Five Stages of Greek Religion, by Gilbert Murray, [1925], at sacred-texts.com
p. 226
p. 227
- Achaioi, 45, 49
- Acropolis, 71, 72
- Aeschylus, [12_4], 43
- Affection, 104, 109
- Agesilaus, 86
- Agriculture, Religion in, 5 f.
- Alexander the Great, 92, 93, 94, 115, 159
- Allegory, in Hellenistic philosophy, 165 ff.;
- in Olympian religion, 74
- ἀλληλοφαγία, [98_1]
- Alpha and Omega, God as, 148
- Anaximander, [33_1]
- Angel = Megethos, 142;
- star, 144
- Animal sacrifice, 188 f.
- Anthesteria, 16, 34
- Anthister, [18_2]
- Anthropomorphism, 10 ff., 140
- Antigonus Gonatas, [152_2]
- Antiochus I, 144
- Anti-semitism, 162
- Antisthenes, 87, 89 f., 96
- Apathy, [103_1], 109
- Apellôn = Apollôn, 51
- Aphiktor, 28
- Aphrodite, 57
- Apollo, 50, 72
- Apotheosis of Hellenistic kings, [152_2]
- Apparitions, primitive belief in, 27
- Apuleius, 148
- Aquinas, 3
- Archontes, 164
- Ares, 57
- Aretê, 89, 96, 99, 104 f.
- Aristarchus of Samos, 141
- Aristophanes, [20_3], [22_1], [62_1]
- Aristotle, 3, 114 f., 117, 120, 127, 136, 153, 154_3
- Ark of Israel, 68
- Arnim, von, [129_1], 172
- Arnold, Professor E. V., [100_1]
- Asceticism in antiquity, 196
- Astrology, 143 f., [211_1]
- Astronomy, 97
- Ἀθάνα (Ἀθήνη), [53_1]
- Atheism, 181 f., 190
- Athena, [53_1], 71, 72, 74;
- = Athenaia Korê, 52;
- Pallas, 52
- Athens, effect of defeat of, 79 f.
- Atomic Theory of Democritus, 101;
- of Ionia, 105
- Attis, 185
- 'Attributes', animals as, 20
- Augustine, St., 175, 177
- Aurelius, Marcus, religion of, 175 f.
- Bacchos, 161
- Bacon, Professor, 172
- 'Barbaroi' as opposed to Hellenes, 39;
- βαρβαρόφωνοι, [42_2]
- Bardesanes, [164_1]
- Barnabas, St., 161
- Beast-mask, 23
- Bendis, 151
- Bethe, E., [150_1]
- Bevan, E., xvi, [39_1], [100_1], [154_2], 172
- Birth-rate, its effect on early Christian sects, 194
- Blessedness, Epicurus on, 106
- Body, Fifth, 137
- p. 228 βοῶπις, 24
- Bousset, W., xv, 126, [150_3], 162, 172
- Buddhism, 10
- Bull, blood of, 20;
- in pre-Hellenic ritual, 19
- Bury, Professor J. B., xv
- Carpenter, Dr. E., 172
- Cauer, P., [49_1]
- Centaurs, 60
- Chadwick, H. M., xv, 45_3, [57_3], 59
- Chaldaeans, 144, 151
- Chance, 131, 147
- Charles, Dr., 172
- χρᾶν, 37
- χρεία, 90
- Christianity, 88, 90, 96, 109, 115, 119, 123, 173, 181 f., 192
- Christmas, Father, 15
- Christos, 163
- Chrysippus, 115, [145_1], [145_3], [145_4], 146, 166
- Chthonioi, as oracles, 37
- Cicero, [27_2]
- Circular movement, [208_1]
- Circumcelliones, 35_1
- City of gods and men, world as, 76;
- of Refuge, in the Laws, 83;
- of Righteousness, in the Republic, 83:
- see Polis
- Cleanthes, 135, 141, 165
- Clemen, Carl, 172
- Coinage, deface of, 90
- 'Collective Desire', God defined as the, 26, 29
- Colotes, [111_1]
- Comitatus, 46
- Commagene, 144
- Conceptions, Common, 200
- Constantine, 194
- Constantius, 179
- Convention, 91
- Conybeare, F. C., 172
- Cook, A. B., [16_2], 23, [24_1], 49 f., [56_3], 65_1
- Copernicus, 97
- Corinna, 43
- Cornford, F. M., [33_1]
- Cornutus, 166
- Cosmopolîtes, 92
- Cosmos, 97, 208
- Crates, [95_1], 166
- Creeds, 173 f., 178, 183
- Crucifixion, [163_1]
- Cumont, F., [35_1], 126, 172
- Cynics, 3, 90, 93, 104;
- women among, [95_1]
- Cyropaedeia, 85
- Cyrus, 85
- Daemon = Stoicheion, 142
- Dance, religious, 27 f.
