The Grihya Sutras, Part 1 (SBE29), by Hermann Oldenberg, [1886], at
1 1-5. Having kept the vow (of fasting) through one fortnight, he should, on the first day of the dark fortnight, feed the Brâhmanas with boiled milk-rice prepared of one Kamsa of rice.
2. The small grains of that (rice) he should sacrifice (day by day) at the evening twilight to the west of the village, on a place which he has besmeared (with cowdung), with the formula, 'To Phala' (MB. II, 5, 17).
3. And with (the formula), 'To Phalla!' The same on the first day of the next dark fortnight.
4. He shall observe chastity till the end (of the rite).
5. A hundred cart-loads (of gold) will be his.
6 6-23. A Brâhmana should elect the site for building his house on white ground, a Kshatriya on red, a Vaisya on black, which should be even, covered with grass, not salinous, not dry—
7. Where the water flows off to the north-west.
8. (Plants) with milky juice or with thorns or acrid plants should not be there.
2, 1. ardhamâsavratî tâmisrâdau brâhmanân âsayed vrîhikamsaudanam. 2. tasya kanân aparâsu sandhyâsu pratyag grâmât sthandilam upalipya Phalâyeti guhuyât. 3. Phallâyeti kaivam evâparasmims tâmisrâdau. 4. brahmakaryam â samâpter. 5. âkitasatam bhavati. 6. gaure bhûmibhâge brâhmano lohite kshatriyah krishne vaisyoऽvasânam goshayet samam lomasam anîrinam asushkam. 7. yatrodakam pratyagudîkîm pravartate. 8. kshîrinah kantakinah [sic] katukâs kâtraushadhayo na syur.
9. (Soil) on which Darbha-grass grows, brings holy lustre;
10. Big sorts of grass, strength;
11. Tender grass, cattle.
12. Or (the site of the house) should have the form of bricks (?) or of . . . . . . . (?)
13. Or there should be natural holes (in the ground) in all directions.
14, 15. (A house) with its door to the east brings wealth and fame; with its door to the north, children and cattle. By one with its door to the south all wishes (are obtained). The back-door should not face (?) the house-door.
16. Milk-rice should be offered,
17. And a black cow,
18. Or a white goat. Or only milk-rice.
19. In the middle of the house he should sacrifice the fat (of the animal) and the milk-rice, mixed with Âgya, taking eight portions (of that mixture), with (the verse), 'Vâstoshpati!' (MB. II, 6, I.)
20. And with the seven last (texts) used at the driving away of misfortune (see above, chap. I, 20, 21).
21. After he has sacrificed, he should distribute Balis in the different directions (of the horizon).
9. darbhasammitam brahmavarkasyam. 10. brihattrinair balyam. 11. mridutrinaih pasavyam. 12. sâtâbhir (corr. sâdâbhir?) mandaladvîpibhir vâ. 13. yatra vâ svayamkritâh svabhrâh sarvatoऽbhimukhâ syuh. 14. prâgdvâram dhanyam yasasyam kodagdvâram putryam pasavyam ka dakshinadvâre sarve kâmâ. anudvâram gehadvâram 15. asamlokî (asamloki?) syât. 16. pâyaso havih. 17. krishnâ ka gaur. 18. ago vâ svetah pâyasa eva vâ. 19. madhye vesmano vasâm pâyasam kâgyena misram ashtagrihîtam guhuyâd Vâstoshpata iti. 20. yâs ka parâs saptâlakshmînirnode tâbhis ka. 21. hutvâ disâm balim nayed.
22. And towards the intermediate points, and upwards and downwards.
23. This (he should repeat) every year, or at the two sacrifices of the first-fruits (of rice and barley).
24 24. With the two (formulas), 'Obeying the will' (MB. II, 6, 7, 8), he should sacrifice two oblations.
25. He should pronounce the name of the person whom he wishes to subdue to his will, 'N.N.;' then that person will obey him.
22. avântaradisâm kordhvâvâkîbhyâm kai. 23. ऽvam samvatsare samvatsare navayagñayor vâ. 24. vasamgamâv ity etâbhyâm âhutî guhuyâd. 25. yam ikhed vasam âyântam tasya nâma grihîtvâsâv iti vasî hâsya bhavati.
428:1-5 2, 1-5 = Gobhila IV, 6, 13-16.
428:6-23 6-23 = IV, 7.
430:24 24 = IV, 8, 7 (25 deest).