as hym thoughte, byrefte awey joye and
myrthe from the herte. But I retorne ayen to
the studies of men, of whiche men the corage
alwey reherceth and seketh the sovereyne good,
al be it so that it be with a dyrkyd memorie;
but he not by whiche path, ryght as a dronke
man not nat by whiche path he may retourne
hom to his hous. Semeth it thanne that folk
foleyen and erren, that enforcen hem to
90 have nede of nothyng? Certes ther nys
noon other thyng that mai so wel performe
blisfulnesse, as an estat plentevous of alle godes,
that ne hath nede of noon other thyng, but
that it is suffisant of hymself unto hymself.
And foleyen swiche folk, thanne, that wenen
that thilk thyng that is ryght good, that it be
eek ryght worthy of honour and of reverence?
Certes, nay. For that thyng nis neither foul ne
worthy to ben despysed that wel neyghe al
100 the entencioun of mortel folk [travayleth.
for to geten it. And power, aughte nat that
ek to ben rekned amonge goodes? What elles?
For it nys nat to wene that thilke thyng that is
most worthy of alle thynges be feble and
withoute strengthe. And cleernesse of renoun,
aughte that to ben despysed? Certes ther may no
man forsake, that alle thyng that is right
excellent and noble, that it ne semeth to ben
ryght cleer and renomed. For certes it
110 nedeth nat to saie that blisfulnesse be
[n'] [angwyssous] ne drery, ne subgit to
grevaunces ne to sorwes; syn that in ryght litele
thynges folk seken to haven and to usen that may
delyten hem. Certes thise ben the thinges that
men wolen and desiren to geten, and for this
cause desiren they rychesses, dignytes, reignes,
glorie, and delices; for therby wenen they to
han suffysaunce, honour, power, renoun, and
gladnesse. Thanne is it good that men
120 seken thus, by so manye diverse studies; in
whiche desir it mai lyghtly be schewyd how
greet is the strengthe of nature. For how so that
men han diverse sentences and discordynge,
algates men accorden alle in lovynge the eende
of good.
"It liketh me to schewe by subtil soong, with
slakke and delytable sown of strenges, how
that Nature, myghty, enclyneth and flytteth the
governementz of thynges, and by whiche lawes
sche, purveiable, kepith the grete world; and
how sche, byndynge, restreyneth alle thynges
by a boond that may nat be unbownde. Al be
it so that the lyouns of the contre of Pene beren
the fayre chaynes, and taken metes of the
10 handes of folk that yeven it hem, and
dreden hir stourdy [maistre] of whiche thei
ben wont to suffre betynges; yif that hir horrible
mouthes ben bybled (that is to seyn, of
beestes devoured), hir corage of tyme passed,
that hath ben idel and rested, repeireth ayen,
and thei roren grevously, and remembren on
hir nature, and slaken hir nekkes from hir
cheynes unbownde; and hir mayster fyrst,
totorn with blody tooth, assaieth the wode
20 wratthes of hem (this to seyn, thei freten
hir maister). And the janglynge brid that
syngeth on the heghe braunches (that is to
seyn, in the wode), and after is enclosed in a
streyte cage, althoughe that the pleyinge bysynes
of men yeveth [hym] honyed drynkes and large
metes with swete studye, yit natheles yif thilke
bryd skippynge out of hir streyte cage seith the
agreables schadwes of the wodes, sche defouleth
with hir feet hir metes ischad, and seketh
30 mornynge oonly the wode, and twytereth
desyrynge the wode with hir swete voys.
The yerde of a tree, that is haled adoun by
myghty strengthe, boweth redily the crop
adown; but yif that the hand of hym that it bente
leet it goon ageyn, anoon the crop loketh upryght
to hevene. The sonne, Phebus, that falleth
at even in the westrene wawes, retorneth
ayen eftsones his cart, by a pryve path, there
as it is wont t' aryse. Alle thynges seken
40 ayen to hir propre cours, and alle thynges
rejoysen hem of hir retornynge ayen to
hir nature. Ne noon ordenaunce is bytaken to
thynges, but that that hath joyned the endynge
to the bygynnynge, and hath maked the cours
of itself stable (that it chaunge nat from his
propre kynde).
"Certes also ye men, that ben erthliche
beestes, dremen alwey your bygynnynge, althoughe
it be with a thynne ymaginacioun; and
by a maner thought, al be it nat clerly ne parfitely,
ye loken from afer to thilke verray fyn of
blisfulnesse. And therfore naturel entencioun
ledeth yow to thilke verray good, but many
maner errours mystorneth yow therfro. Considere
now yif that by thilke thynges by
10 whiche a man weneth to geten hym blisfulnesse,
yif that he mai comen to thilk ende
that he weneth to come by nature. For yif that
moneye, or honours, or thise othere forseyde
thynges, brynge to men swiche a thyng that no
good ne fayle hem ne semeth faile, certes
thanne wol I graunte that they ben maked blisful
by thilke thynges that thei han geten. But
yif so be that thilke thynges ne mowen nat performen
that they byheten, and that there
20 be defaute of manye goodis, scheweth it
nat thanne clerly that false beute of blysfulnesse
is knowen and ataynt in thilke thynges?
First and forward thow thiself, that haddest
haboundances of rychesses nat longe agoon, I
aske the yif that, in the habowndance of alle
thilke rychesses, thow were nevere angwysous
ne sory in thy corage of any wrong or grevance
that bytydde the on any side?"
"Certes," quod I, "it ne remembreth me
30 nat that evere I was so fre of my thought
that I ne was alwey in angwyse of somwhat."
"And was nat that," quod sche, "for that the
lakkide somwhat that thow noldest nat han
lakkid, or elles thou haddest that thow noldest
nat han had?"
"Ryght so is it," quod I.
"Than desiredest thow the presence of the
toon and the absence of the tothir?"
40 "I graunte wel," quod I.
"Forsothe," quod sche, "thanne nedeth
ther somwhat that every man desireth?"
"Yee, ther nedeth," quod I.
"Certes," quod sche, "and he that hath lak or
nede of aught nys nat in every wey suffisant to
"No," quod I.
"And thow," quod sche, "in al the plente of
thy richesses haddest thilke lakke of suffisaunce?"
"What elles?" quod I.
"Thanne mai nat richesses maken that a man
nys nedy, ne that he be suffisaunt to hymself;
and yit that was it that thei byhighten, as it
semeth. And eek certes I trow that this be
gretly to considere, that moneye ne hath nat in
his owene kynde that it ne mai ben bynomen
of hem that han it, maugre hem."
"I byknowe it wel," quod I.
60 "Whi sholdestow nat byknowen it,"
quod sche, "whan every day the strengere
folk bynymen it fro the feblere maugre hem?
For whennes comen elles alle thise [forense]
compleyntes or quereles of pledynges but
for that men axen ayen hir moneye that hath
ben bynomen hem by force or by gyle, and
alwey maugre hem?"
"Right so is it," quod I.
"Than," quod sche, "hath a man nede to
70 seken hym foreyne help by whiche he may
defenden his moneye?"
"Who mai seie nay?" quod I.
"Certes," quod sche, "and hym nedide noon
help yif he ne hadde no moneye that he myghte
"That is douteles," quod I.
"Than is this thyng torned into the contrarie,"
quod sche; "for rychesses, that men
wenen scholde maken suffisaunce, they
80 maken a man rather have nede of foreyne
help. Whiche is the maner or the gyse,"
quod sche, "that rychesse mai dryve awey
nede? Riche folk, mai they neyther han hungir
ne thurst? Thise riche men, may they fele no
cold on hir lymes in wynter? But thow wolt
answeren that ryche men han inoghe wherwith
thei mai staunchen hir hungir, and slaken hir
thurst, and don awey cold. In this wise mai
nede be conforted by richesses, but certes
90 nede ne mai nat al outrely be doon awey;
for thoughe this nede that is alwey gapynge
and gredy, be fulfild with richesses, and axe any
thyng, yit duelleth thanne a nede that myghte be
fulfild. I holde me stille and telle nat how that
litel thyng suffiseth to nature; but certes to
avarice inowghe ne suffiseth nothyng. For syn
that rychesse ne mai nat al doon awey nede, but
richesses maken nede, what mai it thanne be that
ye wenen that richesses mowen yyven yow
100 suffisaunce?
"Al weere it so that a riche coveytous man
hadde a ryver or a goter fletynge al of gold, yit
sholde it nevere staunchen his covetise; and
thoughe he hadde his nekke charged with precyous
stones of the Rede See, and thoughe he
do ere his feeldes plentevous with an hundred
oxen, nevere ne schal his bytynge bysynesse
forleeten hym whil he lyveth, ne the lyghte
richesses ne schal nat beren hym companye
10 whan he is deed.
