Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24), E.W. West, tr. [1885], at
1. The references in this index are to the pages of the introduction, and to the chapters and sections of the translations; the chapters being denoted by the larger ciphers.
2. Though different forms of the same name may occur in the translation only one form is usually given in the index, to which the references to all forms are attached; except when the forms differ so much as to require to be widely separated in the index.
3. Abbreviations used are:—Av. for Avesta; com. for commentary or commentator; Dr. for Doctor; Gug. for Gugarâtî; Had. for Hâdôkht; Int. for Introduction; m. for mountain; Mkh. for Dînâ-î Maînôg-î Khirad; MSS. for manuscripts; n. for foot-note; Par. for Parsi; Per. for Persian; Pl. for Pahlavi; Prof. for Professor; Pz. for Pâzand; rev. for revelation; scrip. for scripture; Sd. for Sad Dar; Sg. for Sikand-gûmânîk Vigâr; Sk. for Sanskrit; Test. for Testament; Vd. for Vendîdâd.
Abâlis, man, Int. 27.
Abraham, Sg. 14, 40, 42, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53; 15, 119.
Adam, Sg. 11, 70, 352, 354; 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 29, 30, 34, 37, 38, 106, 118, 136, 137, 148.
Âdaraka, man, Int. 40.
Âdar-bâd, priest, Int. 44; Sd. 0, 6.
Adoption, Mkh. 36, 8; 37, 13; Sd. 18, 11-19.
Aeshm, demon, Mkh. 2, 115, 117; 8, 14; 27, 35, 36.
Afrâsiyâb, king, Mkh. 8, 29 n; Sd. 9, 5. See Frâsîyâk.
Âfrîngân, rite, Mkh. 16, 19 n; Sd. 13, 2, 4, 5, 7; 21, 2, 5; 37, 1, 3.
Aghrêrad, man, Mkh. 27, 44 n; 44, 35 n.
Ahunavar, Mkh. 27, 70.
Ahunem-vairîm, Sd. 56, 4.
Aîrân-vêgô, land, Mkh. 44, 17, 18, 24, 35 n; 62, 14, 15, 31, 37 n; Sd. 10, 7.
Aîrîk, prince, Mkh. 21, 25; 27, 42.
Albûrz m., Mkh. 27, 33 n; 44, 16; 49, 12, 14 n, 20; 56, 7; 57, 13; 62, 20 n.
Alexander the Great, Mkh. 8, 29.
Al-Mâmûn, Int. 27.
Amalshâh, man, Int. 32.
Amerodad, angel, Mkh. 2, 34; 16, 56, 65 n; 62, 42 n; Sd. 21, 10, 11; 41, 17.
Âmul, town, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Anâhîd, planet, Mkh. 62, 13 n.
Andreas, Dr., Int. 18; Mkh. 0 n.
Anôshak-rûbân, man, Int. 18.
Anquetil Duperron, Int. 21, 22, 24, 30, 45.
Antares, star, Mkh. 62, 13 n.
Aral sea, Mkh. 44, 14 n, 15 n.
Ardashîr, man, Int. 44.
Ardibahist, angel, Sd. 11, 5.
Ardvîsûra, angel, Mkh. 36, 10 n.
Aredus sin, Sd. 95, 3 n.
Arezûra, demon, Mkh. 27, 15; Sd. 52, 1 n; m., Mkh. 6, 2 n.
Armenia, Mkh. 44, 13 n.
Arûm, land, Mkh. 27, 15 n; Sg. 10, 68.
Arûmans, Mkh. 21, 25; Sg. 10, 72.
Arzah, region, Mkh. 16, 10; 44, 12, 13 n; 62, 25.
Âsâ, priest, Int. 33.
Âsadîn, priest, Int. 31, 32, 34.
Ashem-vohû, Sd. 7, 1; 21, 1, 8-10; 35, 1; 45, 9; 56, 4; 62, 9; 80, 1-10; 84, 1, 3.
Ashô-zust, bird, Sd. 14, 3, 8.
Âsmân, day, Int. 40.
Asmodeus, demon, Mkh. 2, 115 n.
Aspendiyâr, priest, Int. 19.
Âstâd, angel, Sd. 87, 2; day, Int. 42.
Astô-vîdâd, demon, Mkh. 2, 115, 117, 153.
Âtas Nyâyis, Sd. 95, 4 n.
Atheists confuted, Sg. 6, 1-34.
Âtûr-frôbag, dastûr, Int. 26, 27; Sg. 1, 35 n; 4, 107; 5, 92 n; 9, 3; 10, 53, 55; 11, 213.
Âtûr-pâd-î Hêmîdân, Int. 27; Sg. 1, 35 n; 4, 107 n.
— — î Mâraspendân, Sg. 10, 70.
Âtûr-pâdîyâvand, dastûr, Int. 26; Sg. 1, 38; 4, 106; 9, 2; 10, 52.
Âtûr-pâtakân, land, Mkh. 44, 17 n.