- Davenport, F. M., [26_1]
- Davy, G., 6_1
- Dead, worship of, 62
- Deification, E. Bevan on, [154_2]
- Deliverer, the, 108
- Delos, 51
- Delusio, 169
- Demeter, 72
- Democritus, Atomic Theory of, 101
- Demos, 82
- Demosthenes, 82
- Destiny, Hymn to, 135:
- see Fate
- Dharma, 10
- Diadochi, 155
- Diasia, 14
- διατριβή, 90
- Dicaearchus, 121 f.
- Didascaliae, 121
- Diels, [33_1], [129_1], 172
- Dieterich, A., [17_2], [23_2], [29_2], 126, 146, [150_3], 172
- Dio Cassius, 142
- Diocletian, 194 f.
- Diodorus, 144 f.
- Diogenes, 90, 95;
- his 'tub,' 92
- p. 229 Diogenes of Oenoanda, [101_1], 114, 169 f.
- Dione, 56
- Dionysius, 17, 20, 72, 84, 159
- δίοπτρα, 122
- Disciples, qualifications and conduct of, 200
- Discouragement due to collapse of the Polis, 81
- Dittenberger. W., [16_1], [156_1]
- Divine Mother, 164;
- 'Divine Wisdom', personified, 165
- Dodds, E. R., [181_1]
- Doutté, E., 26 f.
- Dramaturge, 97
- Drômenon, spring, 32 f.
- Dümmler, [87_1]
- Durkheim, Professor Émile, [6_1]
- Earth, divinity of, 137;
- Earth-mother, 29
- ἡδονή, 106
- Education, [113_3]
- Ekstasis, 150
- Elements, Apuleius on, 148;
- divinity of, 137;
- in the Kosmos, 142
- ἐμψυχοῦν, [200_1]
- Enthousiasmos, 150
- Eôs, 53
- Epictetus, morals of, 176
- Epicureans, 3, 110 f., 113, 119, 130, 145 f., 181
- Epicurus, 101, 113, 129 f., 135, 140 f., 170, [192_1]
- Epiphanês, 155
- Epiphanius, 172
- ἥρωες, 37
- Euergetês, 156
- Euhemerus, 160
- Euripides, [12_4], [54_3], passim, 143, 152
- Eusebius, [27_4], 197
- Evans, Sir A., 20, 65_1
- Evil, existence of, 215;
- origin of, 186, 214
- Expurgation of mythology, 75 f.;
- Olympian, 61 f., 67 f.
- Eye of Bel, 143
- Failure, Great, 82
- Farnell, Dr. L. R., [18_1], [20_1], 44
- Fate, 132, 134, 145, 146 f., 211 f.
- Federations, 80
- Ferguson, W. S., [152_2]
- First Cause, 185, 205 f.
- Fortune, 91, 131 f., 212 f.
- Fourth Century, Movements of, 3, 79
- Frazer, Sir J. G., [16_2], [18_1], [35_1], [154_1]
- Gaertringen, Hiller von, [18_2]
- Galaxy, 204
- Games, Roman gladiatorial, 94
- Garden, 107 f., 114
- Gardner. P., [57_2], [149_1]
- Gennep, A. Van., [31_1]
- γέρων, 31
- Gerontes, 36
- Ghosts, 221
- Giants, 60
- γίγνεσθαι, forms of, 216 f.