"But dignytees, to whom thei ben comen,
make they hym honourable and reverent? Han
thei nat so gret strengthe that thei mai putten
vertus in the hertes of folk that usen the lordschipes
of hem, or elles may they don awey the
vices? Certes thei ben nat wont to don awey
wikkidnesse, but thei ben wont rather to
schewen wykkydnesse. And therof cometh it
that Y have right gret disdayn that dignytes
10 ben yyven ofte to wikkide men. For
which thyng Catullus clepid a consul of
Rome that hyghte Nonyus `postum' or `boch'
(as who seith, he clepid hym a congregacioun
of vices in his brest, as a postum is ful of corrupcioun),
al were this Nonyus set in chayere
of dygnite. Sestow nat thanne how grete
vylenye dignytes don to wikkide men? Certes
unworthynesse of wikkide men schulde ben the
lesse isene if thei neere renomed of none
20 honours. Certes thou thiself ne myghtest
nat ben broght, with as many perils as
thow myghtest suffren, that thow woldest beren
the magistrat with Decorat (that is to seyn,
that for no peril that myghte byfallen the by
offence of the kyng Theodorik, thou noldest nat
be felawe in governaunce with Decorat), whan
thow seye that he hadde wikkide corage of a
likerous schrewe and of an accusour. Ne I ne
mai nat for swiche honours juggen hem
30 worthy of reverence that I deme and holde
unworthy to han thilke same honours.
Now yif thow seie a man that were fulfild of
wysdom, certes thou ne myghtest nat deme
that he were unworthy to the honour or elles
to the wisdom of whiche he is fulfild?"
"No," quod I.
"Certes dignytees," quod sche, "aperteignen
properly to vertu, and vertu transporteth dignyte
anoon to thilke man to whiche sche
40 hirself is conjoigned. And for as moche as
honours of peple ne mai nat maken folk
digne of honour, it is wel seyn cleerly that thei
ne han no propre beaute of dignyte. And yet
men aughten taken more heede in this. For yif
a wykkyd wyght be in so mochel the fowlere
and the more outcast that he is despysed of
moost folk, so as dignyte ne mai nat maken
schrewes worthy of no reverence, the whiche
schrewes dignyte scheweth to moche folk;
50 than maketh dignyte schrewes rather so
much more despised than preysed, and
forsothe nat unpunyssched (that is for to seyn
that schrewes revengen hem ayenward uppon
dignytes), for thei yelden ayen to dignytees
as greet gerdoun, whan they byspotten and
defoulen dignytes with hir vylenye. And for as
mochel as thou now knowe that thilke verray
reverence ne mai nat comen by thise schadwy
transitorie dignytes, undirstond now thus:
60 yif that a man hadde used and had manye
maner dignytees of consules, and weere
comen peraventure among straunge nacions,
scholde thilke honour maken hym worschipful
and redouted of straunge folk? Certes yif
that honour of peple were a natureel yifte to
dignytes, it ne myghte nevere cesen nowhere
amonges no maner folk to don his office; right
as fyer in every contre ne stynteth nat to
eschaufen and to ben hoot. But for as
70 mochel as for to be holden honurable or
reverent ne cometh nat to folk of hir
propre strengthe of nature, but oonly of the false
opynyoun of folk (that is to seyn, that weenen
that dignytees maken folk digne of honour),
anoon therfore, whan that thei comen there as
folk ne knowen nat thilke dignytees, hir honours
vanysschen away, and that anoon. But that is
amonges straunge folk, maystow seyn. Ne
amonges hem ther thei weren born, ne
80 duren nat thilke dignytes alwey? Certes the
dignyte of the provostrye of Rome was
whilom a greet power; now nys it no thyng but
an idel name, and the rente of the senatorie a
greet charge; and yif a wyght whilom hadde the
office to taken heede to the vitayles of the peple,
as of corn and othere thynges, he was holden
amonges grete; but what thyng is now more
outcast than thilke provostrye? And, as I have
seyd a litel herebyforn, that thilke thyng
90 that hath no propre beute of hymself
resceyveth somtyme prys and schynynge,
and somtyme leeseth it, by the opinyoun of
usaunces. Now yif that dignytes thanne ne
mowen nat make folk digne of reverence, and if
that dignytees waxen foule of hir wil by the
filthe of schrewes, and yif dignytees leesen hir
schynynge by chaungynge of tymes, and yif thei
waxen fowle by estimacion of peple, what is it
that they han in hemself of beaute that
100 oughte ben desired? (As who seith noon;
thanne ne mowen they yeven no beute of
dignyte to noone othere.)
"Al be it so that the proude Nero, with al his
wode luxure, kembde hym and apparayled
hym with faire purpres of Tyrie and with white
peerles, algates yit throf he haatful to alle folk
(this is to seyn that, al was he byhated of alle
folk, yit this wikkide Nero hadde gret lordschipe),
and yaf whilom to the reverentz senatours
the unworschipful seetis of dignytees.
(Unworschipful seetes he clepeth here, for that
10 Nero, that was so wikkide, yaf tho dignytees.)
Who wolde thanne resonably
wenen that blisfulnesse were in swiche honours
as ben yyven by vycious schrewes?
"But regnes, and familiarites of kynges, mai
thei maken a man to ben myghti? How elles,
whan hir blisfulnesse dureth perpetuely? But
certes the olde age of tyme passed, and ek the
present tyme now, is ful of ensaumples how
that kynges han chaungyd into wrecchidnesse
out of hir welefulnesse. O, a noble thyng and
a cleer thyng is power, that is nat fownden
myghty to kepe itself! And yif that power
10 of remes be auctour and makere of blisfulnesse,
yif thilke power lakketh on any syde,
amenuseth it nat thilke blisfulnesse and bryngeth
in wrecchidnesse? But yit, al be it so that
the remes of mankynde strecchen broode, yit
moot ther nede ben moche folk over whiche
that every kyng ne hath no lordschipe ne
comaundement. And certes uppon thilke syde
that power fayleth, whiche that maketh folk blisful,
ryght on that same syde noun-power
20 entreth undirnethe, that maketh hem
wrecches. In this manere thanne moten
kynges han more porcioun of wrecchidnesse
than of welefulnesse. A tyraunt, that was kyng
of Sysile, that hadde assayed the peril of his
estat, schewede by simylitude the dredes of
remes by gastnesse of a swerd that heng over
the heved of his familyer. What thyng is
thanne this power, that mai nat done awey the
bytynges of bysynesse, ne eschewe the
30 prykkes of drede? And certes yit wolde
thei lyven in sykernesse, but thei may nat,
and yit they glorifien hem in hir power. Holdestow
thanne that thilke man be mighty, that
thow seest that he wolde doon that he may nat
done? And holdestow thanne hym a myghti
man, that hath envyrowned his sydes with men
of armes or sergeantz, and dredeth more hem
that he maketh agast thanne thei dreden hym,
and that is put in the handes of hise servauntz
40 for he scholde seme myghty? But of
familiers or servantz of kynges, what
scholde I telle the any thyng, syn that I myself
have schewyd the that rewmes hemself ben
ful of greet feblesse? The whiche famylieres,
certes, the real power of kynges, in hool estat
and in estaat abated, ful ofte throweth adoun.
Nero constreynede Senek, his familyer and his
mayster, to chesen on what deeth he wolde
deye. Antonyus comaundede that knyghtes
50 slowen with here swerdes Papynian (his
famylier) [whiche] that had ben long
tyme ful myghty amonges hem of the court.
And yet certes thei wolden bothe han renounced
hir power; of whiche two Senek enforcede
hym to yeven to Nero his richesses, and
also to han gon into solitarie exil. But whan the
grete weyghte (that is to seyn, of lordes power
or of fortune) draweth hem that schullen falle,
neither of hem ne myghte don that he
60 wolde. What thyng is thanne thilke powere,
that though men han it, yit thei ben agast;
and whanne thow woldest han it, thou nart nat
siker; and yif thou woldest forleeten it, thow
mayst nat eschuen it? But whethir swiche men
ben freendes at nede, as ben [consyled] by fortune
and nat be vertu? Certes swiche folk as
weleful fortune maketh frendes, contraryous
fortune maketh hem enemys. And what pestilence
is more myghty for to anoye a wyght
70 than a famylier enemy?
"Whoso wol ben myghti he moot daunten his
cruel corages, ne putte nat his nekke, overcomen,
undir the foule reynes of leccherie. For
al be it so that thi lordschipe strecche so fer
that the contre of Ynde quaketh at thy comaundementz
or at thi lawes, and that the laste
ile in the see that highte Tyle be thral to the,
yit yif thou maist nat putten awey thi foule
dirke desires, and dryven out fro the
10 wrecchide compleyntes, certes it nys no
power that thow hast.
"But glorie, how deceyvable and how foul is
it ofte! For which thyng nat unskilfully a tragedien
(that is to seyn, a makere of dytees that
highten tragedies) cride and seide: `O glorie,
glorie,' quod he, `thow nart nothyng elles to
thousandes of folk but a greet swellere of eres!'
For manye han had ful greet renoun by the
false opinyoun of the peple, and what thyng
mai ben thought foulere than swiche preysynge?