Aûharmazd, king, Sg. 10, 70; Sd. 52, 1 n; planet, Mkh. 49, 12 n.
Aûharmazd-dâd, man, Int. 25; Sg. 1, 35.
Aurvad-aspa, king, Mkh. 27, 64 n.
Âvân, month, Int. 18.
Avâush, demon, Sg. 4, 53.
Avesta, Mkh. 1, 27; 16, 15; Sd. 14, 3; 28, 1, 3, 4; 43, 4; 50, 5; 81, 9; 87, 1; 96, 3; 97, 3; 98, 1, 2.
Az-î Dahâk, king, Mkh. 8, 27 n. 29 n; 27, 34, 39; Sd. 52, 1 n. See Dahâk.
Âzŏ, demon, Mkh. 8, 15.
Bagh nask, Mkh. 32, 2 n.
Bahman, angel, Sd. 14, 8; month, Int. 32, 34; priest, Int. 44. See Vohûman.
Bahmanji, priest, Int. 34.
Bahman Yast, book, Int. 18.
Bahrâm, day, Sd. 53, 3; priest, Int. 21.
Bareshnûm, rite, Sd. 36, 1-4, 7, 8; 75, 4; 77, 4; 89, 2.
Baresôm, see Sacred twigs.
Bengal, Mkh. 44, 13 n.
Bêvarâsp, title, Mkh. 8, 29; 27, 34, 35, 39.
Bhrigu-kakkha, town, Int. 40.
Buddhist, Sg. 6, 2 n.
Bundahis, book, Int. 18, 29.
Burial of corpses, Mkh. 6, 2 n, 9.
Burnouf Collection, Int. 22, 34.
Bûshâsp, fiend, Mkh. 16, 57 n.
Canzaca, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Caspian sea, Mkh. 27, 20 n, 44 n; 44, 14 n-16 n.
Ceremonial, Mkh. 1, 56; 4, 6; 21, 35, 36, 41; 31, 5; 52, 2, 5; 62, 34, 36; Sd. 13, 2, 5; 19, 1; 37, 1; 41, 7-20; 87, 1.
Ceremonies, Mkh. 2, 64; 5, 9, 13; Sd. 47, 1, 3.
Ch in Oriental words is printed K.
China, Mkh. 44, 13 n.
Christianity, Sg. 15, 4.
Christians, Int. 25; Sg. 15, 1.
Comets, Sg. 4, 47 n.
Constantly-beneficial treasury, Sd. 64, 9.
Dâdâr bin Dâd-dukht, man, Mkh. 2, 115 n.
Dahâk, king, Mkh. 57, 25; 62, 20 n; Sd. 9, 5; 62, 5. See Az.
Daî, month, Int. 42.
Dâmdâd nask, Sd. 18, 3 n.
Dârâb, priest, Int. 24, 42.
Dârâbji, dastûr, Int. 21.
Dârâshâh, man, Int. 23.
Darmesteter, Prof. J., Mkh. 1, 7 n; 27, 50 n.
Demi-demon, Mkh. 42, 5, 12-16.
Demi-man, Mkh. 42, 5, 10-11.
Demon-worship, Mkh. 2, 93, 135, 172; 36, 19.
Demon-worshippers, Mkh. 27, 20 n.
Depository for the dead, Mkh. 6, 2 n; 27, 33n.
Dêr, fiend, Sd. 81, 14, 16.
Design in the creation, Sg. 5, 46-91.
Dharpâl, priest, Int. 32 n.
Dhaval, priest, Int. 20, 24, 31, 33, 42.
Dimâvand m., Mkh. 27, 39 n, 44 n; 62, 20.
Dînâ-î Maînôg-î Khirad, age, Int. 16, 17; described, Int. 15-17; MSS., Int. 18-24.
Dînkard, book, Int. 18, 26, 27; Mkh. 16, 15 n; Sg. 1, 21 n, 35 n; 4, 107; 5, 92; 9, 1, 4; 10, 53 n, 57; 12, 1.
Dog's gaze, Sd. 70, 2, 7, 8.
Dûgakŏ, land, Mkh. 27, 44.
Dughdhôva, woman, Sd. 40, 4.
Dvâzdah-hômâst, Sd. 66, 1-3.
Eating chatteringly, Sd. 21, 4, 6.
Eclipses, Sg. 4, 46 n.
Edalji, priest, Int. 34.
Erân, land, Sd. 81, 5, 6. See Irân.
Erân-shah, priest, Int. 37, 41, 44, 45; Sd. 0, 6.
Erân-veg, land, see Aîrân-vêgô.
Eve, woman, Sg. 13, 15, 22, 35-37, 41, 106.
Ever-stationary, Mkh. 7, 3, 7, 18, 19; 12, 14.
Farâmruz, priest, Int. 24.
Farman sin, Sd. 82, 2.
Farukh-zâd, priest, Int. 26, 27; Sg. 4, 107; 9, 3; 10, 55.
Fomalhaut, star, Mkh. 49, 12 n.
Four-legged demons, Sg. 16, 15.
