Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24), E.W. West, tr. [1885], at
1. The sage asked the spirit of wisdom (2) thus: How many are those people whom it is necessary to consider as rich, and how many are those who are poor?'
3. The spirit of wisdom answered (4) thus: 'These are the people it is necessary to consider as rich:—(5) one is he who is perfect in wisdom; (6) the second, whose body is healthy, and he lives fearlessly; (7) the third, who is content with that which has come; (8) the fourth, he whose destiny is a helper in virtue; (9) the fifth, who is well-famed in the eyes of the sacred beings, and by the tongues of the good; (10) the sixth, whose trust is on this one, pure, good religion of the Mazda-worshippers; (11) and the seventh, whose wealth is from honesty.
12. 'And these are the people to be considered as poor:—(13) one is he with whom there is no wisdom; (14) the second, whose body is not healthy; (15) the third, who lives in his fear, terror 2, and falsehood; (16) the fourth, who is not ruling in his
own body; (17) the fifth, whose destiny is no helper; (18) the sixth, who is infamous in the eyes of the sacred beings, and on the tongues of the good; (19) and the seventh, who is old, and no child and kindred exist.'
70:2 L19 omits 'terror.'