10 For thilke folk that ben preysed
falsly, they mote nedes han schame of hire
preysynges. And yif that folk han geten hem
thonk or preysynge by here dissertes, what
thyng hath thilke pris echid or encresed to the
conscience of wise folk, that mesuren hir good,
nat by the rumour of the peple, but by the
sothfastnesse of conscience? And yif it seme a
fair thyng a man to han encreced and sprad his
name, thanne folweth it that it is demed to
20 ben a foul thyng yif it ne be yspradde and
encreced. But, as I seide a litil herebyforn,
that syn ther moot nedes ben many folk to
whiche folk the renoun of [o] man ne mai nat
comen, it byfalleth that he that thow wenest be
glorious and renomed semeth in the nexte
partie of the erthes to ben withouten glorie and
withouten renoun. And certes amonges thise
thynges I ne trowe nat that the pris and the
grace of the peple nys neyther worthi to
30 ben remembred, ne cometh of wys jugement,
ne is ferme perdurably.
"But now of this name of gentilesse, what
man is it that ne may wele seen how veyn and
how flyttynge a thyng it es? For yif the name
of gentilesse be referred to renoun and cleernesse
of lynage, thanne is gentil name but a
foreyne thyng (that is to seyn, to hem that gloryfien
hem of hir lynage.) For it semeth that
gentilesse be a maner preisynge that cometh
40 of the dessertes of auncestres; and yif
preisynge make gentilesse, thanne mote
they nedes ben gentil that been preysed. For
whiche thing it folweth that yif thou ne have no
gentilesse of thiself (that is to seyn, prys that
cometh of thy deserte), foreyne gentilesse ne
maketh the nat gentil. But certes yif ther be
ony good in gentilesse, I trowe it be al only
this, that it semeth as that a maner necessite
be imposed to gentil men for that thei ne
50 schulde nat owtrayen or forlynen fro the
vertus of hir noble kynrede.
"Alle the lynage of men that ben in erthe ben
of semblable byrthe. On allone is fadir of
thynges; on allone mynystreth alle thynges.
He yaf to the sonne his bemes, he yaf to the
moone hir hornes, he yaf the men to the erthe,
he yaf the sterres to the hevene. He encloseth
with membres the soules that comen from his
heye sete. Thanne comen alle mortel folk of
noble seed. Why noysen ye or bosten of
10 your eldres? For yif thow loke youre bygynnyng,
and God your auctour and yowr
makere, thanne nis ther none forlyned wyght or
ongentil, but if he noryssche his corage unto
vices and forlete his propre byrthe.
"But what schal I seye of delyces of body, of
whiche delices the desirynges ben ful of anguyssch,
and the fulfillynges of hem ben ful of
penance? How grete seknesses and how grete
sorwes unsuffrable, ryght as a maner fruyt
of wykkidnesse, ben thilke delices wont to
bryngen to the bodyes of folk that usen hem!
Of whiche delices I not what joie mai ben had
of here moevynge, but this woot I wel, that
10 whosoevere wol remembren hym of hise
luxures, he schal wel undirstonden that the
issues of delices ben sorweful and sorye. And
yif thilke delices mowen maken folk blisful,
thanne by the same cause moten thise beestis
ben clepid blisful, of whiche beestis al the entencioun
hasteth to fulfille here bodily jolyte.
And the gladnesse of wyf and children were an
honest thyng, but it hath ben seyd that it is
overmochel ayens kynde that children han
20 ben fownden tormentours to here fadris, I
not how manye; of whiche children how
bytynge is every condicioun, it nedeth nat to
tellen it the that hast er this tyme assayed it,
and art yit now angwysshous. In this approve
I the sentence of my disciple Euripidis, that
seide that he that hath no children is weleful
by infortune.
"Every delit hath this, that it angwisscheth
hem with prykkes that usen it. It resembleth
to thise flyenge flyes that we clepen ben; that,
aftir that the be hath sched hise agreable honyes,
he fleeth awey, and styngeth the hertes of hem
that ben ysmyte, with bytynge overlonge holdynge.
"Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes
ne ben a maner mysledynges to blisfulnesse, ne
that they ne mowen nat leden folk thider as
thei byheeten to leden hem. But with how grete
harmes thise forseide weyes ben enlaced, I
schal schewe the shortly. Forwhy yif thou enforcest
the to assemble moneye, thow must byreven
hym his moneye that hath it; and yif
thow wolt schynen with dignytees, thow
10 must bysechen and supplyen hem that
yyven tho dignytees; and yif thow coveytest
be honour to gon byfore othere folk, thow
schalt defoule thiself thurw humblesse of axynge.
Yif thou desirest power, thow schalt, be
awaytes of thy subgetis, anoyously ben cast undir
by manye periles. Axestow glorye? Thow
schalt so bien distract by aspere thynges that
thow schalt forgon sykernesse. And yif thow
wolt leden thi lif in delyces, every wyght
20 schal despysen the and forleeten the, as
thow that art thral to thyng that is right
foul and brutyl (that is to seyn, servaunt to thi
body). Now is it thanne wel yseyn how litil
and how brotel possessioun thei coveyten that
putten the goodes of the body aboven hir
owene resoun. For maystow surmounten thise
olifauntes in gretnesse or weighte of body? Or
maistow ben strengere than the bole? Maystow
ben swyftere than the tigre? Byhoold the
30 spaces and the stablenesse and the swyft
cours of the hevene, and stynt somtyme to
wondren on foule thynges. The whiche hevene
certes nys nat rathere for thise thynges to ben
wondryd upon, than for the resoun by whiche it
is governed. But the schynynge of thi forme
(that is to seyn, the beute of thi body), how
swyftly passynge is it, and how transitorie!
"Certes it es more flyttynge than the mutabilite
of floures of the somer sesoun. For so as
40 Aristotle telleth, that if that men hadden
eyghen of a beeste that highte lynx, so that
the lokynge of folk myghte percen thurw the
thynges that withstonden it, whoso lokide
thanne in the entrayles of the body of Alcibiades,
that was ful fair in the superfice withoute,
it schulde seme ryght foul. And forthi yif
thow semest fair, thy nature ne maketh nat
that, but the deceyvaunce or the feblesse of the
eighen that loken. But preise the goodes of
50 the body as mochil as evere the lyst, so that
thow knowe algatis that, whatso it be (that
is to seyn, of the godes of the body) whiche that
thou wondrist uppon, mai ben destroied or dissolvid
by the heete of a fevere of thre dayes.
Of alle whiche forseide thynges Y mai reducen
this schortly in a somme: that thise worldly
goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that
they byheeten, ne ben nat parfite by the congregacioun
of alle goodis, that they ne ben
60 nat weyes ne pathes that bryngen men to
blisfulnesse, ne maken men to ben blisful.
"Allas! Whiche folie and whiche ignorance
mysledeth wandrynge wrecchis fro the path of
verray good! Certes ye ne seke no gold in
grene trees, ne ye gadere nat precyous stones in
the vynes, ne ye ne hiden nat yowre gynnes in
heye mountaignes to kacchen fyssche of whiche
ye mai maken riche festes. And if yow liketh
to hunte to roos, ye ne gon nat to the foordes
of the watir that highte Tyrene. And over
10 this, men knowen wel the krikes and the
cavernes of the see yhidde in the flodes,
and knowen ek whiche watir is moost plentevous
of white peerlis, and knowen whiche watir
haboundeth moost of reed purpre (that is to
seyn, of a maner schellefyssche with whiche men
deien purpre), and knowen whiche strondes
habounden most of tendre fysches, or of scharpe
fyssches that hyghten echynnys. But folk suffren
hemselve to ben so blynde, that hem
20 ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke
goodes ben yhud whiche that thei coveyten,
but ploungen hem in erthe, and seken
there thilke good that surmounteth the hevene
that bereth the sterris. What preyere mai I
make, that be digne to the nyce thoughtes of
men? But I preie that thei coveyten rychesses
and honours, so that, whanne thei han geten
tho false goodes with greet travaile, that therby
they mowen knowen the verray goodes.
"It suffiseth that I have schewyd hiderto the
forme of fals welefulnesse, so that yif thou loke
now cleerly, the ordre of myn entencioun requireth
from hennes forth to schewe the verray
"Forsothe," quod I, "I se wel now that suffisaunce
may nat comen by rychesse, ne power
by remes, ne reverence by dignites, ne gentilesse
by glorie, ne joie be delices."
10 "And hastow wel knowen the causes,"
quod sche, "whi it es?"
"Certes me semeth," quod I, "that Y see hem
ryght as thoughe it were thurw a litil clyfte, but
me were levere knowen hem more opynly of
"Certes," quod sche, "the resoun is al redy.
For thilke thyng that symply is o thyng withouten
ony devysioun, the errour and folie of
mankynde departeth and divideth it, and
20 mysledeth it and transporteth from verray
and parfit good to godes that ben false and
inparfit. But seye me this. Wenestow that he
that hath nede of power, that hym ne lakketh
"Nay," quod I.