Fradadafsh, region, Mkh. 16, 10.
Frasast, cake, Sd. 87, 9.
Frâsîyâk, king, Mkh. 8, 29; 27, 34, 35, 44, 60; Sd. 52, 1 n. See Afrâsiyâb.
Fravardîn, month, Sd. 52, 1, 2.
Frazîstô, demon, Mkh. 2, 115.
Frêdûn, king, Mkh. 8, 27; 27, 38; 57, 21; Sd. 52, 1 n; priest, Int. 33.
Free will, Sg. 15, 77-90.
Future existence, Mkh. 2, 95, 193; 27, 36, 53, 63; 37, 11; 57, 7, 31; 62, 7; 63, 6 n; Sg. 16, 50.
Gabriel, angel, Sg. 15, 8, 9.
Gadman-pîrûg, man, Int. 19.
Gadûg (brigand), Sg. 4, 10, 25, 29, 37, 47; 9, 17.
Gâh (place in heaven), Sd. 5, 7.
Gandarep, demon, Mkh. 27, 50; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Gangakŏ, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Garden of paradise, Sg. 11, 62, 66,
[paragraph continues] 75, 79, 352; 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 29, 37, 121, 130, 136, 141, 142; 14, 43, 47, 48.
Gâthas, Mkh. 2, 114 n, 159 n.
Gâvah, man, Sd. 62, 5.
Gâyômard, man, Int. 25; Mkh. 27, 2, 14; 57, 20; Sd. 52, 1 n; 81, 4.
Geiger, Dr., Mkh. 62, 13 n.
Gêtî-kharîd, rite, Sd. 5, 3, 4, 6, 7 n, 8, 10, 11.
Gîlân, land, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Gôgôsasp, com., Sd. 67, 8 n.
Gôkarn, tree, Mkh. 62, 28 n, 30 n, 37 n.
Gôpaîtôshah, chief, Mkh. 44, 35; 62, 8, 31.
Grades in heaven, Mkh. 2, 145, 146; 7, 9-12; 57, 13.
— in hell, Mkh. 2, 182, 183; 7, 20, 21.
Greeks, Sg. 10, 72 n.
Griffon bird, Mkh. 62, 10, 37.
Guardian spirits, Mkh. 16, 19 n; 27, 17; 40, 30; 49, 15, 22, 23; 57, 13; 62, 23, 29; Sg. 5, 87; 8, 60 n; Sd. 6, 2; 37, 1, 9; 87, 2.
Guise, Dr. Samuel, Int. 11.
Gusasp fire, Sd. 11, 4.
Gustâsp, king, Mkh. 13, 14 n. See Kaî-Vistâsp and Vistâsp.
— man, Int. 44.
Gâdangôî, Mkh. 2, 69 n; 15, 20 n; Sd. 22, 1-3.
Gâyâ, man, Int. 40.
Hâdesâ nâmu, book, Int. 32 n.
Hadhayôs, ox, Mkh. 2, 152 n.
Hâdôkht nask, Int. 17, 38; Sd. 22, 3, 4; 40, 4.
Hamâ ashô, Sd. 10, 7.
Hamâ zôr, Sd. 10, 7.
Hamkârapadam, priest, Int. 24.
Hâmûn lake, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Haptôk-ring, stars, Mkh. 49, 15, 19-21; Sg. 4, 29, 32, 33.
Haug, Prof., Int. 15, 16, 35.
Hêmîd, priest, Int. 27; Sg. 1, 35 n; 4, 107 n.
Hindûs, Int. 19; Sg. 10, 44, 68; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Hîrâka, man, Int. 40.
Holy Ghost, Sg. 15, 8, 18.
Holy water, Mkh. 5, 13; 62, 34-36.
Hôm, Mkh. 2, 152 n; 57, 28; 62, 7, 28; Sd. 24, 2.
Hômâst, Sd. 41, 7 n.
Hôm-juice, Sd. 24, 1, 2.
Hôrmazd, day, Int. 34.
— bâz, Sd. 55, 1.
— yast, Sd. 43, 7.
Hormazyâr, priest, Int. 24, 32 n, 42.
Horvadad, angel, Mkh. 2, 34; 16, 56. See Khurdâd.
Hôshâng, king, Mkh. 27, 2, 19; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Hôshangji Jâmâspji, dastûr, Int. 31, 33, 34, 36; Mkh. 14, 1 n.
Hukhshathrôtemâi, Sd. 56, 4.
Humatanãm, Sd. 56, 4.
Hûsh, elixir, Mkh. 2, 152 n.
Hûshêdar, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Hûshêdar-mâh, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95.
Idols, Mkh. 2, 93, 95; 36, 11.
Idol-temples, Mkh. 2, 95; 6, 7; 27, 61.
Inward prayer, Mkh. 2, 33 n; Sd. 7, 6, 7; 21, 2, 7, 11, 12; 50, 5.
Îrân, land, Mkh. 27, 44; 57, 16; Sg. 10, 74. See Erân.
Îrânians, Mkh. 21, 25.