- γλαυκῶπις, 24
- Gnostics, 3, 123, 128, 137 f., 148, 162
- God, as the 'collective desire', 26, 29;
- conception of, in savage tribes, 9;
- does not rejoice, nor is angered, 218;
- essence of, 158;
- home of, 148;
- of the Jews, 163;
- rejections of, 222 f.;
- unchangeable, 187;
- Union with, 147
- God-Man, as King, 152 f.
- Gods, communion with, 188;
- Cosmic and Hypercosmic, 206 f.;
- men as, 136;
- nature of, 200 f.;
- Twelve, 207;
- unchangeable, 217;
- why worshipped, 218
- p. 230 Good, the, 88 f., 110, 185 f., 206;
- happiness of, 224 f.;
- Idea of, as Sun of the spiritual universe, 94
- γραῦς, 31
- Gruppe, Dr., [18_1], [50_3], [52_1], [56_3], 172
- Hagia Triada, sarcophagus of, 20
- Halliday, W. R., [32_2]
- Happiness, Natural, 104
- Harnack, A., 193
- Harrison, Miss J. E., xiv, 13, passim, [148_1]
- Hartland, E. S., 9
- Haverfield, Professor F. J., 127
- Heath, Sir T., [141_1]
- Heaven, Third, 149
- Hebrews, 125
- Hecataeus, 143
- Heimarmenê, 134, 145, 211
- Helen, Korê as, 138
- Hellenes, conquered tribes took name of, 42;
- no tribe of, existing in ancient times, 41;
- same as Achaioi, 40
- Hellenism, as standard of culture, 41
- Hellenistic Age, 3 f., 114, 117, 125, 131, 144, 161, 167;
- culture, 125;
- philosophy, 165;
- revival, 40 f.;
- spirit, 152
- Hera, 56
- Heraclitus of Ephesus, 167
- Herakles, 56, 89
- Hermes, 55, 151
- Hermetica, 148, 151
- Hermetic communities, 146
- Hermias, [116_1]
- Herodotus, [27_3], 39, 41, [42_1], 44;
- religion of, 175
- Heroes, philosophers as, 153
- Heroic Age, 48 f., 57
- Heroism, religious, of antiquity, 192
- Hesiod, 44, 64 f.
- Hipparchia, [95_1]
- Hippolytus, 172
- Hoffmann, Dr. O., [43_1], [52_2]
- Hogarth, D. G., [24_1]
- Holocaust, 14
- Homer, 9, 44 f., 48 f., [54_3], passim, 64 f.
- Hosiôtêr, bull as, 20 f.
- Hubert and Mauss, MM., [189_1]
- Idealists, 82
- Idols, defence of, [77_1]
- Illusion, 112, 119
- Impalement, [163_1]
- Infanticide, 177
- Initiations, Hellenistic, 148
- Instinct, 100
- Interpreters, Planets as, 144
- Ionia, 59 f.
- Ionian tradition, 101, 104
- Ionians, 51
- Iphigenia, [61_1]
- Iranes, 32
- Irenaeus, 172
- Iris, 55
- Isis, 151, 166
- Isocrates, 81
- Jacoby, [160_1]
- Jaldabaoth = Saturn, 147
- Javan, sons of, 42
- Jews, 125, 151, 188;
- God of, 163
- Judaism, 193
- Julian, xvi, 4, 179 ff., 184 f., 197
- Justin, [64_1]
- Kaibel, [61_1]
- Kant, 136
- Keraunos, 155
- Kêres, 34
- Kern, O., [21_2]
- King, I., [29_1]
- p. 231 Kings, as gods, 191;
- divine, titles of, 155 ff.;
- predictions concerning, by Planets, 144;
- worship of, 156
- Koios, 166
- Korê, 63 f.;
- as fallen Virgin, 138;
- Earth, 30;
- Earth Maiden and Mother, 137
- Kosmokratores, 146, 148, 164
- Kosmos, 147, [200_1];
- Moon as origin of, 169;
- planets as Elements in, 142
- Kourê, Zeus, 150
- Kourêtes, 150;
- Spring-song of, 30
- Kouroi, 30;
- dance of, 28
- Kouros, 63 f., 71;
- Megistos, 28;
- Sun as, 30;
- Year-Daemon, 32
- Kourotrophos, Earth, 30
- κράτος and βία, 25, [157_1]
- Kronos, 45
- κτίσαντα, 23
- κτίσιν, 23
- Kynosarges, 89
- Lampsacus, 107
- Lang, Andrew, xiii, [16_2], [23_2]
- Λάθε βιώσας, 110
- Leaf, W., [40_1], [49_1]
- Leagues, 80
- Leontion, 108
- Life, inward, 119 f.