"Certes," quod sche, "thou seyst aryght; for
if so be that ther is a thyng that in ony partie
be feblere of power, certes, as in that, it moot
nedes be nedy of foreyne help."
30 "Ryght so is it," quod I.
"Suffisaunce and power ben thanne of
o kynde?"
"So semeth it," quod I.
"And demestow," quod sche, "that a thyng
that is of this manere (that is to seyn, suffisaunt
and myghty) oughte ben despised, or ellis that
it be right digne of reverence aboven alle
"Certes," quod I, "it nys no doute that it
40 nys right worthy to ben reverenced."
"Lat us," quod sche, "adden thanne reverence
to suffisaunce and to power, so that we
demen that thise thre thynges be al o thyng."
"Certes," quod I, "lat us adden it, yif we
wiln graunten the sothe."
"What demestow thanne," quod sche, "is
that a dirk thyng and nat noble that is suffisaunt,
reverent, and myghty; or elles that it is
ryght noble and ryght cleer by celebrete of
50 renoun? Considere thanne," quod sche, "as
we han grauntide hirbyfore that he that ne
hath nede of no thyng and is moost myghty
and moost digne of honour, if hym nedeth ony
cleernesse of renoun, whiche clernesse he myght
nat graunten of hymself; so that for lak of
thilke cleernesse he myghte seme the feblere
on any side, or the more outcast." (Glose. This
to seyn, nay; for whoso that is suffisaunt,
myghty, and reverent, clernesse of renoun
60 folweth of the forseyde thynges; he hath it
al redy of his suffysaunce.)
Boece. "I mai nat," quod I, "denye it, but I
moot granten, as it is, that this thyng be ryght
celebrable by clernesse of renoun and noblesse."
"Thanne folweth it," quod sche, "that we
adden clernesse of renoun to the thre forseyde
thynges, so that there ne be amonges hem no
"This a consequence," quod I.
70 "This thyng thanne," quod sche, "that ne
hath nede of no foreyne thyng, and that
may don alle thynges by hise strengthis, and
that is noble and honourable, nys nat that a
myry thyng and a joyful?"
Boece. "But whennes," quod I, "that any sorwe
myghte comen to this thyng that is swiche,
certes I mai nat thynke."
Philosophie. "Thanne mote we graunten,"
quod sche, "that this thing be ful of gladnesse,
80 if the forseide thynges ben sothe;
and certes also mote we graunten that suffisaunce,
power, noblesse, reverence, and gladnesse
be oonly diverse by names, but hir substaunce
hath no diversite."
Boece. "It moot nedly ben so," quod I.
Philosophie. "Thilke thyng thanne," quod
sche, "that is oon and symple in his nature, the
wikkidnesse of men departeth it and divideth
it; and whanne thei enforcen hem to gete
90 partie of a thyng that ne hath no part, thei
ne geten hem neyther thilke partie that nis
noon, ne the thyng al hool that thei ne desire
Boece. "In whiche manere?" quod I.
Philosophie. "Thilke man," quod sche, "that
seketh richesse to fleen poverte, he ne travaileth
hym nat for to geten power, for he hath
lever ben dirk and vyl; and eek withdraweth
from hymself manye naturel delites, for he
100 nolde leese the moneie that he hath assembled.
But certes in this manere he ne
geteth hym nat suffisance, that power forleteth,
and that moleste prikketh, and that filthe maketh
outcaste, and that dirknesse hideth. And
certes he that desireth oonly power, he wasteth
and scatereth rychesse, and despyseth delices
and eek honour that is withoute power, ne he
ne preiseth glorie nothyng. Certes thus seestow
wel that manye thynges failen to hym, for
110 he hath som tyme defaute of manye necessites,
and manye anguysshes byten hym;
and whan he ne mai nat do tho defautes awey,
he forletith to ben myghty, and that is the
thyng that he moost desireth. And ryght thus
mai I make semblable resouns of honours, and
of glorie, and of delyces; for so as every of
thise forseide thinges is the same that thise
othere thynges ben (that is to seyn, al oon
thyng), whoso that evere seketh to geten
120 the toon of thise, and nat the tothir, he ne
geteth nat that he desireth."
Boece. "What seystow thanne, yif that a
man coveyte to geten alle thise thynges togidre?"
Philosophie. "Certes," quod sche, "I wolde
seye that he wolde geten hym sovereyn blisfulnesse;
but that schal he nat fynde in tho
thynges that I have schewed that ne mowen
nat yeven that thei byheeten?"
130 Boece. "Certes no," quod I.
"Thanne," quod sche, "ne sholde men
nat by no weye seken blisfulnesse in siche
thynges as men wenen that they ne mowen
yeven but o thyng sengly of al that men
Boece. "I graunte wel," quod I, "ne no
sothere thyng ne may be seyd."
Philosophie. "Now hastow thanne," quod
sche, "the forme and the causes of fals
140 welefulnesse. Now torne and flytte the
eighen of thi thought, for ther shaltow
seen anoon thilke verray blisfulnesse that I
have behyght the."
Boece. "Certes," quod I, "it is cler and opene,
theyghe it were to a blynd man; and that
schewedestow me ful wel a litel herbyforn,
whan thow enforcedest the to schewe me the
causes of the fals blisfulnesse. For, but if I be
begiled, thanne is thilke the verray parfit
150 blisfulnesse that parfitly maketh a man suffisaunt,
myghty, honourable, noble, and
ful of gladnesse. And for thow schalt wel
knowe that I have wel undirstonden thise
thinges withynne myn herte, I knowe wel that
thilke blisfulnesse that may verrayly yeven on
of the forseyde thynges, syn thei ben alle oon
-- I knowe dowtelees that thilke thyng is the
ful blysfulnesse."
Philosophie. "O my nory," quod sche,
160 "by this opynyoun I seie that thow art
blisful, yif thow putte this therto that I
schal seyn."
"What is that?" quod I.
"Trowestow that ther be any thyng in this
erthly, mortel, toumblynge thynges that may
brynge this estat?"
"Certes," quod I, "Y trowe it nought; and
thow hast schewyd me wel that over thilke good
ther nys no thyng more to ben desired."
170 Philosophie. "Thise thynges thanne,"
quod sche (that is to seyn, erthly
suffysaunce and power and swiche thynges),
"outher thei semen lyknesses of verray good, or
elles it semeth that thei yeve to mortel folk a
maner of goodes that ne be nat parfyt. But thilke
good that is verray and parfyt, that mai thei nat
Boece. "I accorde me wel," quod I.
Philosophie. "Thanne," quod sche, "for as
180 moche as thou hast knowen whiche is thilke
verray blisfulnesse, and eek whiche thilke
thynges ben that lyen falsly blisfulnesse (that is
to seyn, that be deceyte semen verray goodes),
now byhoveth the to knowe, whennes and
where thow mowe seke thilke verrai blisfulnesse."
"Certes," quod I "that desire I gretly and
have abyden longe tyme to herkne it."
"But for as moche," quod sche, "as it
190 liketh to my disciple Plato, in his book of
In Thymeo, that in ryght litel thynges men
schulde byseche the help of God, what juggestow
that be now to done, so that we may
desserve to fynde the seete of thilk sovereyn
Boece. "Certes," quod I, "Y deme that we
schul clepe to the Fadir of alle [thyng], for
withouten hym nis ther no [begynnyng] founded
200 "Thow seyst aryght," quod sche, and
bygan anoon to syngen right thus:
"O thow Fadir, soowere and creatour of
hevene and of erthes, that governest this world
by perdurable resoun, that comaundest the
tymes to gon from syn that age hadde bygynnynge;
thow that duellest thiselve ay stedefast
and stable, and yevest alle othere thynges to
ben meved, ne foreyne causes necesseden the
nevere to compoune werk of floterynge matere,
but oonly the forme of sovereyn good iset
10 within the withoute envye, that moevede
the frely. Thow, that art althir-fayrest,
berynge the faire world in thy thought, formedest
this world to the lyknesse semblable of
that faire world in thy thought. Thou drawest
alle thyng of thy sovereyn ensaumpler and
comaundest that this world, parfytely ymakid,
have frely and absolut hise parfyte parties.
Thow byndest the elementis by nombres proporcionables,
that the coolde thinges
20 mowen accorde with the hote thinges, and
the drye thinges with the moyste; that the
fuyer, that is purest, ne fle nat over-heye, ne that
the hevynesse ne drawe nat adoun over-lowe the
erthes that ben ploungid in the watris. Thow
knyttest togidere the mene soule of treble
kynde moevynge alle thingis, and divydest it
by membrys accordynge; and whan it es thus
divyded [and] hath assembled a moevynge
into two rowndes, it gooth to torne ayen
30 to hymself, and envyrouneth a ful deep
thought and turneth the hevene by semblable
ymage. Thow by evene-lyke causes enhauncest
the soules and the lasse lyves; and,
ablynge hem heye by lyghte waynes or cartes,
thow sowest hem into hevene and into erthe.