Îrân-shah, see Erân-shâh.
Isaac, Int. 28; Sg. 14, 42, 48, 49.
Isfendiyâr, prince, Sg. 10, 67 n.
Ispahân, town, Int. 26; Sg. 2, 2 n; Sd. 62, 5.
Israelites, Sg. 14, 19, 20, 30.
Ithâ-âd-yazamaidê, Sd. 21, 1, 8.
J in some words is printed G.
Jam, see Yim.
Jâmâsp, dastûr, Int. 33.
Jâmâspji Minochiharji, dastûr, Int. 37, 42; Sd. 0, 6 n.
Jamshêd, king, Sd. 10, 3. See Yimshêd.
— dastûr, Int. 33, 34.
Jerusalem, Mkh. 27,67; Sg. 15, 5.
Jews, Int. 25; Mkh. 27, 67; Sg. 13, 14; 15, 5, 32, 44, 76, 117, 130, 141, 142.
Judaism, Sg. 15, 2.
Jupiter, planet, Mkh. 49, 12n; Sg. 4, 30, 33, 41.
Kabul, town, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Kaî-Gustâsp, king, Sg. 10, 64, 65.
— Kavâd, king, Mkh, 27, 45.
— Khûsrô, dastûr, Int. 35.
Kaî-Khûsrôî, king, Mkh. 2, 95; 27, 58, 59; 57, 7; Sd. 52, 1 n.
— Lôharâsp, Mkh. 27, 64; Sd. 52, 1 n.
— Qubâd, priest, Int. 24, 42.
— Spend-dâd, prince, Sg. 10, 67.
— Us, king, Mkh. 2, 95 n; 8, 27; 27, 54; 57, 21.
— Vistâsp, king, Mkh. 27, 67; Sd. 52, 1 n. See Vistâsp.
Kâkâ, priest, Int. 31, 32, 34.
Kamak, bird, Mkh. 27, 50.
Kâmdîn, priest, Int. 32 n.
Kangdez, land, Mkh. 27, 58, 62; 62, 2, 13; Sd. 10, 7; 52, 1 n.
Kanhaksha, man, Int. 39, 40.
Kânsâî sea, Mkh. 27, 44.
Kapûd, wolf, Mkh. 27, 50.
Kar fish, Mkh. 62, 9, 30.
Karsipt, bird, Mkh. 61, 9 n.
Kasmîr, land, Sd. 10, 7.
Kâvulistân, Mkh. 62, 20 n.
Kayâns, Mkh. 27, 48; Sg. 10, 69.
Kem-nâ-mazdâ, Sd. 35, 2; 50, 5; 74, 2.
Keresâsp, hero, Mkh. 27, 49 n, 50 n, 63 n.
Khurâsân, land, Int. 37.
Khurdâd, angel, Sd. 21, 10, 11; 41, 16; 52, 3; day, Sd. 52, 1, 2. See Horvadad.
Khurdâd-sâl, Sd. 52, 1 n.
Khûrshêd Nyâyis, Sd. 6, 2; 68, 4; 95, 1 n.
Khûrshêdji Jamshêdji, dastûr, Int. 33.
Khûsrô (Parvêz), Sd. 52, 1 n.
Khûsrôî-shah, priest, Int. 19.
Khvanîras, region, Mkh. 27, 40; 44, 13 n; 62, 31.
Kirmân, town, Int. 37.
Kunî, demon, Sg. 16, 13, 16, 18, 19.
Kangashâh, man, Int. 32.
Kêkast lake, Mkh. 2, 95; 27, 61.
Kîdrast nask, Int. 17; Mkh. 21, 25 n.
Kîharâv, bird, Mkh. 61, 9.
Kînâmrôs, bird, Mkh. 61, 9 n; 62, 11, 40.
Kinvad bridge, Mkh. 2, 115, 162; 21, 19 n; 40, 31; 41, 12; 57, 13; Sd. 1, 4; 6, 1, 6; 18, 6, 15, 18; 31, 5; 36, 5, 6; 37, 8; 42, 4; 45, 10; 54, 1; 58, 5; 63, n; 87, 10, 11; 96, 2.
Lakhmidar, priest, Int. 32 n.
Lôrâsp, see Kaî-Lôharâsp.
Lord, the, Sg. 13, 18, 29, 31, 35, 68, 70, 72, 75, 81-83, 85-87, 109; 14, 5, 23, 40, 45, 47, 49, 53, 77, 86.
Lord's prayer, Sg. 15, 148, 149.
Mâh Nyâyis, Sd. 6, 2; 95, 4 n.
Mahmâd, man, Int. 25; Sg. 2, 2.
Mahrkûsô, demon, Mkh. 27, 28 n.
Mâh-vindâd, man, Int. 19.
Mahyâr, man, Int. 21.
Maidhyô-zarm butter, Mkh. 2, 152 n, 156.
Maînôg, reading of, Int. 15, 16.
Mainyô-i Khard, Int. 20-22; Mkh. 0 n.
Malik-shâh, priest, Int. 37, 45; Sd. 0, 6 n.