- Λόγος, 135
- Lucian, Icaro-Menippos, [15_1]
- Lucretius, 38, 105, [106_1], 114
- Lysander, 155
- Lysias, 81
- McDougall, W., 124_1
- Macedon, 81, 127
- Macedonians, 93, 116, 122
- Mackail, Professor J. W., 42
- Man, First, 164;
- Righteous, of Plato, 163;
- Second, 163 f.;
- Son of Man, 163
- Man-God, worship of, 156 ff.
- Mana, 19, 21, 24, 34, [157_1]
- Marett, R. R., [124_1]
- Margoliouth, Professor, [167_1]
- Markos the Gnostic, 150
- Marriage, Sacred, 17 f.
- Maximus of Tyre, [77_1]
- Mayer, M., 45_3
- Meade, G. R. S., 172
- Mediator between God and worshipper, 189;
- Mithras as, 151;
- Saviour as, 162
- Medicine-king, as θεός, 25, 152;
- powers of, 25
- Megethos, 142
- Meilichios, in the Diasia, 14, 19
- Meister, R., [53_1]
- Meyer, Ed., [154_3]
- Mind, nature of, 209
- Mithraic communities, 146
- Mithraism, 148
- Mithras, 123, 139, 152;
- as Mediator, 151;
- Liturgy, 146, 148;
- religion of, 21
- Mommsen, August, [14_1], [17_1], [18_1]
- Monotheism, 69 f.
- Moon, as Kourotrophos, 30;
- as origin of Kosmos, 169;
- divinity of, 136 ff.
- Morals, minor, 177;
- of antiquity, 177 f.;
- of Christians, 178
- Moret, [23_2]
- Mother, Divine, 164;
- Great, 185
- Mülder, D., [53_1], [57_1]
- Mullach, 172
- Müller, H. D., [57_1]
- Music of the Spheres, 142
- Myres, J. L., 40_1
- Mysteries, 93
- Mystic letters, 219
- Mysticism, 169
- Mythology, Olympian, 75
- p. 232 Myths, Sallustius' treatment of, 221 f.;
- why divine, 201;
- five species, 202;
- explanation of examples, 203
- Naassenes, 146, 162
- Nature, the return to, as salvation for man, 91
- Nausiphanes, 101
- Neo-Platonism, 181
- Nerve, failure of, 123.
- Nikator, 155
- Nilsson, M. P., [18_2], [21_2], [31_1], [32_2]
- Nilus, St., 21
- Norden, [159_1]
- Octavius, 164, 182, [190_1]
- Odin, 59
- Ogdoas, 147
- Oimôgê, 79, 116
- Olympian expurgation, 61 f., 67 ff.;
- family, 11;
- reformation, 58, 61 ff.;
- stage, 2;
- theology, 4
- Olympian Gods, brought by Northern invaders, 45;
- character of, 46;
- coming of, 43;
- why so called, 44 f.
- Olympian religion, achievements of, 72 ff.;
- beauty of, 73;
- conception of, 131;
- failure of, 67
- Olympians, origin of, 39 ff.