And whan thei ben convertyd to the by thi
benygne lawe, thow makest hem retourne ayen
to the by ayen-ledynge fyer. O Fadir, yyve
thou to the thought to steyen up into the
40 streyte seete; and graunte hym to enviroune
the welle of good; and, the lyght
ifounde, graunte hym to fycchen the clere
syghtes of his corage in the; and skatere thou
and tobreke the weyghtes and the cloudes of
erthly hevynesse; and schyn thou by thi bryghtnesse,
for thou art cleernesse, thow art pesible
reste to debonayre folk; thow thiself art bygynnynge,
berere, ledere, path, and terme; to looke
on the, that is our ende.
"For as moche thanne as thow hast seyn
whiche is the fourme of good that nys nat parfit,
and whiche is the forme of good that is parfit,
now trowe I that it were good to schewe in
what this perfeccioun of blisfulnesse is set.
And in this thing I trowe that we schulde first
enquere for to witen, yf that any swich maner
good as thilke good that thow hast dyffinysshed
a litel herebyforn (that is to seyn, sovereyn
10 good) may be founde in the nature of
thinges, for that veyn ymagynacioun of
thought ne desceyve us nat, and put us out of
the sothfastnesse of thilke thing that is summytted
to us. But it may nat be denyed that
thilke good ne is, and that it nys ryght as a
welle of alle goodes. For alle thing that is
cleped inparfyt is proevid inparfit be the
amenusynge of perfeccioun or of thing that is
parfit. And herof cometh it that in every
20 thing general, yif that men seen any thing
that is inparfit, certes in thilke general ther
moot ben som thing that is parfit. For yif so be
that perfeccioun is don awey, men may nat
thinke ne say fro whennes thilke thing is that
is cleped inparfyt. For the nature of thinges ne
took nat hir begynnynge of thinges amenused
and inparfit, but it procedith of thinges that
ben alle hole and absolut, and descendith so
doun into uttereste thinges and into thinges
30 empty and withouten fruyt. But, as I have
schewid a litel herebyforn that yif ther be
a blisfulnesse that be freel and veyn and inparfyt,
ther may no man doute that ther nys
som blisfulnesse that is sad, stedefast, and
Boece. "This is concluded," quod I, "feermely
and soothfastly."
Philosophie. "But considere also," quod sche,
"in whom this blissefulnes enhabiteth. The
40 comune accordaunce and conceyt of the
corages of men proveth and graunteth that
God, prince of alle thinges, is good. For, so as
nothyng mai ben thought betere than God, it
mai nat ben douted thanne that he that no
thinge nys betere, that he nys good. Certes resoun
scheweth that God is so good that it
proeveth by verray force that parfyt good is in
hym. For yif God nys swyche, he ne mai nat be
prince of alle thinges; for certes somthing
50 possessyng in itself parfyt good schulde be
more worthy than God, and it scholde
semen that thilke thing were first and eldere than
God. For we han schewyd apertely that alle
thinges that ben parfyt ben first er thynges that
ben inparfit; and forthy, for as moche as that
my resoun or my proces ne go nat awey withouten
an ende, we owe to graunte that the
sovereyn God is ryght ful of sovereyn parfit
good. And we han establissched that the
60 sovereyne good is verray blisfulnesse.
Thanne moot it nedis be that verray blisfulnesse
is set in sovereyn God."
Boece. "This take I wel," quod I, "ne this
ne mai nat be withseid in no manere."
"But I preye the," quod sche, "see now how
thou mayst proeven holily and withoute corrupcioun
this that I have seid, that the sovereyn
God is ryght ful of sovereyne good."
"In whiche manere?" quod I.
70 "Wenestow aught," quod sche, "that this
prince of alle thynges have itake thilke sovereyne
good anywher out of hymself, of whiche
sovereyne good men proeveth that he is ful;
ryght as thou myghtest thenken that God, that
hath blisfulnesse in hymself, and thilke blisfulnesse
that is in hym, were divers in substaunce?
For yif thow wene that God have resseyved
thilke good out of hymself, thow mayst wene
that he that yaf thilke good to God be more
80 worth than is God. But I am beknowe and
confesse, and that ryght dignely, that God
is ryght worthy aboven alle thinges. And yif
so be that this good be in hym by nature, but
that it is dyvers from hym by wenynge resoun,
syn we speke of God prynce of alle thynges,
feyne who so feyne mai who was he that
hath conjoyned thise divers thynges togidre.
And eek at the laste se wel that a thing that is
divers from any thing, that thilke thing nys
90 nat that same thing fro whiche it es undirstonden
to be diverse. Thanne folweth it
that thilke thing that be his nature is divers
from sovereyn good, that that thyng nys nat
sovereyn good; but certes it were a felenous
cursydnesse to thinken that of hym that no
thing nys more worth. For alwey, of alle
thinges, the nature of hem ne may nat ben betere
thanne hir begynnynge. For whiche I mai concluden
by ryght verray resoun that thilke
100 that is begynnynge of alle thinges, thilke
same thing is sovereyn good in his substaunce."
Boece. "Thow hast seyd ryghtfully," quod I.
Philosophie. "But we han graunted," quod
sche, "that the sovereyn good is blisfulnesse."
"That is sooth," quod I.
"Thanne," quod sche, "moten we nedes
granten and confessen that thilke same sovereyn
good be God."
110 "Certes," quod I, "Y ne may nat denye
ne withstonde the resouns purposed; and
I se wel that it folweth by strengthe of the
"Loke now," quod sche, "yif this be proevid
yet more fermely thus, that there ne mowen not
ben two sovereyn goodis that ben divers among
hemself. For certes the goodis that ben divers
among hemself, the toon is nat that that the
tothir is. thanne ne mowen neither of hem
120 ben parfit, so as eyther of hem lakketh to
othir. But that that nys nat parfit, men
mai seen apertely that it nys not sovereyn. The
thinges thanne that ben sovereynly gode ne
mowe by no weie be divers. But I have wel
concluded that blisfulnesse and God ben the
sovereyn good; for whiche it mote nedes be that
sovereyne blisfulnesse is sovereyn devynite."
"No thing," quod I, "nys more sothfaste than
this, ne more ferme by resoun, ne a more
130 worthy thing than God mai not ben concluded."
Philosophie. "Upon thise thynges thanne," quod
sche, "ryght as thise geometriens whan thei han
schewed her proposicions ben wont to bryngen
yn thinges that thei clepen porismes or declaracions
of forseide thinges, right so wol I yeve
the here as a corolarie or a meede of coroune.
Forwhy, for as moche as by the getynge of blisfulnesse
men ben makid blisful, and blisfulnesse
140 is dyvinite, than is it manifest and
opene that by the getynge of dyvinite men
ben makid blisful. Right as by the getynge of
justise [men ben maked just], and be the getynge
of sapience thei ben maked wise, ryght so
nedes by the semblable resoun, whan they han
geten dyvinite thei ben maked goddes. Thanne
is every blisful man God. But certes by nature
ther nys but o God; but by the participacioun
of dyvinite ther ne let ne distourbeth nothyng
150 that ther ne ben many goddis."
"This ys," quod I, "a fair thing and a
precious, clepe it as thou wilt, be it corolarie, or
porisme, or mede of coroune, or declarynges."
"Certes," quod sche, "nothing nys fairere
than is the thing that by resoun schulde ben
addide to thise forseide thinges."
"What thing?" quod I.
"So," quod sche, "as it semeth that blisfulnesse
conteneth many thinges, it weere for
160 to witen whether that alle thise thinges
maken or conjoynen as a maner body of
blisfulnesse by diversite of parties or membres,
or elles yif ony of alle thilke thinges be swich
that it acomplise by hymself the substaunce of
blisfulnesse, so that alle thise othere thynges
ben referrid and brought to blisfulnesse (that
is to seyn, as to the cheef of hem)."
"I wolde," quod I, "that thow madest me
clerly to undirstonde what thou seist, and
170 that thou recordidest me the forseide
"Have I not jugged," quod sche, "that blisfulnesse
is good?"
"Yys for sothe," quod I, "and that sovereyn
"Adde thanne," quod sche, "thilke good that
is maked blisfulnesse to alle the forseide
thinges. For thilke same blisfulnesse [is.
demed to ben sovereyn suffisaunce, thilke
180 selve is sovereyn power, sovereyn reverence,
sovereyn clernesse or noblesse, and
sovereyn delyt. What seistow thanne of alle
thise thinges, that is to seyn, suffisaunce, power,
and thise othere thinges, -- ben thei thanne as
membris of blisfulnesse, or ben they reffered
and brought to sovereyne good ryght as alle
thinges [ben] brought to the cheef of hem?"
Boece. "I undirstonde wel," quod I, "what
thou purposest to seke, but I desire for
190 to herkne that thow schew it me."
Philosophie. "Tak now thus the discrecioun
of this questioun," quod sche; "yif alle thise
thinges," quod sche, "weren membris to felicite,
thanne weren thei dyverse that on fro that
othir. And swich is the nature of parties or of
membres, that diverse membris compounen a
"Certes," quod I, "it hath wel ben schewyd
herebyforn that alle thise thinges ben
200 al o thyng."