Malkôs, Mkh. 27, 28; Sd. 9, 5.
Mânekshâh, Int. 32 n.
Mânî, man, Sg. 16, 1, 2, 4.
Mânîchaeans, Int. 25, 28; Mkh. 36, 16 n; Sg. 10, 59; 16, 2.
Manuscripts described, Av.-Per.-Gug., Int. 39-41; Pl., Int. 13, 19, 20, 28; Pl.-Pz., Int. 30; Pl.-Pz.-Sk., Int. 30; Pl.-Pz.-Sk.-Per., Int. 29; Pl.-Per., Int. 29; Par.-Per., Int. 22, 23; Pz., Int. 35; Pz.-Gug., Int. 22, 35; Pz.-Sk., Int. 20-22, 31-35; Per. prose, Int. 41-45; Per. verse, Int. 23, 24.
Mânûskîhar, king, Mkh. 8, 29 n; 27, 41, 44 n; Sd. 52, 1 n; 85, 3.
Mâraspend, angel, Mkh. 2, 34 n; priest, Sg. 10, 70; Sd. 0, 6.
Mardân-farukh, man, Int. 25, 27, 28; Sg. 1, 35.
Mard-shah, priest, Int. 37 n, 45; Sd. 0, 6 n.
Mars, planet, Mkh. 49, 15 n; Sg. 4, 30, 34.
Marzubân, man, Int. 23.
Mas’aûdî, Mkh. 36, 16 n.
Mashya, man, Mkh. 27, 2 n; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Mashyôî, woman, Sd. 52, 1 n.
Mâzendar, land, Mkh. 27, 20, 40.
Mâzendarâns, Sg. 14, 29; 16, 14, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36.
Mêdyômâh, dastûr, Int. 37.
Menstruous woman, Sd. 11, 1; 16, 4; 41, 1-23; 66, 1; 68, 1-14; 91, 7.
Mercury, planet, Mkh. 49, 5 n; Sg. 4, 30, 36, 42.
Mesopotamia, Mkh. 44, 13 n.
Messiah, Sg. 15, 18, 25, 26, 31, 74, 76, 97, 108, 109.
Mihir, angel, Sd. 1, 4; 18, 16; 100, 2. See Mitrô.
Mihir-drug, Sd. 25, 3-5.
Mihrbânji, man, Int. 23.
Mihrvân, man, Int. 21.
Mînôkhirad, Int. 23; — abridged, Int. 24, 25.
Mîtôkht, demon, Mkh. 19, 6 n.
Mitrô, angel, Mkh. 2, 118; 8, 15; 12, 5 n; 53, 4, 8; sun, Sg. 4, 39. See Mihir.
Mitrô-aîyyâr, man, Int. 26; Sg. 2, 2; 9, 4 n.
Mitrô-âpân, man, Int. 18.
Modes of acquiring knowledge, Sg. 5, 10-45.
Mordtmann, Dr. A.D., Int. 17.
Moses, Sg. 13, 3; 15, 152, 154.
Mourning for the dead, Mkh. 6, 13; Sd. 96, 1-3.
Muhammadanism, Int. 16, 26; Mkh. 0, 18 n.
Muhammadans, Int. 25.
Mullâ Behzâd Rustam, Int. 37.
— Rustam Isfendiyâr, Int. 37.
Müller, Prof. M. J., Int. 29, 30.
— Prof. Max, Int. 29.
Mûspar, fiend, Sg. 4, 47 n, 48 n.
Mûtazalîk sect, Int. 26; Sg. 11, 280.
Nâga-mandala, district, Int. 21, 32.
Naremâhân, man, Int. 19.
Narîmân, title, Sd. 9, 5; 52, 1 n.
Nasrust, fiend, Sd. 35, 2; 36, 7.
Nausârî, town, Int. 32 n, 33.
Navazûd, rite, Sd. 5, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10; 55, 1.
Nêryôsang, priest, Int. 19-21, 24, 31, 33, 35, 42; his Sk. int., Int. 20, 22, 30, 33, 34, 39.
Next-of-kin marriage, Mkh. 4, 4; 36, 7; 37, 12.
Nihâdûm nask, Sd. 18, 3 n; 20, 1 n.
Nizîstô, demon, Mkh. 2, 115.
Nônâbar, rite, Sd. 5, 1 n.
Norris, Mr., Int. 29.
Noxious creatures, Mkh. 5, 8; 6, 10; 62, 35, 36; Sg. 3, 21; 4, 17, 18, 21, 22, 55; 5, 79; Sd. 43, 1-10.
Nyâyises, Mkh. 53, 8 n; Sd. 59, 1, 2; 74, 3, 4; 98, 1.
Old Testament, Sg. 13, 1 n.
Orion, Sg. 4, 29 n.
Oxus river, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Padama, man, Int. 21, 39, 40.
Padashkhvârgar m., Mkh. 27, 44.
Pahlavi, Sd. 99, 1, 2.
Pahlavi Farhang, Int. 15.