- Olympus, Mount, 46
- Optimism, 193
- Oracles, 37
- Oreibasius, 27
- Oreibates, 27
- Organization, social, 214
- Origins, Religious, 1
- Orphic Hymns, [30_1];
- literature, [64_1]
- Orphism, 148
- Orthia, 32
- Osiris, 166
- Othin, [50_1]
- οὐσία, [200_1]
- Ovid, [52_2]
- Ozymandia, 144
- Pagan prayer, a, 197 f.;
- reaction, 173 f.
- Paganism, final development of, 192 f.;
- struggle with Christianity, 195 f.
- Palimpsest, manuscript of man's creed as, 199
- Palladion, 52
- Pallas, Athena as, 52, 71
- Panaetius, 145
- Paribeni, R., [20_2]
- Parker, Mrs. Langloh, 12
- Parmenides, 12, [113_2]
- πάτρια, τὰ, 37
- Paul. St., 2 f., 7, 23, 33, 60, 124, 137, 149, 157_1, 161, 164
- Pauly-Wissowa, [14_1]
- Pausanias, [27_3], [54_2], passim
- Payne, E. J., [29_1], [30_2]
- Pelasgians, 42, 44
- πέμπτον σῶμα, 137
- Periclean Age, 87, 89
- Peripatetic School, 114 f., 116;
- spirit, 122
- Peripatos, 114
- Persecution of the Christians, 181
- Persephone, 74 f.
- φαρμακός, 34
- Pheidias, 50
- φιλανθρωπία, 156, 158
- φιλία, 104, 109
- Philo, 172, 177
- Phusis, 99, 135, [200_1]
- Pindar, [31_3], 43, [52_2]
- Pisistratus, 43, 53
- πίστις, 7
- Planets, seven, history and worship of, 140 ff.
- Plato, 3, 12_4, 82, 109, 126, 129, 163
- p. 233 Pleasure, pursuit of, 110
- Plotinus, 2, 4, [10_2], 135;
- his union with God, 149
- Plutarch, [27_3] [32_1], [34_2], [54_2], passim
- Poimandres, 162
- Πολιάς, ἡ, or Πολιεύς, ὁ, 71
- Poliouchoi, 67
- Polis, collapse of, 80, 127 f.;
- projection of, 71;
- religion of, 71, 75 f.;
- replaces Tribe, 66 f.
- Polybius, 80
- Porch, 114
- Porphyry, [149_2], [188_2]
- Poseidon, 54
- Posidonius, 146, 159
- Predestination, 145
- Preuss, Dr., 2
- Proclus, [209_2]
- Proletariates, 194
- Pronoia or Providence, Stoic belief in, 90, 135
- Providence, 210 f.
- ψυχή, [200_1]
- Ptah, 151
- Ptolemaios Epiphanês, 156 f.
- Punishment, eternal, 9;
- why not immediate, 223
- Purpose of Dramaturge, 97
- Pythagoras, 167
- Pythias, 116
- Rack, martyrs happy on the, 192
- Reason, as combatant of passion, 91
- Redeemer, of the Gnostics, 162 f.;
- Son of the Korê, 138
- Redemption, mystery of, 163
- Reformation, Olympian, 61 ff.
- Refuge, City of, in the Laws, 83
- Refugees, sufferings of, 102
- Reinach, A. J., [25_1]
- Reinach, S., [25_1], [68_1], 172
- Reisch, E., [11_1]
- Reitzenstein, xv, 126, [150_3], 172
- Religion, description of, 5;
- eternal punishment for error in, 9;
- falseness of, 7 ff.;
- Greek, extensive study of, xiii;
- traditional, 127;
- significance of, 1
- Religious Origins, 1
- Republic, 94
- Retribution, 33
- Reuterskiold, [21_3]
- Revelations, divine, 171;
- series of, to worshippers, 151
- Revival, Hellenistic, 40 ff.
- Ridgeway, Professor, [40_1], [54_1]
- Righteousness, City of, in the Republic, 83
- Rivers, Dr., [31_2]
- Robertson Smith, Dr., 21 f.
- Rome, a Polis, 127
- Ruah, 138
- Sacraments, 148
- Sacrifice, human, 35, [61_1];
- condemned by Theophrastus, [188_2];
- Porphyry on, [188_2];
- reason for, 219 f.