"Thanne ben thei none membres," quod
sche, "for elles it schulde seme that blisfulnesse
were conjoyned al of o membre allone;
but that is a thing that mai not ben don."
"This thing," quod I, "nys not doutous; but
I abide to herknen the remenaunt of the question."
"This is opene and cler," quod sche, "that
alle othere thinges ben referrid and
210 brought to good. For therfore is suffisaunce
requerid, for it is demyd to ben
good; and forthy is power requirid, for men
trowen also that it be good; and this same thing
mowen we thinken and conjecten of reverence,
and of noblesse, and of delyt. Thanne is sovereyn
good the somme and the cause of al that
oughte ben desired; forwhy thilke thing that
withholdeth no good in itselve, ne semblance
of good, it ne mai not wel in no
220 manere be desired ne requerid. And the
contrarie; for thoughe that thinges by here
nature ne ben not gode, algates yif men wene
that thei ben gode, yet ben thei desired as
theigh that thei were verrayliche gode; and
therefore is it that men oughte to wene by ryghte
that bounte be the sovereyn fyn and the cause
of alle the thinges that ben to requiren. But
certes thilke that is cause for whiche men
requiren any thing, it semeth that thilke
230 same thing be moost desired. As thus: yf
that a wyght wolde ryden for cause of hele,
he ne desireth not so mochel the moevyng to
ryden, as the effect of his hele. Now thanne,
syn that alle thynges ben required for the grace
of good, thei ne ben not desired of alle folk
more than the same good. But we han grauntide
that blisfulnesse is that thing for whiche that
alle thise othere thinges ben desired; thanne
is it thus that certes oonly blysfulnesse is
240 requered and desired. By whiche thing it
scheweth cleerly that of good and of blisfulnesse
is al on and the same substaunce."
"I se nat," quod I, "wherfore that men
myghten discorden in this."
"And we han schewed that God and verray
blisfulnesse is al o thing."
"That is sooth," quod I.
"Thanne mowen we concluden sykerly, that
the substaunce of God is set in thilke same
250 good, and in noon other place.
"Cometh alle to-gidre now, ye that ben
ykaught and ybounde with wikkide cheynes by
the desceyvable delyt of erthly thynges enhabitynge
in yowr thought! Her schal ben the
reste of your labours, her is the havene stable
in pesible quiete; this allone is the open refut
to wreches. (Glose. This to seyn, that ye that
ben combryd and disseyvid with worldly
affeccions, cometh now to this sovereyn
10 good, that is God, that is refut to hem
that wolen come to hym.) Textus. Alle the
thinges that the ryver Tagus yyveth yow with
his goldene gravelis, or elles alle the thinges
that the ryver Hermus yeveth with his rede
brinke, or that Indus yyveth, that is next the
hote partie of the world, that medleth the grene
stones with the white, ne scholden not cleren
the lookynge of your thought, but hiden rather
your blynde corages withynne here derknesse.
20 Al that liketh yow here, and exciteth
and moeveth your thoughtes, the
erthe hath norysschid it in his lowe caves. But
the schynynge by whiche the hevene is governed
and whennes that it hath his strengthe, that
eschueth the derke overthrowynge of the soule;
and whosoevere may knowen thilke light (of
blisfulnesse), he schal wel seyn that the white
beemes of the sonne ne ben nat cleer."
Boece. "I assente me," quod I, "for alle thise
thinges ben strongly bounden with ryght ferme
"How mychel wiltow preysen it," quod sche,
"yif that thow knowe what thilke good is?"
"I wol preyse it," quod I, "be pris withouten
ende, yif it schal betyde me to knowe also togidre
God that is good."
"Certes," quod sche, "that schal I [undo]
10 the be verray resoun, yif that tho
thinges that I have concluded a litel herebyforn
duellen only in hir first grauntynge."
Boece. "Thei dwellen graunted to the," quod
I. (This to seyn as who seith, "I graunte thi
forseide conclusyouns.")
"Have I nat schewed the," quod sche, "that
the thinges that ben required of many folk ne
ben not verray goodis ne parfite, for thei ben
divers that on fro that othir; and so as iche
20 of hem is lakkynge to othir, thei ne han no
power to bryngen a good that is ful and
absolut; but thanne at erste ben thei verraye
good, whan thei ben gadred togidre [als] into o
forme and into oon werkynge, so that thilke
thing that is suffisaunce, thilke same be power,
and reverence, and noblesse, and myrthe; and
for sothe, but yif alle thise thinges ben alle o
same thing, thei ne han not wherby that thei
mowen be put in the nombre of thinges
30 that oughten ben required or desired?"
Boece. "It is schewyd," quod I, "ne herof
mai ther no man douten."
Philosophie. "The thinges thanne," quod sche,
"that ne ben none goodis whan thei ben diverse,
and whanne thei bygynnen to ben al o thing,
thanne ben thei goodes -- ne cometh it hem nat
thanne be the getynge of unyte that thei ben
maked goodes?"
Boece. "So it semeth," quod I.
40 "But alle thing that is good," quod sche,
"grauntestow that it be good by the participacioun
of good, or no?"
"I graunte it," quod I.
"Thanne mustow graunten," quod sche, "by
semblable resoun that oon and good be o same
thing; for of thinges of whiche that the effect nys
nat naturely divers, nedes the substaunce moot
be oo same thing."
"I ne may nat denye it," quod I.
50 "Hastow nat knowen wel," quod sche,
"that alle thing that is hath so longe his
duellynge and his substaunce as longe as it es
oon, but whanne it forletith to be oon, it moot
nedys deien and corrumpen togidres?"
"In whiche manere?" quod I.
"Ryght as in beestes," quod sche, "whanne
the soule and the body ben conjoyned in oon
and dwellen togidre, it es cleped a beeste; and
whanne her unyte is destroyed be the
60 disseveraunce the toon fro the tothir,
thanne scheweth it wel that it is a deed
thing, and that it nys no lengere no beeste. And
the body of a wyght, while it duelleth in oo
fourme be conjunccion of membris, it is wel
seyn that it is a figure of mankynde; and yif
the parties of the body ben so devyded and
disseverid the ton fro the tother that thei destroyen
unite, the body forletith to ben that it was
beforn. And whoso wolde renne in the
70 same manere be alle thinges, he scholde
seen that withouten doute every thing is in
his substaunce as longe as it is oon; and whanne
it forletith to ben oon, it dyeth and peryssheth."
Boece. "Whanne I considere," quod I, "manye
thinges, I se noon other."
"Is ther any thing thanne," quod sche, "that,
in as moche as it lyveth naturely, that forletith
the talent or the appetyt of his beynge and
desireth to come to deth and to corrupcioun?"
"Yif I considere," quod I, "the beestes
that han any maner nature of wyllynge and of
nyllynge, I ne fynde no beeste, but if it be
constreyned fro withoute-forth, that forletith or
despiseth the entencion to lyven and to duren;
or that wole, his thankes, hasten hym to dyen.
For every beest travaileth hym to defende and
kepe the savacion of his lif, and eschueth deeth
and destruccioun. But certes I doute me of
90 herbes and of trees [and] I am in a doute
of swiche thinges [as] ne han no felyng
soules (ne no naturel werkynges servynge to
appetites as beestes han, whether thei han
appetyt to duellen and to duren).
"Certes," quod sche, "ne therof thar the nat
doute. Now looke upon thise herbes and thise
trees. They wexen first in suche places as ben
covenable to hem, in whiche places thei mowen
nat sone deye ne dryen, as longe as hir
100 nature mai defenden hem. For some of
hem waxen in feeldis, and some in mountaynes,
and othere waxen in mareys, and
othre cleven on roches, and some wexen
plentyvous in soondes; and yif any wyght
enforce hym to bere hem into other places, thei
wexen drye. For nature yeveth to every thing
that that is convenient to hym, and travailleth
that they ne deie nat, as longe as thei han power
to duellen and to lyven. What wiltow seyn
110 of this, that thei drawen alle here
norysschynges by here rootes, ryght as thei
hadden here mouthes yplounged withynne the
erthes, and sheden be hir maryes hir wode and
hir bark? And what wyltow seyn of this, that
thilke thing that is ryght softe, as the marie is,
that it is alwey hyd in the seete al withinne, and
that it is defended fro withoute by the
stedfastnesse of wode, and that the outreste bark
is put ayens the distemperaunce of the
120 hevene as a deffendour myghty to suffren
harm? And thus certes maistow wel seen
how greet is the diligence of nature; for alle
thinges renovelen and publysschen hem with
seed ymultiplied, ne ther nys no man that ne
woot wel that they ne ben ryght as a foundement
and edifice for to duren, noght oonly for a tyme,
but ryght as for to dure perdurably by
"And the thinges eek that men wenen ne
130 haven none soules, ne desire thei nat, iche
of hem, by semblable resoun to kepyn that
that is hirs (that is to seyn, that is accordynge
to hir nature in conservacioun of hir beynge
and endurynge)? For wherfore ellis bereth
lightnesse the flaumbes up, and the weyghte
presseth the erthe adoun, but for as moche as
thilke places and thilke moevynges ben covenable
to everyche of hem? And forsothe every
thing kepeth thilke that is accordynge
140 and propre to hym, ryght as thinges that
ben contrarious and enemys corrumpen
hem. And yet the harde thinges, as stones,
clyven and holden here parties togidere ryght
faste and harde, and defenden hem in
withstondynge that thei ne departe nat lyghtly
atwynne. And the thinges that ben softe and
fletynge, as is watir and eyr, thei departen
lyghtly and yeven place to hem that breken or
divyden hem; but natheles they retorne
150 sone ageyn into the same thinges fro
whennes thei ben arraced; but fyer fleeth
and refuseth alle dyvisioun.