Pâlhan, priest, Int. 21.
Pandnâmak-î Buzurg Mihir, book, Mkh. 13, 10 n.
Parable of the gardener and his snares, Sg. 4, 63-80.
Pârs, district, Mkh. 62, 15 n; Sg. 5, 18.
Pas, fiend, Sd. 81, 14, 16.
Paul, apostle, Sg. 15, 91.
Pâzag nask, Int. 17; Mkh. 16, 15 n.
Pêhînŏ, wolf, Mkh. 27, 50.
Persian Gulf, Mkh. 44, 14 n.
Pêsândas plain, Mkh. 62, 20.
Pês-dâd, title, Mkh. 27, 2, 19.
Pêshyôtanû, priest, Sd. 52, 1 n.
Poley, Mr., Int. 29.
Pourushaspa, man, Sd. 40, 4.
Pregnant woman, Sd. 16, 1; 17, 2; 70, 5; 76, 5.
Primitive faith, Mkh. 44, 33; Sg. 5, 93.
Pust-î Vistâspân, Mkh. 62, 20 n.
Pûtîk sea, Mkh. 44, 14, 15.
Qavâmu-d-dîn, priest, Int. 24, 42.
Quotations from Av., Mkh. 1, 28-32.
— — Gâthas, Mkh. 2, 159; Sd. 14, 3.
— — good religion, Sd. 8, 2; 32, 5.
— — Hâd., Sd. 40, 4.
— — New Test., Sg. 11, 209 n; 14, 39 n; 15, 6 n, 8 n, 44 n, 46 n, 59 n, 61 n, 72 n, 92 n, 94 n, 96 n, 98 n, 102 n, 104 n, 109 n, 111 n, 113 n,118 n, 121 n, 124 n, 128 n, 129 n, 132 n-134 n, 141 n, 142 n, 144 n, 146 n, 149 n, 153 n.
— — Old Test., Mkh. 7, 31 n; Sg. 11, 39 n, 64 n, 67 n,71 n,72 n, 75 n, 83 n, 84 n; 13, 7 n, 9 n, 11 n, 13 n, 14 n, 17 n, 20 n, 22 n, 24 n, 25 n, 28 n, 30 n, 33 n, 34 n, 36 n, 37 n, 40 n, 41 n, 45n, 47 n, 101 n; 14, 5 n, 7 n, 12 n-17 n, 20 n, 23 n, 24 n, 26 n, 29 n, 30 n, 33 n, 34 n.
— — Pl. Hâd., Sd. 22, 3.
— — Pl. scrip., Sd. 28, 4; 94, 3; 97, 3.
Quotations from Pl. Vd., Sd. 12, 3; 56, 2; 66, 2; 67, 3-6; 70, 8; 71, 2; 86, 2; 93, 2, 5.
— — Qur’ân, Sg. 11, 5 n, 59 n, 248 n, 271 n.
— — rev., Mkh. 1, 46-50; 13, 9, 10; 21, 25, 26, 29; Sd. 1, 6; 2, 3, 4; 3, 2, 3; 4, 3-11; 5, 3, 6; 9, 5; 11, 5, 6; 13, 3; 16, 3; 18, 3; 20, 1; 21, 6; 25, 6, 7; 27, 4; 28, 3; 29, 3; 31, 4; 39, 3; 47, 2; 52, 2; 61, 4; 62, 5; 64, 2; 65, 5; 66, 3; 72, 2; 79, 5, 6; 81, 2-12; 82, 2; 85, 2; 94, 2.
— — Vd., Mkh. 44, 19-24; 57, 24-29; Sd. 14, 3.
— — other sources, Mkh. 2, 49, 66-90, 95; 57, 30-32.
Râm, angel, Sd. 87, 2.
Râma, priest, Int. 39, 40.
Râmyâr, priest, Int. 32 n.
Rapithwin, rite, Sd. 6, 2.
Rashnû, angel, Mkh. 2, 118, 119, 163; 8, 15 n; 22, 6 n; Sd. 1, 4; 18, 16; 58, 5; 87, 2; 100, 2.
Râvar; town, Int. 23.
Regulus, star, Sg. 4, 29 n.
Renovation of the universe, Mkh. 21, 23, 26; 27, 17; 57, 6, 31; Sg. 1, 28; 4, 11.
Renunciation of sin, Mkh. 52, 3, 16, 17; 53, 8; Sd. 45, 1, 2, 5-11; 84, 1.
Resurrection, Mkh: 2, 95, 193; 21, 10 n; 27, 36, 53; 37, 11; 57, 7, 31; 62, 28 n; 63, 6 n; Sg. 14, 39; 15, 40-42; Sd. 1, 3; 62, 4; 81, 4.
Rivâyat, Pl., Mkh. 27, 15 n.
— Per., Mkh. 27, 33 n, 50 n; Sd. 52, 1 n.
River of tears, Sd. 96, 2.
Romer, Mr. J., Int. 29, 39, 41.