- Sallustius, xvi, 165, 179, 183, 193
- Saturn, 147
- Saviour, as Son of God and Mediator, 161 f.;
- dying, 35 f.;
- Third One, 33
- Sceptics, jeux d'esprit of, 87
- Schultz, W., 172
- Schurtz, Ed., [31_1]
- Schwartz, [159_1]
- Scott, W., 172
- Seeck, O., [53_1], 172
- Sky, phenomena of, as origin of man's idea, 136
- Snake, supernatural, 19
- p. 234 Social structure of worshippers, 151
- Solon, 43
- σῶμα, [200_1]
- Sophocles, 123
- Sophrosynê, 73, 83, 114, 152, 197
- Sors: see Fortune.
- Sôtêr, 155
- Soul, divinity of, 153;
- human, as origin of man's idea, 136;
- immortal, 186;
- nature of, 209 f.;
- salvation of, 164
- Sparta, Athens defeated by, 80;
- constitution of, 87;
- power of, 81
- Spirit, Holy, 137;
- personified, 165
- Stars, divinity of, 136 ff., [153_1]
- Steiner, von H., Mutaziliten, [10_2]
- Stoicism, 117, 146
- Stoics, 3, 76, 95, 104, 109 f., 119, 128, 130, 145, 160, 165
- Συμπάθεια τῶν ὅλων, 145
- Sun, 187;
- as Kouros, 30;
- = both orb and ray, [203_1];
- divinity of, 137 ff.;
- worship of, 139
- Sunoikismos, 63
- Superstition, 130
- Sweetness, Epicurus on, 106
- Swine, sacred, 19
- Tabu, 34 ff.
- Tarn, W. W., [80_1], [152_2]
- Teletai, 32
- Thales, 2
- θαρρεῖν, 95, 103 f.
- Themis, 36, 37
- Theodoret, 181
- Theoi Adelphoi, 154
- Theophrastus, 143, [188_2]
- θεός = θεσός, 24;
- use of the word by poets, 12
- Thera, [18_2]
- θεσμοί, derivation of, [16_1]
- Thesmophoria, 16
- Thespis, 43
- Third One or Saviour, 33
- Thomson, J. A. K., 45_3
- Thoth, 151
- Thought, subjective, 128
- Thracians, 150 f.
- Thucydides, 41;
- religion of, 175
- Thumb, A., [43_1], [45_2]
- Transmigration of souls, 224
- Trigonometry, 122
- Trinity, 164
- Tritos Sôtêr, 163
- Τύχη: see Fortune
- 'Tyrants, Thirty', 84
- Uncharted region of experience, 5 ff., 171, 198
- Urdummheit, 2, 44, 72
- Usener, [101_1], [113_2], [129_1], 172
- Uzzah, 68
- Vandal, [40_2]
- Vegetarianism, [8_1]
- Vegetation-spirit, 32
- Verrall, A. W., [16_1]
- Vice, definition of, 213 f.
- Virgin, fallen, Korê as, 138
- Virtue, definition of, 213 f.
- Vision, 104
- Warde Fowler, W., [17_1]
- Webster, H., [31_1]
- Week of seven days, established, 142 f.
- Wendland, P., xvi, 126, 156, 172
- Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, U. von, [43_1], 59
- Wisdom, Divine, personified, 165;
- Wisdom-Teachers, 2
- Woodward, A. M., [32_1]
- Word, the, personified, 165
- p. 235 World, ancient and modern, 120;
- blessedness of, 168;
- end of, by fire, Christian belief in, 190;
- eternal and indestructible, 186 f., 189, 208, 220
- Xenophanes, 12
- Xenophon, 79, 85, 86
- Ξύνεσις, 73
- Year-Daemon, 32 f.
- Zeller, E., 128
- Zeno, 96 f., 98, 109, 129
- Zeus, Aphiktor, 28;
- in Magnesia bull-ritual, 21;
- Kourês, 150;
- Meilichios, 14;
- origin and character of, 49 f.;
- watchdog of, 93
- Zodiac, 144