"Ne I ne trete not here now of willeful
moevynges of the soule that is knowyng, but of
the naturel entencioun of thinges, as thus: ryght
as we swolwen the mete that we resseyven and
ne thinke nat on it, and as we drawen our breeth
in slepynge that we witen it nat while we slepyn.
For certes in the beestis the love of hire
160 lyvynges ne of hire beynges ne cometh
not of the wilnynges of the soule, but of
the bygynnynges of nature. For certes, thurw
constreynynge causes, wil desireth and embraceth
ful ofte tyme the deeth that nature
dredeth. (That is to seyn as thus: that a man
may be constreyned so, by som cause, that his
wille desireth and taketh the deeth whiche
that nature hateth and dredeth ful sore.) And
somtyme we seen the contrarye, as thus:
170 that the wil of a wyght distourbeth and
constreyneth that that nature desireth and
requirith alwey, that is to seyn the werk of
generacioun, by whiche generacioun only
duelleth and is susteyned the longe durablete of
mortel thinges. And thus this charite and this
love, that every thing hath to hymself, ne
cometh not of the moevynge of the soule, but of
the entencioun of nature. For the purveaunce of
God hath yeven to thinges that ben creat of
180 hym this, that is a ful grete cause to lyven
and to duren, for whiche they desiren
naturely here lif as longe as evere thei mowen.
For which thou mayst not drede be no manere
that alle the thinges that ben anywhere, that thei
ne requiren naturely the ferme stablenesse of
perdurable duellynge, and eek the eschuynge of
Boece. "Now confesse I wel," quod I, "that Y
see wel now certeynly withouten doutes
190 the thinges that whilom semeden uncerteyn
to me."
Philosophie. "But," quod sche, "thilke thing
that desireth to be and to duelle perdurably, he
desireth to ben oon. For yif that oon were
destroyed, certes, beynge schulde ther noon
duellen to no wyght."
"That is sooth," quod I.
"Thanne," quod sche, "desiren alle thinges
200 "I assente," quod I.
"And I have schewed," quod sche, "that
thilke same oon is thilke that is good."
Boece. "Ye, forsothe," quod I.
"Alle thinges thanne," quod sche, "requiren
good; and thilke good thow mayst descryven
ryght thus: good is thilk thing that every wyght
"Ther ne may be thought," quod I, "no more
verraye thing. For eyther alle thinges ben
210 referrid and brought to noght, and floteren
withouten governour, despoyled of oon as
of hire propre heved; or elles, yif ther be any
thing to whiche that alle thinges tenden and
hyen to, that thing muste ben the sovereyn good
of alle goodes."
Philosophie. Thanne seide sche thus: "O my
nory," quod sche, "I have greet gladnesse of
the, for thow hast fycched in thyn herte the
[marke] [of] [the] myddel sothfastnesse, (that
220 is to seyn, the prykke). But [in] this thing
hath ben discoveryd to the [that] thow
seydest that thow wistest not a litel herbyforn."
"What was that?" quod I.
"That thou ne wistest noght," quod sche,
"whiche was the ende of thinges. And certes that
is the thyng that every wyght desireth. and for
as mochel as we han gadrid and comprehendid
that good is thilke thing that is desired of alle,
thanne mote we nedys confessen that good
230 is the fyn of alle thinges.
"Whoso that seketh sooth by a deep thought,
and coveyteth not to ben disseyvid by no mysweyes,
lat hym rollen and trenden withynne
hymself the lyght of his ynwarde sighte; and
let hym gaderyn ayein, enclynynge into a compas,
the longe moevynges of his thoughtes; and
let hym techyn his corage that he hath enclosid
and hid in his tresors al that he compasseth or
secheth fro withoute. And thanne thilke
10 thing that the blake cloude of errour
whilom hadde ycovered schal lighte more
clerly than Phebus hymself ne schyneth.
(Glosa. Whoso wol seke the depe ground of
soth in his thought, and wil nat ben disseyvid
by false proposiciouns that goon amys fro the
trouthe, lat hym wel examine and rolle withynne
hymself the nature and the propretes of
the thing; and let hym yet eftsones examinen
and rollen his thoughtes by good deliberacioun
20 or that he deme, and lat hym techyn
his soule that it hath, by naturel principles
kyndeliche yhud withynne itself, al the trouthe
the whiche he ymagineth to ben in thinges
withoute. And thanne al the derknesse of his
mysknowynge shall [schewen] more evydently
to the sighte of his undirstondynge then the
sonne ne semeth to the sighte withoute-forth.)
For certes the body, bryngynge the weighte of
foryetynge, ne hath nat chased out of your
30 thought al the cleernesse of your knowyng;
for certeynli the seed of soth haldeth and
clyveth within yowr corage, and it is awaked
and excited by the wynde and by the blastes
of doctrine. For wherfore elles demen ye of
your owene wil the ryghtes, whan ye ben axid,
but if so were that the norysschynges of resoun
ne lyvede yplounged in the depe of your herte?
(This to seyn, how schulde men deme the sothe
of any thing that were axid, yif ther nere a
40 rote of sothfastnesse that were yploungid
and hyd in the naturel principles, the
whiche sothfastnesse lyvede within the depnesse
of the thought?) And if so be that the
Muse and the doctrine of Plato syngeth soth,
al that every wyght leerneth, he ne doth no
thing elles thanne but recordeth, as men recorden
thinges that ben foryeten."
Thanne seide I thus: "I accorde me gretly to
Plato, for thou recordist and remembrist me
thise thinges yet the seconde tyme; that is to
seye, first whan I loste my memorie be the contagious
conjunccioun of the body with the
soule, and eftsones aftirward, whan Y lost it
confounded by the charge and be the burdene
of my sorwe."
And thanne seide sche thus: "Yif thow
10 loke," quod sche, "first the thynges that
thou hast graunted, it ne schal nat ben
ryght fer that thow ne schalt remembren thilke
thing that thou seidest that thou nystist nat."
"What thing?" quod I.
"By whiche governement," quod sche, "that
this world is governed."
"Me remembreth it wel," quod I; "and I confesse
wel that I ne wyste it nat. But al be it so
that I see now from afer what thou purposist,
20 algates I desire yit to herknen it of
the more pleynly."
"Thou ne wendest nat," quod sche, "a litel
herebyforn, that men schulde doute that this
world nys governed by God."
"Certes," quod I, "ne yet ne doute I it
naught, ne I nyl nevere wene that it were to
doute" (as who seith, "but I woot wel that God
governeth this world"); "and I schal schortly
answeren the be what resouns I
30 am brought to this. This world," quod I,
"of so manye diverse and contraryous
parties, ne myghte nevere han ben assembled
in o forme, but yif ther ne were oon that conjoyned
so manye diverse thinges; and the same
diversite of here natures, that so discorden the
ton fro that other, most departen and unjoynen
the thinges that ben conjoynid, yif ther ne were
oon that contenyde that he hath conjoynid and
ybounden. Ne the certein ordre of nature ne
40 schulde not brynge forth so ordene moevynges
by places, by tymes, by doynges, by
spaces, by qualites, yif ther ne were on, that
were ay stedfaste duellynge, that ordeynide and
disponyde thise diversites of moevynges. And
thilke thing, whatsoevere it be, by whiche that
alle things ben ymaked and ilad, Y clepe hym
`God,' that is a word that is used to alle folk."
Thanne seide sche: "Syn thou feelist thus
thise thinges," quod sche, "I trowe that I
50 have litel more to done that thou, myghty
of welefulnesse, hool and sound, ne see
eftsones thi contre. But let us loken the thinges
that we han purposed herebyforn. Have I nat
nombrid and seid," quod sche, "that suffisaunce
is in blisfulnesse, and we han accorded that
God is thilke same blisfulnesse?"
"Yis, forsothe," quod I.
"And that to governen this world," quod
sche, "ne schal he nevere han nede of noon
60 help fro withoute? For elles, yif he hadde
nede of any help, he ne schulde nat have
no ful suffisaunce?"
"Yys, thus it moot nedes be," quod I.
"Thanne ordeyneth he be hymself alone alle
thinges?" quod sche.
"That may noght ben denyed," quod I.