Rôshan, com., Int. 26, 27; Sg. 1, 35 n; 10, 54; priest, Int. 26; Sg. 10, 53; 11, 213.
Rûstâm, man, Int. 18, 44.
Sabbath, Sg. 13, 14.
Sachau, Prof., Int. 23; Mkh. 27, 67 n.
Sacred cake, Mkh. 16, 17; Sd. 12, 5; 13, 2, 4, 5, 7; 21, 7; 37, 1, 3; 52, 1, 3; 55, 1.
Sacred feast, Sd. 13, 2, 4, 5, 7; 21, 2, 5; 37, 1, 3
— fire, Mkh. 36, 9 n; 53, 5 n; Sd. 39, 1-5; 92, 1-6.
— shirt, Mkh. 2, 35 n.
— thread-girdle, Mkh. 2, 35 n; Sd. 10, 1-8, 15; 46, 1-3; 82, 1-3; 84, 2.
— twigs, Mkh. 57, 28; Sd. 68, 14.
Sad Dar, long-metre, Int. 37; Sd. 0, 6 n.
— — metrical, Int. 37, 43-45; Sd. 0, 6 n.
— — prose, Sd. 0, 6 n; age, Int. 37-39, 44, 45; described, Int. 36-39; MSS., Int. 39-45.
Sad Darband-i Hush, book, Int. 45; Sd. 5, 7 n.
Sâhm, hero, Mkh. 27, 49; 62, 4, 20, 23; Sd. 9, 5; 52, 1 n.
Salm; prince, Mkh. 27, 43.
Sangân, town, Int. 22, 24, 42.
Sasanian nobles, Mkh. 1, 7 n.
Satavês, star, Mkh. 49, 11 n; 62, 13; Sg. 4, 29, 35.
Saturn, planet, Sg. 4, 30, 32, 41.
Savah, region, Mkh. 16, 10, 44, 13; 62, 25.
Season-festivals, Mkh. 4, 5; 57, 13; Sd. 6, 2.
Sêg, fiend, Sd. 32, 5.
Sênô mûrûv, see Griffon bird.
Shâhnâmah, Mkh. 8, 27 n, 29 n; 27, 21 n, 45 11; Sd. 9, 5 n.
Shâhpûr, king, Sg. 10, 70.
Shahrîvar, day, Int. 32; month, Int. 40.
Shatrô-aîyyâr, man, Int. 18, 19, 21.
Shatvaîrô, day, Int. 18.
Simurgh, see Griffon bird.
Sindh, land, Int. 23.
Sirius, star, Mkh. 49, 5 n; Sg. 4, 53 n.
Sîrôzah, rite, Sd. 5, 1 n.
Sîstân, land, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Sîyâvakhsh, prince, Mkh. 2, 95 n; 27, 55; 57; dastûr, Int. 37.
Son of God, Sg. 15, 25-28.
Sophistry answered, Sg. 6, 35-45.
Sôshâns, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95; 27, 63; 57, 7; Sd. 52, 1 n.
Spâhân, town, Sg. 2, 2.
Spend nask, Sd. 4, 3 n; 16, 3 n; 18, 3 n.
Spendârmad, angel, Sd. 33, 2; 44, 1; 65, 5; 85, 3.
Spenzagar, demon, Sg. 4, 52.
Spiegel, Prof., Int. 24.
Spirit of wisdom, described, Int. 16.
Spîtamân, see Zaratûst.
Srôsh, angel, Mkh. 2, 115, 118, 124, 141, 143, 162; 8, 14; 27, 33 n; 44, 35; 62, 5, 25; Sg. 8, 128 n; Sd. 21, 10; 47, 1, 3; 58, 4, 7, 8; 87, 1; day, Int. 33.
— bâz, Sd. 14, 2, 4-6.
— yast, Sd. 5, 1 n.
Srôvar, snake, Mkh. 27, 50; Sd. 9, 5.
Stars of various germs, Mkh. 49, 7-11.
Sûdkar nask, Mkh. 44, 35 n.
Sultan Muthaffar-shâh, Int. 34.
Supreme heaven, Mkh. 7, 11; 57, 9, 13; Sd. 79, 5; 80, 11.
Syriac, Int. 28; Sg. 14, 42 n.
Sikand-gûmânîk Vigâr, Sg. 1, 38; age, Int. 26, 27; described, Int. 25-28; MSS., Int. 28-36.
Tâkhmorup, Mkh. 27, 21, 33 n; Sd 52, 1 n.
Talmud, Sg. 14, 36 n, 50 n.
Tanâvar good work, Sd. 12, 9; 95, 2.
— sin, Sd. 41, 4; 48, 2; 50, 5; 56, 3; 66, 3; 68, 1-3; 74, 5; 82, 2; 100, 1.
Taparistân, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Tehmuras Dinshawji, priest, Int. 18.
Three-legged ass, Mkh. 62, 6, 26, 27.
Three-nights’ punishment, Mkh. 21, 10.
Thrita, hero, Mkh. 27, 49 n.