"And I have schewyd that God is the same
"It remembreth me wel," quod I.
70 "Thanne ordeigneth he alle thinges by
thilke good," quod sche, "syn he, whiche
that we han accordid to ben good, governeth
alle thinges by hymself; and he is as a keye and
a styere, by whiche that the edifice of this world
is kept stable and withouten corrumpynge."
"I accorde me greetly," quod I. "And I
aperceyvede a litil herebyforn that thow woldest
seyn thus, al be it so that it were by a
thynne suspecioun."
80 "I trowe it wel," quod sche; "for, as I
trowe, thou ledist now more ententyfliche
thyn eyen to loken the verray goodes. But natheles
the thing that I schal telle the yet ne
scheweth not lesse to loken."
"What is that?" quod I.
"So as men trowen," quod sche, "and that
ryghtfully, that God governeth alle thinges by
the keye of his goodnesse, and alle thise same
thinges, as I have taught the, hasten hem
90 by naturel entencioun to come to good,
ther may no man douten that thei ne
ben governed voluntariely, and that they ne
converten hem of here owene wil to the wil of
here ordeynour, as thei that ben accordynge
and enclynynge to here governour and here
"It moot nedes be so," quod I, "for the reume
ne schulde nat seme blisful yif ther were a yok
of mysdrawynges in diverse parties, ne the
100 savynge of obedient thynges ne scholde
nat be."
"Thanne is ther nothyng," quod sche, "that
kepith his nature, that enforceth hym to gon
ayen God."
"No," quod I.
"And yif that any thing enforcede hym to
withstonde God, myghte it avayle at the laste
ayens hym that we han graunted to ben almyghty
by the ryght of blisfulnesse?"
110 "Certes," quod I, "al outrely it ne
myghte nat avaylen hym."
"Thanne is ther nothing," quod she, "that
either mai or wole withstonden to this sovereyn
"I trowe nat," quod I.
"Thanne is thilke the sovereyn good," quod
sche, "that alle thinges governeth strongly
and ordeyneth hem softly?"
Thanne seide I thus: "I delite me,"
120 quod I, "nat oonly in the eendes or in the
somme of the resouns that thou hast concluded
and proved, but thilke woordes that
thou usest deliten me moche more. So that, at
the laste, foolis that somtyme reenden grete
thinges oughten ben asschamid of hemself
(that is to seyn, that we foolis that reprehenden
wikkidly the thinges that touchen Godis
governaunce, we aughten ben asschamid of
ourself), as I, that seide that God refuseth
130 oonly the werkis of men and ne entremettith
nat of it."
Philosophie. "Thow hast wel herd," quod
sche, "the fables of the poetis, how the geauntis
assaileden hevene with the goddis, but forsothe
the debonayre force of God disposide hem as it
was worthy (that is to sey, destroyed the
geauntes, as it was worthy). But wiltow that
we joynen togidres thilke same resouns, for
paraventure of swiche conjunccioun may
140 sterten up som fair sparcle of soth?"
"Do," quod I, "as the list."
"Wenestow," quod sche, "that God ne be
almyghty? No man is in doute of it."
"Certes," quod I, "no wyght ne douteth it,
yif he be in his mynde."
"But he," quod sche, "that is almyghti, ther
nys no thyng that he ne may?"
"That is sooth," quod I.
"May God don evel?" quod sche.
150 "Nay, forsothe," quod I.
"Thanne is evel nothing," quod sche,
"syn that he ne may not don evel, that mai
doon alle thinges."
"Scornestow me," quod I, "or elles, pleyestow
or disseyvistow me, that hast so woven
me with thi resouns the hous of Didalus,
so entrelaced that it is unable to ben unlaced,
thow that otherwhile entrist ther thow issist,
and other while issist ther thow entrest?
160 Ne fooldist thou nat togidre by replicacioun
of wordes a manere wondirful sercle
or envirounynge of the simplicite devyne?
For certes a litel herebyforne, whanne thou bygunne
at blisfulnesse, thou seidest that it is
sovereyn good, and seidest that it is set in sovereyn
God; and seidest that God hymself is
sovereyn good, and that God is the ful blisfulnesse;
for whiche thou yave me as a covenable
yifte, that is to seyn, that no wyght nis
170 blisful, but yif he be God also therwith.
And seidest eke that the forme of good is
the substaunce of God and of blisfulnesse; and
seidest that thilke same oon is thilke same good
that is required and desired of al the kynde of
thinges. And thou provedest in disputynge that
God governeth alle the thinges of the world by
the governementis of bounte, and seidest that
alle thinges wolen obeyen to hym, and seidest
that the nature of yvel nys no thing. And
180 thise thinges ne schewedest thou naught
with noone resouns ytaken fro withouten,
but by proeves in cercles and homliche knowen,
the whiche proeves drawen to hemself heer
feyth and here accord everiche of hem of othir."
Thanne seide sche thus: "I ne scorne the nat,
ne pleie, ne disceyve the; but I have schewed
the the thing that is grettest over alle thinges,
by the yifte of God that we whelome prayeden.
For this is the forme of the devyne substaunce,
190 that is swiche that it ne slideth nat
into uttreste foreyne thinges, ne ne resceyveth
noone straunge thinges in hym; but
ryght as Parmanydes seide in Grees of thilke
devyne substaunce -- he seide thus: that thilke
devyne substaunce tornith the world and the
moevable sercle of thinges, while thilke devyne
substaunce kepith itself withouten moevynge
(that is to seyn, that it ne moeveth nevere mo,
and yet it moeveth alle othere thinges).
200 But natheles, yif I have styred resouns
that ne ben nat taken from withouten the compas
of the thing of whiche we treten, but resouns
that ben bystowyd withinne that compas,
ther nys nat why that thou schuldest merveillen,
sith thow hast lernyd by the sentence
of Plato that nedes the wordis moot be cosynes
to the thinges of whiche thei speken.
"Blisful is that man that may seen the clere
welle of good! Blisful is he that mai unbynden
hym fro the boondes of the hevy erthe! The
poete of Trace, Orpheus, that whilome hadde
ryght greet sorwe for the deth of his wyf, aftir
that he hadde makid by his weeply songes the
wodes moevable to renne, and hadde makid
the ryveris to stonden stille, and hadde maked
the hertes and the hyndes to joynen dreedles
10 here sydes to cruel lyouns for to herknen
his song, and hadde maked that the
hare was nat agast of the hound, whiche was
plesed by his song; so, whanne the moste ardaunt
love of his wif brende the entrayles of his
breest, ne the songes that hadden overcomen
alle thinges ne mighten nat asswagen hir lord
Orpheus, he pleynid hym of the hevene
goddis that weren cruel to hym.
"He wente hym to the houses of helle,
20 and ther he tempride his blaundysschinge
songes by resounynge strenges, and spak
and song in wepynge al that evere he hadde
resceyved and lavyd out of the noble welles of
his modir Callyope the goddesse. And he sang
with as mochel as he myghte of wepynge, and
with as moche as love that doublide his sorwe
myghte yeve hym and teche hym, and he
commoevde the helle, and requyred and bysoughte
by swete preyere the lordes of
30 soules in helle of relessynge, that is to seyn,
to yelden hym his wyf. Cerberus, the porter
of helle, with hise thre hevedes, was caught and
al abasschid of the newe song. And the thre
goddesses, furiis and vengeresses of felonyes,
that tormenten and agasten the soules by anoy,
woxen sorweful and sory, and wepyn teeris for
pite. Tho was nat the heved of Yxion ytormented
by the overthrowynge wheel. And Tantalus, that
was destroied by the woodnesse of long
40 thurst, despyseth the floodes to drynken.
The foul that highte voltor, that etith the
stomak or the gyser of Tycius, is so fulfild of
his song that it nil eten ne tiren no more. At the
laste the lord and juge of soules was moevid to
misericordes, and cryede: `We ben overcomen,'
quod he; `yyve we to Orpheus his wif to beren
hym compaignye; he hath wel ybought hire by
his faire song and his ditee. But we wolen putten
a lawe in this and covenaunt in the yifte;
50 that is to seyn that, til he be out of helle, yif
he loke byhynde hym, that his wyf schal
comen ageyn unto us.' But what is he that may
yeven a lawe to loverys? Love is a grettere lawe
and a strengere to hymself thanne any lawe that
men mai yyven. Allas! Whanne Orpheus and his
wif weren almest at the termes of the nyght
(that is to seyn, at the laste boundes of helle),
Orpheus lokede abakward on Erudyce his wif,
and lost hire, and was deed.
60 "This fable apertenith to yow alle, whosoevere
desireth or seketh to lede his
thought into the sovereyn day, that is to seyn, to
cleernesse of sovereyn good. For whoso that
evere be so overcomen that he ficche his eien
into the put of helle, that is to seyn, whoso sette
his thoughtes in erthly thinges, al that evere he
hath drawen of the noble good celestial he lesith
it, whanne he looketh the helles, that is to seyn,
into lowe thinges of the erthe.
Next: Book 4