Time, personified, Mkh. 27, 10; Sg. 16, 31, 79, 80; unlimited, Mkh. 8, 8, 9, 15; Sg. 6, 6.
Tîr, planet, Mkh. 49, 5 n.
Tîstar, Mkh. 49, 5, 6, 10 n-12 n; 62, 41, 42; Sg. 4, 29, 36, 52.
Tîstar-yâr, priest, Int. 44; Sd. 0, 6.
Tobit, Mkh. 2, 115 n.
Treasurers for the soul, Sg. 4, 92-96.
Tree of knowledge, Sg. 13, 19, 22, 33, 122, 126, 132, 138, 139, 143, 146.
Tree opposed to harm, Mkh. 62, 37, 41.
Trinity, Sg. 15, 46-62.
Tûg, prince, Mkh. 27, 43.
Tûr, land, Mkh. 27, 34.
Tûrânians, Mkh. 21, 25.
Tûr-î Brâdar-vakhsh, man, Sd. 9, 5.
Two-legged demons, Sg. 16, 15.
Ukhshyad-ereta, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95 n.
— nemangh, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95 n.
’Umân gulf, Mkh. 62, 13 n.
Unnatural intercourse, Mkh. 8, 10; 36, 4, 5; Sd. 9, 1, 4, 5.
Ursa Major, Mkh. 49, 15.
Urumiyah lake, Mkh. 2, 95 n.
Vadakân, title, Mkh. 57, 25.
Vâê the bad, demon, Mkh. 2, 115; 47, 8.
— the good, angel, Mkh. 2, 115; Sd. 87, 2 n.
Vaêkereta, town, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Vâg, see Inward prayer.
Vâhrâm, angel, Mkh. 2, 115; 36, 9; 53, 5; planet, Mkh. 49, 15 n.
— î Vargâvand, king, Sd. 52, 1 n.
Vanand, star, Mkh. 49, 12; Sg. 4, 29, 34.
Vardast, dastûr, Int. 37.
Varkash sea, Mkh. 44, 15; 62, 26, 28.
Vâzist fire, Sg. 4, 53.
Vega, star, Mkh. 62, 53 n.
Vêgan, priest, Int. 19.
Venus, planet, Mkh. 62, 13 n; Sg. 4, 30, 35, 42.
Vîdadafsh, region, Mkh. 16, 10.
Vikaji, priest, Int. 22.
Vîrôd religion, Sg. 4, 1.
Visparad, Sd. 5, 1 n.
Vistâsp, king, Mkh. 13, 14; 27, 2, 68; 57, 20, 21; Sd. 52, 1 n. See Kaî-Vistâsp.
Vîvangha, man, Mkh. 27, 24.
Vîzaresh, demon, Mkh. 2, 161, 164, 166.
Vohu-fryãn fire, Mkh. 16, 39 n.
Vohûman, angel, Sg. 8, 128, 129; Sd. 14, 8 n; month, Int. 33. See Bahman.
Vôrûbarst, region, Mkh. 16, 10.
Vôrûgarst, region, Mkh. 16, 10.
Wednesday, Sg. 13, 101.
Westergaard, Prof.; Int. 18.
Wilson, Prof. H. H., Int. 29.
Windischmann, Mkh. 27, 15 n.
Wisdom, acquired, Mkh. 1, 49 n.
— innate, Mkh. 1, 49 n; 2, 195; 57, 5.
Yast, Sd. 12, 5; 98, 1.
Yathâ-ahû-vairyô formula, Sd. 7, 1; 14, 2, 3, 5, 6; 21, 9; 24, 2; 30, 2; 56, 4; 84, 1.
Yazad-yâr, priest, Int. 22, 41, 44, 45; Sd. 0, 6.
Yazd, town, Int. 23.
Yim, king, Mkh. 8, 17; 27, 33 n; 57, 21; Sd. 52, 1 n; his enclosure, Mkh. 27, 27, 29; 61, 9 n; 62, 3; 15; Sd. 10, 7.
Yimakân m., Mkh. 62, 15 n.
Yimshêd, king, Mkh. 27, 24. See Jamshêd.
Zâd-sparam, Int. 27.
Zand, Sd. 81, 9.
Zandîk, Int. 27; Mkh. 36, 16 n.
Zarafsân river, Mkh. 44, 17 n.
Zarah. lake, Mkh. 27, 44 n.
Zaratûst, apostle, Mkh. 2, 95 n; 57, 20, 24, 26; Sg. 10, 63, 64; 11, 256 n; Sd. 1, 2, 3; 4, 3, 4; 9, 5; 10, 15; 52, 1 n; 61, 2; 65, 9, 10; 67, 5; 81, 2, 10; 85, 2; 98, 3; 99, 2; the Spîtamân, Mkh, 1, 10; 13, 15; Sd. 0, 12; 10, 12; 16, 3; 25, 6; 79, 5; supreme, Sg. 1, 18.
— priest, Int. 32 n.
— î Âtûr-frôbagân, Int. 17; Sg. 10, 53 n.
Zargar, prince, Sg. 10, 67.